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Overall quality of the session.
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Usefulness of handouts/AV.
  Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Salome Raheim
Mary Catherine Bateson, Evan Imber-Black, Martha Sullivan
Mirna Carranza, Pilar Hernandez, Rhea Almeida, Scott Browning, Rhea Fernandes, Steve Kravchuck, Regan Lee-Chin, Carolyn Lewis, Allison Reiter, Jodie Liman, Roxana Llerena-Quinn
Marsha Mirkin, Barry Ginsberg, B. Janet Hibbs, Janis Abrahms Spring
William Stanton, Maya Kollman, Katherine Allen
Lucy Raizman, Killian Fritsch, Bea Hollander-Goldfein
Salvia Bava, Laurie Charles, Lisa Gorbaty, Robert-Jay Green, John Sargent, Jack Saul, George Soto
Guillermo Bernal, Daniel Santisteban, Guy Diamond
Gonzalo Bacigalupe
Corky Becker, Martha Edwards, Mona Fishbane
Barry Jacobs, Eliana Korin, Joanna Dognin
Arlene Istar Lev, Monica McGoldrick, Patricia Minuchin, Jorge Colapinto
Margery Shelton, David Marsten, Duncan Wigg, Vicki Dickerson
Linda Lockspeiser, Betty Pristera
Rachel Dash, Jerry Gale
John Rolland, Justin McPheters, Elaine Willerton, Gus van Voorst, Nancy Ruddy, Lisa Lavelle
Michael Unger, Lynn Parker, Ken Dolan-Del Vecchio, Sanja Rolovic
Arlene Istar Lev, Michelle Mason, Jean Malpas, Michele Angello
Piero De Giacomo, Luciano L'Abate, Francesco Margari, Andrea De Giacomo, Wanda Santamato, Rita Masellis, Michael Elkin, Catherine Ducommun-Nagy, Patricia Papernow
Pilar Hernandez, Teresa McDowell, Charleen Alderfer, Tracey Duncan
Martha Sullivan
Howard Markman, Michele Scheinkman, Peggy Papp, Don-David Lusterman
Olga Herivs, Silvia Kaminsky
Sanja Rolovic, Michal Shimai, Kaethe Weingarten
Marion Lindblad-Goldberg, Muriel Singer, Shelley Green, Pat Cole, Anne Rambo, Susan Oppenheim
William Dougherty, Anne Fishel, Christine Whittmann, Barry Jacobs
Jacqueline Hudak, Ellen Pulleyblank Coffey
Ellen Landau, Pauline Boss
Hinda Winawer
Jean Turner, Alisa Beaver, Ana Elda Goldman
Ellen PulleyBlank Coffey, John Lawless, Robert-Jay Green, Jay Lappin, Nydia Garcia-Preto, Deidre Ashton, Guillermo Bernal, Gene Gardino
Peter Fraenkel, Melba Nicholson
John Frykman, George Greenberg, Piero De Giacomo
Conference organization.
Catherine Ducommun-Nagy, Susan McDaniel
Thomas Blume
Martha Sullivan, Don-David Lusterman
Pat Cole, Muriel Singer, Shelley Green, Anne Rambo
Deidre Ashton, Glenda Mendelsohn, CharlesEtta Sutton, Norbert Wetzel, Hinda Winawer
David Wohlsifer
Relevance of program for your work.
Please rate how well the following objectives were met:
Analyze cultural messages about intimacy and its complexities in familial and other types of relationships.
Summarize the emphasis on the nuclear family in the broader context of human evolution.
Identify processes of marginalization and racial micro-aggressions occurring in family therapy educational institutions.
Describe how a Biblical metaphor can be used to understand an intimacy struggle and open other possibilities.
List key clinical issues impacting sexual relationships that fall outside the dominant culture and rendered invisible.
Explain the importance of developing adherence scales to be used as directional maps to increase therapist and supervisor efficacy.
Describe recent policies that have led to the incarceration of children with undocumented parents.
Identify the research career development state on which to base their career plans.
Assess prevailing cultural assumptions about families in cross-cultural contexts though the use of film.
Discuss the role of affect in couples relationships.
Summarize the research findings on racial and ethnic disparities in U.S. healthcare delivery.
Identify the complex issues impacting families with a gender-variant, gender non-conforming, transgender, or transsexual member.
Distinguish between dialogue and monologue.
Discuss when and how spiritual issues are introduced into clinical work.
List specific mindfulness practices that can be used with Families and couples as well as the therapists themselves to aid in effectiveness.
Outline the components and structure of the Resilient Partners group model.
List specific methods for bringing Freire's philosophy into their daily work as change agents.
Describe the medical model of transsexualism, the Standards of Care of treatment, and the limitations of these models from a family systems perspective.
Discuss the Elementary Pragmatic Model and its application to psychotherapy.
Discuss processes of marginalization and racial micro aggressions occurring in family therapy educational institutions.
Identify applications of differential approaches toward policy development to disaster mental health work.
Summarize a new study comparing a new version of the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) delivered to fathers, mothers, and couples.
Describe what is involved in successful replication of an EBP like BSFT.
Identify how our intimate bonds are influenced by larger societal factors.
Examine trauma from a family perspective and not the typical focus on the individual perspective.
Describe the Families and Democracy Project and Citizen Health Care.
Explain why autoethnography is a viable qualitative research method for couple and family therapists.
Compare professional cases and personal experiences about physical or psychological losses that have no apparent resolution.
Identify treatment dilemmas at the confluence of privilege and racism in relationships of disparate levels of power in the professional context including treatment and supervision.
Discuss transnationalism as a concept.
Identify key growth areas for AFTA.
List at least 3 mental health or social justice problems for which family-centered community-based programs (CBP) have been created by AFTA members.
Utilize power sentences in therapy.
Content matched stated objectives.
Learn to identify the questions faced by the pioneers of family therapy pertaining to individual symptoms.
Summarize the history and current state of stepfamily scholarship.
Describe implications of current policies for gay, lesbian and transgendered families.
Explore differences between mature couples in a first marriage (or lengthy monogamous relationship) and subsequent marriages (or monogamous relationships) following widowhood or divorce.
Explore the inherent dilemmas between training/supervising/teaching postmodern ideas while responding to the increasing legalistic and modernist demands of practicing mental health.
Discuss the conceptual underpinnings and clinical responses in conditions which challenge the maintenance a systems focused perspective.
Compare the diverse ways in which people who identify as Jewish relate to Judaism and Jewish culture.
Examine the role songs can serve to support individual's and family's efforts to create greater intimacy in their relationships.
Describe the potential contribution of grandparents to child development.
Identify tools to help families notice and attend to the role of multiple differences in relative privilege or marginalization.
Explain how to structure the therapy through in-session behavioral rehearsal, home practice sessions and the supervision of audio-taped home practice sessions
Describe how internalized negative societal messages can impact the degree of intimacy and satisfaction within relationship.
Name the ethical and legal issues that arise when teaching postmodern theory.
Identify differences between the post deployment experiences of reservists and active duty military personnel.
Select a research mechanism to support their work based on their particular developmental state.
Discuss the use of film to explore complex self of the therapist dilemmas.
Discuss strategies either to focus, deepen, or process emotion in couple therapy.
Identify the healthcare needs and unique experiences of people of color.
Chart sibling patterns on a genogram.
Identify invitations or initiatives to the listener.
Compare personal and clinical responses to the discussion of spiritual material in practice.
Explain how to integrate specific mindfulness practices in sessions.
Utilize neuropsychological concepts in couples therapy.
Explain how problem children and families use their behaviors to enhance their resilience and well-being across cultures and contexts.
Explain why advocacy and community-centered models often further alienate family members, leaving gender-variant people isolated from sources of support.
Describe conceptually common processes of derailment and escalation in couples relationship.
Discuss how the concept of intergenerational transmission of trauma is reflected in some case examples of Holocaust Survivor families.
Summarize the transition to parenthood for first time couples who have conceived through IVF.
Examine how the work of stories can be useful in building resilience narratives.
Name six guidelines that have helped individuals, couples and families move forward despite ambiguous loss.
Explain the relevance of self-disclosure, and/or transparency to processes in which we identify those dilemmas.
Explain the usefulness of the concept of transnationalism for family therapists working with distinctive kinds of immigrant family situations.
Describe how trans-generational issues affect AFTA.
Discuss practical strategies for dealing with the trauma of hurricanes, i.e. New Orleans.
Identify three possible positions in discussing the balance between individual and systemic determinants of behaviors .
Critically examine available conceptual frameworks that apply to stepfamilies in formation.
Discuss the impact on families with undocumented adults of current detention practices.
Discuss the five-factor model of relational love and its use in evaluating and treating such couples.
Identify our personal and professional responses to these dilemmas.
Identify flexible, collaborative clinical responses in treatment/counseling setting with adolescents and families who are multiply stressed, economically disadvantaged in frequently crisis-laden contexts.
Outline the basics of the IFS model.
Identify how white faculty and colleagues can go beyond conversations about whiteness to engage in action mindful of structural and relational power.
Explain how to integrate community resilience, anti-racist and social health models with regard to post Katrina Recovery.
List roadblocks to successful replication.
Identify how political unrest affects our intimate bonds.
List at least 3 challenges faced in implementing CBPs, and 3 strategies/solutions for overcoming these challenges.
Identify the dynamic aspects of faith and culture in the life cycle.
Summarize the implications of research findings for the use of songs in family therapy.
Evaluate the potential contribution of older adults to society.
Apply the ethical paradigm of fairness to clinical work with individuals, couples and families.
Discuss issues of countertransference and clinical biases that may impact clinical care for sexual relationships that are outside the dominant culture.
Compare family theory through multiple theoretical lenses.
Identify the mentoring, institutional, networking resources to enhance their career paths.
Develop criteria for what may constitute good practices in the use of film for family therapy training.
Name ways that therapists use their own feelings in couple therapy.
Outline a sociocultural and interdisciplinary model of effective healthcare delivery for people of color.
Discuss the organization and interaction of elements within the foster care system, the difficulty of changing rule-bound structures and traditional procedures, and the challenge involved in improving the experience for children, families, and foster care staff.
Summarize how the spiritual/religion dimension impacts relationship issues and emotional wellbeing.
Identify, model and teach key strategies to initiate and maintain collaborative relationships with medical professionals.
Describe how to move beyond political animosity and towards a connection through addressing the feelings of isolation and one of mutual loss.
Discuss the complex issues impacting families with a gender-variant, or gender non-conforming, member and the role of the therapist in creating an atmosphere of support for all family members.
Explain a model of couples therapy based on understanding and changing the meaning system underlying a couple s interactional patterns.
Discuss the power of engaging in systematic witnessing or reflective projects.
Describe the sense of diminishment that frequently occurs with individuals whose age or illness makes them dependent upon others for basic care.
Practice the kinds of conversations that we that will lead us to greater confidence in our capacities to manage disaster.
Explain how to increase our personal and professional resiliency for working with this unique kind of loss.
Describe how to develop "just" and clinically effective context-specific responses.
Discuss historical issues that have influenced growth in AFTA.
Describe how to use the basics of Thought Field Therapy to effect instant emotional healing.
Teaching methods were appropriate.
Critique federal and state assistance plans for survivors of Hurricane Katrina in Houston.
Identify how they address this issue in their own work.
Create new prevention and intervention ideas based on a political science analysis of the stepfamily as a coalition government.
Assess the toll on families with young children of a range of human rights abuses.
Summarize the principles of mindfulness philosophy and practices and how these help the work of Family/couple therapy and research regarding the clinical use of mindfulness.
Explain the process of choosing which invitations to accept.
Trace the degree to which the couple continue a process of individuation and exploration that maintain novelty as the relationship grows.
Discuss possible solutions to these dilemmas.
List the multidimensional challenges and responses to providing socially just treatment.
Describe the research-based guidelines for effective step parenting.
Compare experiences as supervisors and supervisees based on race and gender composition.
Discuss methods of government/community/clinician/researcher collaboration in disaster mental health/recovery work.
Identify resources needed to successfully replicate BSFT.
  Identify how cross-cultural dialogue can increase intimate connections.
Discuss the issues that Latino immigrant families face due to marginalization within the settlement country.
Describe at least 3 ways in which the greater privilege afforded by the social locations of the program staff members may affect the implementation or evaluation of CBPs, and 3 approaches used to limit the potential negative effects and/or maximize the positive effects of differences between program staff and program recipients in social location and associated degree of privilege or oppression.
Name the familial, historical, social, psychological, and cultural factors that might have influenced Jewish Baby Boomers as well as their families' relationships to Judaism, Jewish Culture, Jewish Identity, and Jewish Community.
Meeting rooms and facilities.
On-site Support Provided by Staff.
Overall quality of the meeting.
Were your professional or personal expectations met during the conference?
What did you learn that you intend to integrate into your practice?
Please list any professional practice "gaps" / educational needs you would like to see addressed in future meetings
What did you like about the conference? What would make it better?
How did you hear about the conference? (Mark all that apply)