OIUF - 5th Annual Physician Conference "2010 Summit on Anterior Segment Therapy" - FOLLOW-UP SURVEY
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How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

By completing this form, you attest that you have attended the activity in its entirety.
This training gave me strategies I could use in my practice (professional competence)
I was able to use the strategies from the training to improve my professional performance

My patient outcomes improved due to the implementation of the strategies I acquired at the training.

I was able to transfer information from this training into my practice

An example of information I was able to transfer to my practice from this training is:
I was unable to transfer information from this training to my practice due to the following barriers:
Do you feel our conferences offer the most current information?

Would you be more inclined to attend future meetings (one day) with similar format but with a reduction in the number of talks?

Would you prefer panel discussions and more Q and A?

Would you be interested in attending half day Saturday conferences or short CME courses on weeknights at MERSI?

My professional competence (available strategies) would be improved if I had training on:

My professional performance (implementation of strategies) would be improved if I had training on:

My patient outcomes (as a result of implemented strategies) would be improved if I had training on:

I get more out of the following types of learning (check all that apply):

Are you more inclined to participate in online courses rather than attending conferences in person?

What is your profession:

If you answered "Other" as your profession, please specify:

Provide your comments and suggestions to further improve your competence, performance and/or patient outcomes in future meetings:
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