INTV - 4.16.21 #2 - MOD4 Cultural Consideration in Intervention and Case Mgmt
Mr pencil

How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

What activities did you attend at the event?
By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
Please rate the following:
The program was relevant to my work.
Content matched stated objectives.

Technology user friendly?

Course material presented the course effectively.

How well did the educational sessions give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of generic names?
If you rated any of the above questions with 'fair,' 'poor,' 'disagree,' or 'strongly disagree' please explain in detail (e.g. session title, speaker name, situtation):
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
Objective 1: Identify personal feelings and bias as it relates to providing services to individuals outside our own culture/race.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
Objective 2: Identify and implement techniques to provide cultural sensitive services.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
Objective 3: Implement strategies to serve underserved populations to ensure equitable access to appropriate treatment for all.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor used technology effectively
Understand how mutual support groups operate
Identify benefits of Mutual support groups for the recovery process
Identify components of various mutual support groups to help clients who choose groups as form of support
The instructor used technology effectively
Identify internal bias
Identify strategies for reducing discomfort to enhance client rapport
Partnering with the Client
The instructor used technology effectively
What are principles of cultural competent services?
How to assess for cultural competence
Melding your knowlegde with quality assesssments
The instructor used technology effectively
Understand military and first responder structure, culture, values and challenges
Clinical considerations when working with military and first responders
Ways to improve cultural competence when working with military and first responders
The instructor used technology effectively
Identify feelings about how it is to be judged based on something like the color of your skin
Identify family fucntioning and foster change in family system
Identify effective interview styles for use in intervention to get critical information to support process
The instructor used technology effectively
Identify Barries to care
Reduce stigma for all people to get care
Ensure ethically sound screening and assessment to ensure appropriate care
The instructor used technology effectively
identify cultural considerations
Explore relationships to recovery
Identify differences in families based on generational and immigration status.
The instructor used technology effectively
Identify facets of culture
Explore challenges to labeling culture and applying to multiple groups
How culture can impact communication
The instructor used technology effectively
Gain Knoweledge of the effects of intergenerational trauma on Native Communities
Consider Religion vs Spirituality
Idetnify and overcome stigmas and assumptions
The instructor used technology effectively
Understanding specific components of a wellbreity recovery meeting
Idetnify reasons for strucutre as it pertains to cultural needs
Identify comfort (or discomfort) at participating in a peer reocvery meeting that is not geared specifcally for your own culture
The instructor used technology effectively
Develop skill to assist families with developing recovery enabling behavior
Identify family fucntioning and foster change in family system
Identify effective interview styles for use in intervention to get critical information to support process
The instructor used technology effectively
Develop skill to assist families with developing recovery enabling behavior
Identify family fucntioning and foster change in family system
Identify effective interview styles for use in intervention to get critical information to support process
The instructor used technology effectively
Understand how mutual support groups operate
Identify benefits of Mutual support groups for the recovery process
Identify components of various mutual support groups to help clients who choose groups as form of support
The instructor used technology effectively
Considerations for Interventions
Considerations for Treatment
Considertation for Recovery
The instructor used technology effectively
Implement intervention strategies when clients refuse treatment.
Identify contingency plans for possible disruptions to the intervention plan
Manage family system to maintin healthy functioning in high stress environments.
The instructor used technology effectively
Establish goals using the Smart goal format based on ciient goals
Identify family goals for long term recovery
Create and implement long term care plans for the entire family system to build lasting recovery
The instructor used technology effectively
What is Acculturation and how does it impact Cultural Identificion
Health Disparties in cultural groups and their cuases
Cultural Attitudes towards alcohol and drugs
The instructor used technology effectively
What is the respecful model of counseling?
Tools to evaluate progress as a culturally competent provider
Provider role in identifying cultural considerations.
Please tell us about any sessions you found particularly good or bad.
Please tell us about any objectives you feel we accomplished well or poorly. 
Please tell us about any presenters you found particularly good or bad.
Please answer the following:
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
If faculty spoke about off-label or investigational uses of a product, was that information disclosed to you?
Was the mode of education effective to learning?
If you answered "No" to any of the above questions, please explain.
Did you perceive any product/service/company/commercial bias in any educational session you attended or materials you received?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please detail the situation below (e.g. session title, speaker name):
Were you solicited by sales personnel in an educational room (other areas do not matter) while you attended this educational activity?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please explain in detail (e.g. who, when, where):
How much did you learn as a result of this education program?
What specifically did you learn during this activity that you intend to integrate into your practice?

What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?

What patient/client problems or patient/client challenges do you feel you are not able to address appropriately or to your satisfaction?
What problems are your patients/clients communicating to you that need attention or follow up?

Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?

What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?

How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?

Additional comments:

Mr question