ORIPP 6.27.21 The Illusion of Love: Battered Woman and Battering Couple - Dr. David P. Celani
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Were the following objectives met?
1. Discuss and analyze the extreme importance of early maternal care, and the psychological consequence of empathic failures on the infant and child’s developing personality structure as described in Fairbairn’s Object Relations theory.
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2. Discuss and analyze how the early splitting defense is a consequence of intolerable traumatic memories of parental abandonments and empathic failures that are rejected by the child’s conscious “central ego.”
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3. Discuss and analyze how traumatic memories are forced into the unconscious via the defense of dissociation, and then coalesce into memories of the child in relation to his (intolerably) rejecting parent or parents.
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4. Discuss and analyze interpretation of the patient's antilibidinal vision of the battering partner as a replay of the original traumatic history in their family of origin; and how this must be done gradually without unnecessarily creating resistance.
Were the following objectives met?
5. Apply Fairbairn’s structural model to the patient’s libidinal ego view of the batterer when she is dominated by this ego state.
Were the following objectives met?
6. Interpret the patient’s libidinal view of the abuser as an exciting object by exploring the actual moments of tenderness in the patient’s history, and the relative number of these events in relation to antilibidinal memories of events.
Were the following objectives met?
7. Utilize confronting the patient’s central ego by interpreting both idealization or depreciating transferences to the therapist during the treatment process, and work toward integrating the two disparate and unintegrated views of the therapist as a bridge to integrating the exciting/ rejecting aspects of the batterer into an integrated view that is tolerated by the central ego.
Were the following objectives met?
8. Analyze how to respond to the separate ego and object structures that emerge during the clinical narrative, and respond to each in a way that is acceptable to the central ego.
Were the following objectives met?
9. Utilize the creation of a “therapeutic narrative” designed to explore another primary source of resistance (after the idealizing and depreciating transferences) which form a powerful barrier against change. [The narrative is designed to highlight parental failures which gradually expose the contents of the unconscious- most importantly the memories of neglect, abuse or indifference that are collected in the antilibidinal ego structure to the central ego. Caution must be used in this process because the central ego is only capable of accepting a small amount of information at the outset of treatment.]
Were the following objectives met?
10. Explore and analyze the final source of resistance which is the intense motivation contained in the self and object pairs. [Nothing is more important to the antilibidinal ego than to reform the rejecting object. Similarly, nothing is more important to her libidinal ego than to find the hidden love that it assumes exists in the original objects. Interpret how these ancient motives are re-played in the relationship with the batterer.]
Were the following objectives met?
11. Analyze and interpret the battering scenario that the patient has experienced by applying Fairbairn’s structural model to the three phase “Cycle Theory of Violence” described by Lenore Walker. [Note the shifts in ego state that move the interaction from one phase to the next.]
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