ORIPP 2021 Object Relations Institute for Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis Annual Meeting
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How many credit hours did you complete?
By completing this form, you attest that you have attended the number of hours you have indicated above.
Please rate your satisfaction with the content and quality of the program: 
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
If no, please explain...
Did you perceive any commercial bias or influence in the educational content?
If yes, what...
Did this program improve your competence or performance? 
If yes, how...
If no, please explain...
What did you learn that will help you in your practice?
The program was up-to-date and relevant to my professional practice.
Were the following objectives met?
For Dr. Kavaler-Adler's papers: At the end of this educational activity, its participants will be able to: 1. Describe and apply the phenomenon of closet narcissism; 2. Compare the grandiose narcissist and the closet narcissist; 3. Analyze the closet narcissist dynamics in the Woody Allen’s “Blue Jasmine” character; 4. Describe the idealizing transference of the long term clinical case of a closet narcissist; 5. Describe the disillusionment of the short term case closet narcissist and apply this phenomenon to any of one's current clinical case; 6. Describe one Jungian perspective that can be applied to the undeveloped “feminine” self in the woman closet narcissist.
Were the following objectives met?
For Dr. Porter's discussion paper: At the end of this educational activity, its participants will be able to: 1. Analyze the basic themes of male closet narcissism; 2. Discuss the basic themes of Dr. Kavaler-Adler’s work on pathological mourning as the basis for human psychopathology; 3. Elucidate a personal example of the way in which Dr. Kavaler-Adler’s work was helpful in one's own self-understanding.
Were the following objectives met?
For Workshop led by Dr. David Celani 1. Apply Fairbairn's understanding of the child's absolute dependence on its maternal object to analyze your patient's unresolved dependencies and psychological underdevelopment. 2. Apply you understanding of child's dependence to analyze patient's damaged, incomplete and unintegrated sense of self. 3. Analyze the emergence of attraction to or attachments to destructive external objects that seem to be discordant with the patient's self-presentation as the actions of split-off sub-egos that are unknown parts of the patient's personality. 4. Analyze transference as the projection of inner structures on to the analyst, who then is transformed into a bad object, and rendered impotent. 5. Apply you understanding of attachment to bad objects to the patient's strong emotional bond to the very parents that abused or neglected them in childhood. This attachment allows avoidance of the external world, and offers the patient an illusory hope of developmental closure. 6. Analyze patient's dissociated selves by gradually introducing the conscious central ego to events of parental empathic failure that actually occurred, but only emerge gradually and obliquely. 7. Utilize creation of a "casual" therapeutic narrative that emphasizes the patient's reactions to these remembered but minimized or excused events. 8. Utilize you awareness of the extreme impact of early empathic failures on the patient's psychological development to gradually co-create a model of their childhood that becomes acceptable to their central ego. 9. Utilize the patient's ability to internalize external objects to create an internal conflict between the preexisting internalized bad objects and the new internalized analyst who is a good object. 10. Analyze the patients enactments in the therapeutic sessions or repetition compulsions with external objects as projections of the inner structures on to external objects. 11. Utilize the emphasis on parental failures rather than confront the patient's unrealistic, almost delusional (split-off) visions of the "goodness" of their objects in order to minimize resistance.
Was the technology user friendly?
The course material presented the course content effectively..
Rate the following for all instructors
Instructor was knowledgeable about the content.
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Instructor presented the subject matter clearly.
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Instructor was responsive.
Rate the following for all instructors
Instructor used technology, hand outs and other learning aids effectively.
Additional questions about the instructor(s)
What questions are you having in your practice that you would like to see addressed in an educational activity?
Were questions, concerns and accommodations were addressed efficiently and in a timely manner?
Additional comments, questions or concerns.
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