List the essentials of the cause and effect of the prescription drug abuse problem
Explain the growing prevalence and recent trends of prescription drug abuse
Identify the strategies for addressing this problem from a Class 1 Railroad Company as an example
Explain the correlation between drug abuse and medical claim expenditure
Discuss the effects of drug abuse on morbidity and mortality
Explain how improving payor and providor communications potentially leads to better member outcomes and increased patient safety
Discuss the prevalence of chronic opioid utilization within managed care populations, including those with substance abuse co-morbid histories
Explain how to provide prescriber feedback regarding opioid interventions
List the common types of quality issues arising from analysis of national opioid prescribing practices
Discuss the appropriate use and results of patient screening assessments, pain agreements, and prescription drug monitoring programs
Discuss ways to minimize risk for substance abuse
Identify specific behavioral characteristics of potential abusers
Discuss the legal risks of medical marijuana
Debate the effectiveness of medical marijuana
List ways to influence and modulate pain receptors and pain signal transmissions by available pharmacological agents
List novel means of screening and tracking patients
Discuss how to create individualized care based on a detailed profile
Measure the impact of the initiative on reducing costs and streamlining the number of prescribers and pharmacies involved in member pain management
Explain the differences between tolerance and addiction
Identify potential drug seeking behavior using administrative data
Develop a collaborative program to address each patient and their needs
Discuss the prevalence of opioid use for occupational injuries
Describe the associations between levels of opioids use and key outcomes such as medical treatment cost, pharmacy cost and return-to-work
Identify strategies for specialists in interventional pain management and spinal therapy working together can improve return to work rates, reduce surgical rates, and reduce disability
Identify valid and reliable functional outcomes measures
Utilize evidence-based practice parameters; psychology, physical therapy, pharmacology, behavioral management
Discuss the effectiveness of the numerous pain interventions which improve the health of pain sufferers and reduce healthcare costs.
List strategies to improve coordinated between providers and health plans to improve the outcomes of pain treatments
Discuss the high level analysis of the pros and cons of universal precautions
Create a multidisciplinary approach which includes psychological interventions
Discuss ways to properly treat addicted pain patients
Discuss how to deal with myriad of ethical dilemmas encountered of ethical dilemmas encountered in the practice of pain medicine
Describe ways to reduce mortality and morbidity in the treatment of pain
List the minimally invasive treatment options which have proven to be effective
List the screening tools to identify chronic pain patients at risk for substance abuse
Name key elements recommended in the assessment and document of high-risk chronic pain patients
Identify risk factors for abuse in chronic pain patients
What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient outcomes?
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