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Describe the frequency and impact on society of childhood functional gastrointestinal disorders
Formulate an appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic approach to the child with functional abdominal pain
Explain the importance of using a biopsychosocial model in children in chronic pain disorders
State the importance of indigenous intestinal microflora
Define probiotics and their potential mechanisms of action
Describe the available evidence regarding use of probiotics in gastrointestinal diseases
Recognize clues in history that suggest cyclic vomiting syndrome
Describe how to prioritize work-up of chronic vomiting
Recommend individualzed acute and chronic management of cyclical vomiting
Describe the impact of central line infections in children with intestinal failure
Describe the development of an evidence-based teaching tool
Identify research project results
How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?
Describe evaluation of patient on TNF inhibitor who presents with infection
Discuss infrequent but serious infectious risks of TNF inhibitors
Describe the population at risk for aspiration
List agents that can potentially cause lipid pneumonia
Identify the three components that define Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Describe what is known about the epidemiology and pathophysiology of the disease
Identify possible complications if left untreated
Recognize presenting clinical manifestations of Eosinophilic Esophagitis in different age group
Describe the medical workup involved in making the diagnosis of Eosinophilic esophagitis
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