Discuss appropriate adaptations to allow for completion of a cardiac rehabilitation program in patients with selected musculoskeletal and orthopedic limitations.
Describe the need for, the challenges associated with, and the benefits of resistance training in increasing muscle strength and reducing disability in special populations.
Discuss the components of human cardiovascular and pulmonary anatomy and physiology as they relate to physical therapy evaluation and treatment.
Create a treatment plan for cardiovascular and pulmonary patients.
Discuss out-patient treatment objectives and goals.
Review the AHA Policy Statement on Worksite Wellness.
Review the potential components of a worksite wellness program for cardiovascular health.
Review the impact of a worksite wellness program utilizing cardiac rehabilitation staff on cardiac risk factors and one-year health costs.
Define self-management and the importance of self-management in rehabilitation across the continuum of care.
Compare and contrast the traditional rehabilitation education and self-management education.
Apply the processes of self-management (e.g. shared goal setting, patient activation, problem solving, feedback systems, and collaborative decision making) to current cardiac rehabilitation practices.
Discuss the certification process.
Explore step by step through the on-line application.
Discuss individual treatment plan (ITP) and its impact on patient outcomes.
Explore audience questions and concerns.
Review the recently published scientific literature related to the role of physical activity and physical fitness as a significant predictors for total and cardiovascular mortality.
Review the recently published scientific literature related to the interactions of physical activity, physical fitness, obesity, metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Discuss the current scientific basis for delivery of exercise training as a powerful therapeutic modality for primary and secondary prevention of metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Discuss the basic concepts of Exercise Physiology.
Describe what a "MET" is and how it is calculated.
Discuss the basic principles of exercise prescription.
Discuss the technology available for use in pulmonary rehabilitation.
Discuss the types of technological research being conducted in pulmonary rehabilitation.
Apply findings of recent scientific publications to his/her pulmonary rehabilitation program.
Discuss evidence on effective behavior change strategies.
Describe factors underlying resistant or difficult clinical encounters.
Demonstrate at least 2 effective clinical tools for motivating behavior change.
Discuss the current evidence-based nutrition recommendations for the management and prevention of cardiovascular disease as well as strategies to improve the success of nutrition counseling.
Discuss the role of fats and be able to identify the impact of various fats and their role in cholesterol management.
Identify sources of carbohydrates and sodium in the diet and guidelines for successful adherence to the dietary guidelines.
Explore the importance of individualized treatment plan and the impact of patient outcomes.
Identify methods of improving your program through individualized treatment plan.
Discuss the essentials of the treatment plan.
Discuss the importance of specific new and evolving risk reduction strategies for patients with coronary heart disease.
Discuss the complexities of combination therapy in patients with “mixed dyslipidemia" including issues related to LDL, HDL, and triglycerides.
Discuss the role of the inflammatory process in coronary heart disease and understand the anti-inflammatory impact of statin drugs as therapy.
Discuss the content of the new edition of the Pulmonary Guidelines.
Identify the new additions to the Guidelines.
Review forms and supplemental guidelines relavent to pulmonary rehabilitation included in the updated 4th edition.
Describe the overall goal of the AACVPR Outcomes Data Registry.
Define the role of the Data Dictionary in the collection and reporting data into the Registry.
Describe the function of the Outcomes Reporting Forms to the success of the Project.
Review 2010 changes in CMS coverage rules for PR/CR.
Discuss the relationship between CMS regulations and local Medicare contractor regulations.
Discuss the process for coverage of CR/PR services by non-Medicare payers.
Review dramatic illustrations of the ravages of untreated cardiovascular disease and its risk factors that have occurred in U.S. presidents.
Discuss examples to better explain the importance of treating heart disease and cardiovascular risk factors.
Discuss how historical examples can provide insight for our patients to better understand cardiovascular disease today.
Discuss the most important articles that have been published in the JCRP over the last twenty five years.
Apply the research information presented to the current practice of pulmonary rehabilitation.
Discuss the future directions of research in the field of pulmonary rehabilitation.
Discuss the importance of professional skill development in critically appraising scientific manuscripts.
Describe the standard format of a scientific paper and the purposes of the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
Discuss the Editorial Process at JCRP and the roles and responsibilities of the editorial team.
Explain the value of a core CHD specific health-related quality of life questionnaire as a patient-reported outcome measure in patients with ischemic heart disease, specifically patients with angina, myocardial infarction or heart failure.
Discuss the development and content of the new HeartQOL health-related quality of life questionnaire as a potential core patient-reported outcome measure.
Review the psychometric properties of the new HeartQoL health-related quality of life questionnaire.
Discuss the basic structure of the new online application for re- certification and the process for successful application submission.
Discuss the essential requirements for each area of the application.
Review the most frequent challenges of a successful application as viewed by actual examiners.
Discuss the relative risk (95% CI) of acute cardiac events associated with varied everyday physical, psychological, and chemical stressors.
Explain the role of habitual physical activity in attenuating the risk of exertion-related acute cardiac events.
Discuss the pathophysiologic mechanisms that may trigger acute cardiovascular events, as well as lifestyle, behavioral, and pharmacologic interventions that may reduce the likelihood of these occurrences.
Review an update of the methods for exercise intensity assessment and continuous aerobic training intensity prescription in the CHF population.
Review the relationship between exercise capacity, quality of life, and mortality.
Describe typical levels of physical activity in people with COPD compared to healthy older adults.
Identify methods of assessing physical activity in COPD.
Describe interventions designed to increase physical activity in people with COPD.
Discuss the major components of a lipid profile and understand the difference between "good" and "bad" cholesterol.
Differentiate healthy from unhealthy fats.
Discuss what constitutes a "Mediteranean style" diet and understand why it is so beneficial.
Discuss the phenomenology of cardiac failure Content outline: - the dynamics of victimhood.
Discuss the dynamics and use of gratitude.
Discuss the role of love in healing.
Review data on the effect of mechanical procedures on participation in cardiac rehabilitation.
Discuss strategies for exercise therapy after ICD/CRT or other implants.
Compare exercise routines of patients with and without VADs.
Discuss the safety of patients with devices participating in cardiac rehab.
Discuss the rationale and clinical benefits for use of resistance training in cardiac rehabilitation.
Review the current guidelines for resistance training exercise prescription.
Discuss the precautions for patients in cardiac rehabilitation when participating in resistance training.
Discuss the most important research published during the last year in the field of pulmonary rehabilitation.
Develop a program to apply these research results into his/her own daily practice of pulmonary rehabilitation.
Desscribe and interpret the Healthy People 2010 -2020 healthcare disparities objectives and progress in the elimination of those disparities.
Explain the development and implementation of an Institute of Community Health and Research.
Analyze the composition of a successful transdisciplinary healthcare team in building relations with community based organization.
Review epidemiological data supporting potential benefits of omega-3 fatty acids or fish oils in cardiovascular (CV) prevention.
Discuss the practice outlook for CEPs.
Discuss the certification options for CEPS.
Discuss an overview of the important research in cardiac rehabilitation over the past 25 years.
Describe the integral role of research for current cardiac rehabilitation programs.
Discuss the number of long-term oxygen patients in the United States and cost of this therapy.
Discuss the benefits of providing an expanded number of COPD patients with oxygen during exercise, air flight and sleep.
List a set of behavioral skills that can empower them in the workplace and via professional association involvement, including "real world" time-tested principles and strategies.
Review the "keys" to improving their writing and speaking skills, which should be helpful in formulating publications and presentations, as well as philanthropic outreach for programmatic initiatives.
What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient outcomes?
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