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CFHA - 20th (2019) ENDURING Annual Conference
Mr pencil

How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

What activities did you attend at the event?
By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
Objective 1: Identify strategies, practices and tools proven to be effective in patient and family centered approaches to care in primary and tertiary settings. 2. Describe strategies for overcoming financial and operational barriers to the implementation of integrated care in primary and tertiary settings.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
Objective 2: Define and describe population or public health interventions aimed at the prevention and early intervention of physical and mental health problems. 4. Describe new approaches to inter-professional training.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
Objective 3: Identify self-care provider strategies designed to reduce stress and improve psychological flexibility. 6. Describe beginning and advanced methods for practice-based research and quality improvement projects describe to improve patient care and advance the field of integrated, collaborative care.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor used technology effectively
Understand the importance clinical pathways within the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model to identify patients who would benefit from a specific treatment.
Describe how distrust of the healthcare system related to PTSD in vulnerable populations impacts the Quadruple Aim.
Describe the features of the PE-PC PTSD protocol.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe initial management of depressive, bipolar, and anxiety disorder clinical presentations to stabilize patients or bridge to psychiatric consultation.
Identify and manage common and serious side effects of antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers and barriers to treatment.
Identify and have access to at least three clinical tools/resources on psychopharmacology.
The instructor used technology effectively
State a response to the prompt, Pain is . . . , that is informed by Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (FACT).
Name the 3 pillars of psychological flexibility.
Describe one or more interventions to openness, awareness and engagement in patients suffering from chronic pain.
The instructor used technology effectively
Understand the basics of measurement based care (MBC) that can lead to effective outcomes
List the most commonly used, validated tools for MBC that can be used in any health care setting.
Describe how MBC can be used with patients, payers, clinics and families to describe the value of integrated care delivered
The instructor used technology effectively
Identify 2 reasons to consider doing a qualitative study.
Describe the elements of a good qualitative research question
Describe 1 common strategy for qualitative data collection and one novel strategy.
The instructor used technology effectively
Explore the relationship between ED utilization, behavioral health needs, and access to integrated behavioral health care.
Discuss findings and implications of an economic analysis of ED utilization patterns before and after participant enrollment in an integrated behavioral health care program.
Identify potential applications of care utilization findings to other primary care and/or specialty clinic settings.
The instructor used technology effectively
Define reasons and research regarding why MAT training is necessary and beneficial in family medicine training.
Identify benefits and challenges of adopting MAT training into a residency clinic and curriculum.
Outline methods for addressing many of the common challenges hindering the adoption of this modality in family medicine training.
The instructor used technology effectively
Identify financial barriers to integrated behavioral health.
Describe potential interim and long-term solutions to financing integrated care.
Discuss pros and cons of different payment models for integrated behavioral health.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the implementation of a prescription food program
Identify barriers to making healthy food choices on a limited budget
Discuss factors that can motivate families to change eating habits.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe elements of the hub-extension model of care delivery within BHPC-Pediatrics.
Describe elements of the hub-extension model of care delivery within BHPC-Pediatrics.
Discuss strengths and limitations of the hub-extension model on scheduling and show rate.
The instructor used technology effectively
Identify behaviors and other patient characteristics that indicate a referral to a PCIT therapist could or should be made.
Discuss the procedures and goals of PCIT.
Describe effectiveness of PCIT in a primary care setting.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the rules and regulations that presently govern reimbursement for integrated behavioral health.
Identify ways to maximize reimbursement in your organization based on a deeper knowledge of the rules
Delineate next steps to take to work with your organization to help answer the question of how the service will pay for itself.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe how an ECHO learning collaborative can be adopted to address mental/behavioral health, addiction, and integrated behavioral health care gaps with community based providers.
Describe the value of a learning collaborative to community based providers.
Describe the evaluation process used to evaluate and improve an ECHO program.
The instructor used technology effectively
Identify the advantages of integrating a psychiatric provider into an integrated healthcare system to improve access to behavioral health care and patient outcomes
Describe the role of a behavioral health consultant (BHC) plays in a collaborative psychiatric model of care in providing behavioral health services to patients
Identify qualities that comprise a good team member (e.g. BHC, PCP, psychiatrist) to implement this model of care
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe a collective impact approach to build capacity for and address systemic barriers to sustainability of physical and behavioral health care integration.
Describe a collaborative approach to creating a continuum of care that addresses social determinants/drivers of health.
Identify at least three concrete strategies for promoting comprehensive care within participants’ own communities.
The instructor used technology effectively
At the conclusion of this presentation participants will be able to identify adverse childhood experiences that commonly affect pediatric populations.
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to list three strategies for promoting trauma informed care in their own agencies.
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to identify and discuss at least two different strategies for screening for ACEs in WCC in Primary Care.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the warm handoff process in integrated primary care.
Identify how the warm handoff process can enhance behavioral health service delivery of patient care in integrated primary care.
Discuss emerging utilization patterns of behavioral health services following completion of a warm handoff in integrated primary care.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe a stepped approach to behavioral health screening
Discuss relative advantages of a brief broad screen (Step 1) approach to behavioral health assessment as it pertains to diagnosis and treatment
Apply the broad to narrow stepped approach to behavioral health screening in integrated care
Please rate the following:
The program was relevant to my work.
Content matched stated objectives.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Quality of facilities and facility accommodations.
How well did the educational sessions give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of generic names?
If you rated any of the above questions with 'fair,' 'poor,' 'disagree,' or 'strongly disagree' please explain in detail (e.g. session title, speaker name, situtation):
Please tell us about any sessions you found particularly good or bad
Please tell us about any objectives you feel we accomplished well or poorly 
Please tell us about any presenters you found particularly good or bad
Please answer the following:
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
If faculty spoke about off-label or investigational uses of a product, was that information disclosed to you?
Was the mode of education effective to learning?
If you answered "No" to any of the above questions, please explain.
Did you perceive any product/service/company/commercial bias in any educational session you attended or materials you received?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please detail the situation below (e.g. session title, speaker name):
Were you solicited by sales personnel in an educational room (other areas do not matter) while you attended this educational activity?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please explain in detail (e.g. who, when, where):
How much did you learn as a result of this education program?
What specifically did you learn during this activity that you intend to integrate into your practice?

What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?

What patient/client problems or patient/client challenges do you feel you are not able to address appropriately or to your satisfaction?
What problems are your patients/clients communicating to you that need attention or follow up?

Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?

What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?

How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?

Additional comments:

Mr question