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SITC 2021 Primer on Tumor Immunology & Cancer Immunotherapy (ABIM ONLY)
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How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

By completing this form, you attest that you have attended the activity in its entirety.
What is your professional role? (Select all that apply)
If your professional role was not listed, above, please list it here:
Which of the following best describes your primary work setting?
What is your area of specialization?
If your area of specialization was not listed above, please list it here:
How long have you been in practice (if applicable)?
How many patients with cancer do you currently see each week (if applicable)?
Please select the extent to which you agree/disagree that the activity supported the achievement of each learning objective:
Describe the key principles of tumor immunology and immunotherapy
Summarize the basic principles of passive immonotherapy, in which antibodies or T lymphocytes generated outside of the patient are administered with therapeutic intent
Discuss the techniques involved in active immunotherapy, including tumor antigen vaccintation as well as immune checkpoint blockade
Outline immune monitoring techniques, both in peripheral blood and sera, as well as in patient samples collected in pre-surgical trials
Enhance scientific exchange with colleagues and collaborators on research and application of cancer immunotherapies to improve outcomes of patients with cancer
Please select the extent to which you agree/disagree that the activity achieved the following:
The activity enhanced my current knowledge base.
The educational material provided useful information for my practice or research.
The content of this activity was fair, balanced, objective, and free of bias.
The faculty were effective in presenting materials.
The content was evidence based.
The activity provided appropriate and effective opportunities for active learning (e.g., case studies, discussion, Q&A, etc.).
The opportunities provided to assess my own learning were appropriate (e.g., questions before, during or after the activity).
If you perceived commercial bias, please indicate the presenter and topic.
Based upon your participation in this activity, do you intend to change your practice behavior? (Choose one of the following options.)
If you intend to change your approach to patient management, how confident are you that you will be able to make your intended changes?
Apply latest guidelines
I will be more likely to refer a patient to a clinical trial
Change in pharmacological therapy
Change in non-pharmacological therapy
Change in diagnostic testing (e.g. biomarker testing)
Change in how or when I refer patients to other specialists
Change in how or when I ask my patients about symptoms indicative of irAEs
I will be more likely to combine different immune-based therapies (together or with other agents)
Seek additional support to initiate IO treatment
If you need more information before you are able to change your approach to patient management, what information would be helpful?
Thinking about how your participation in this activity will influence your patient care, how many of your patients are likely to benefit in the next 3 months?
Which of the following do you anticipate will be the primary barrier to implementing these changes?
Would you recommend this program to a colleague?
What other topics would you like to see addressed at the SITC Primer on Tumor Immunology and Cancer Immunotherapy?
How did you first hear about this program?
Tell us what was good or bad about any part of the educational activity, content, speakers, materials, anything:
Please provide your name, email address and area of interest should you wish to be more involved in SITC or would like to become a member.
Please leave additional feedback on how SITC can improve your experience next year.
ABIM: If you do not provide your Member Number AND your DATE OF BIRTH, your hours cannot be uploaded to PARS.
(ABIM) Member Number - Example 123456:
(ABIM) Date of Birth (MM/DD) - Example September 24 would be 0924: 
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