SAHM - 2020 ALL PROFESSIONS: Annual Meeting: Adolescent Health: Transforming Risk to Wellness
Mr pencil

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Only Florida licensees need to answer this question. Notice to Florida Licensees: In order for us to report your hours to CE Broker, you MUST provide us with your Florida alpha-numberic license number (e.g., CDCA.XXXXXX, LICDCII.XXXXXX, LCDCII.XXXXXX, LICDC.XXXXXX). Please be sure to enter this number accurately, or CE Broker will not record your hours. 
Only Ohio licensees need to answer this question. Notice to Ohio Licensees: In order for us to report your hours to CE Broker, you MUST provide us with your Ohio alpha-numeric license number (e.g., CDCA.XXXXXX, LICDCII.XXXXXX, LCDCII.XXXXXX, LICDC.XXXXXX). Please be sure to enter this number accurately, or CE Broker will not record your hours. 
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The instructor was knowledgeable about the content.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
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The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor was responsive to participants.
The instructor was responsive to participants.
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The instructor was responsive to participants.
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The instructor was responsive to participants.
The instructor was responsive to participants.
The instructor was responsive to participants.
The instructor was responsive to participants.
The instructor was responsive to participants.
The instructor was responsive to participants.
The instructor was responsive to participants.
The instructor was responsive to participants.
The instructor was responsive to participants.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Frame firearm violence as a public health issue firmly in the domain of AYA health.
Identity key components of hospital-initiated violence intervention programs (HVIPs).
Describe practical strategies for adolescent health providers engaging with youth to promote healing and recovery following violent injury.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Describe the current epidemiology of firearm violence affecting 12-24 year olds.
Identify the specific recommendations made in the newly published 9 point SAHM position paper on Firearm Violence that outlines a comprehensive approach to addressing the impact of firearm violence.
Integrate effective clinical tools into practice that will decrease morbidity and mortality from firearm violence.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Discuss the current context and extant research on self managed abortion in the United States.
Describe the World Health Organization recognized regimens for medication abortion, emerging evidence regarding innovative approaches to delivery of medication abortion services, and data on the safety and effectiveness of these approaches.
Explain the importance of expanding access to both in-clinic and self-managed medication abortion, and the importance of decriminalizing self-managed abortion, especially for young people.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Identify the most common forms of marijuana that adolescents are using, including slang terminology.
Consider adolescents' thoughts about their attitudes and beliefs related to marijuana use, its impact, and what health messaging they find effective.
Outline effective harm reduction strategies to affect positive behavior change.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Discuss the benefits of and need for forming multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary partnerships for abortion-related research relevant to minors.
Describe examples of facilitators, challenges, and strategies to address barriers to relationship building and the collaborative process in the case of parental involvement policies.
Identify effective methods of disseminating findings on sensitive abortion and policy issues so as to protect and promote reproductive rights and improve family planning access and health outcomes in the US.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Cite new and current research topics regarding HIV/STI's.
Explain the clinical impact of these new findings.
Identify how these findings may impact future intervention strategies for this population.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Describe the short-term and long-term impacts of the US immigration crisis, including human rights violations at the US/Mexico border and human trafficking operations, on the physical, mental, and social health of immigrant youth.
Compare and contrast how both immigrant and American-born youth, as well as their families, communities, and peers, are affected by the political climate around immigration.
Formulate strategies that adolescent health providers can adopt in their clinical practices, scholarly activities, and roles as advocates to foster resilience among affected youth and prevent further atrocities at the border.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Name 10 or more social media platforms that are commonly used among adolescents.
Differentiate between a tech-negative and tech-positive approach to adolescent social media use and site 2 or more examples of positive adolescent social media use.
Report at least 3-5 strategies for positively engaging with youth through a tech-positive framework.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
List the seven components of ideal cardiovascular health and the four components of positive psychological well-being.
Describe how positive youth development approaches can increase positive cardiovascular health and positive psychological well-being.
Generate practical approaches to promote well-being in adolescents in diverse settings including schools, community groups, and medical homes and to evaluate these approaches through research.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Identify bio-ethical issues that arise in patient care for transgender/gender diverse patients.
Analyze the risk/benefit ratio when prescribing gender affirming hormones and discuss when to consider sub-specialty referrals for risk stratification.
State an alternative framework on using a holistic, interdisciplinary approach that takes into consideration the principles of bioethics and good mental/physical health, in order to help a patient make a truly informed consent to hormonal treatment.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Identify signs of trafficking and sexual exploitation among adolescent and young adult patients.
Describe strategies for providers and staff to support trafficked and sexually exploited adolescent and young adult patients.
Replicate a mini-training module on human trafficking.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Cite new and current research topics regarding vaccines, screenings and wellness.
Explain the clinical impact of these new findings.
Identify how these findings may impact future intervention strategies for this population.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Summarize how design thinking can be used as a tool for catalyzing innovation in public health.
Describe at least one example of how design thinking has been used to develop innovative solutions for preventing teen pregnancy.
Identify at least two public health challenges that might be well-suited for using design thinking to develop innovative solutions.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of Trauma-Informed Care, including the landmark Adverse Childhood Experiences study (ACEs), and integrate this into the standard of care for pregnant and parenting adolescents.
Appraise the accuracy and utility of social determinants of health screening tools in the adolescent parenting population.
Analyze how a collaboratively developed visual representation of best practice guidelines for adolescent parents and their children based on existing evidence and stakeholder input can influence the quality of clinical care.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Describe key concepts, risk factors and vulnerabilities, and protective factors related to risk for bullying/victimization, sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation among adolescents and young adults with developmental disabilities.
Evaluate current curricula, interventions, resources to address sexual health and healthy relationships among adolescents and young adults with developmental disabilities, including common questions and concerns among patients and families.
Develop a toolkit, including advocacy strategies, curriculum and materials development, and best practice guidelines to address sexual health and healthy relationship development among adolescents and young adults with developmental disabilities.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Identify at least 3 risks to adolescent health related to immigration-related and/or socioeconomic stress.
Describe at least 3 strategies for discussing sensitive topics in the medical setting.
Discuss how to provide patients with education regarding immigrant rights and linkage to services to ameliorate the impact of lower socioeconomic status.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Review social-network strategies to effectively engage young Black and Latino Gay and Bisexual Cisgender Men and Transgender Women into clinical, research, and wellness programs.
Describe practical challenges to engage young Black and Latino Gay and Bisexual Cisgender Men and Transgender Women.
Illustrate successful technology-enhanced approaches (web-based mobile applications, electronic RDS coupons, respondent driven sampling, video support, etc.) to engage young Black and Latino Gay and Bisexual Cisgender Men and Transgender Women.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Describe the dietary rules/restrictions, purported claims, medical indications/contraindications, and possible risks of 8 popular fad diets (Keto, Whole30, intermittent fasting/”one meal a day,” veganism, gluten-free, dairy-free, Paleo, FODMAP).
Identify broader risks associated with fad dieting and explore specific reasons why adolescents may be attracted to fad diets.
Develop strategies to screen young people for fad dieting and provide them with healthier alternatives to fad diets, using clinical approaches that incorporate motivational interviewing, positive body image, and avoidance of weight bias.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Cite examples of how performing arts can foster resilience.
Identify future opportunities for research of the impact of performing arts participation on patient outcomes such as reducing gun violence, facilitating recovery from eating disorders, preventing sexual abuses, and aiding in healing from trauma.
Identify steps to creating a partnership between health care professionals and arts organizations for the purposes of identifying at-risk youth, transforming risk to wellness in these patients, and promoting adolescent and community resilience.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Consider reproductive rights, including abortion, as recognized fundamental human rights, and how an understanding of human rights strengthens our U.S. advocacy.
Discuss the U.S. federal and state legal and policy reproductive rights landscape, including the impact on young people’s access.
Explain latest update on the Supreme Court case, June Medical Services v. Gee, and how SAHM members can take action to support young people’s reproductive rights and access, including access to abortion.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Discuss the epidemiology of e-cigarette or vaping associated lung injury (EVALI) among adolescents and young adults with a focus on demographic and substance use risk factors.
Describe the clinical presentation and pathophysiology of EVALI, including common signs and symptoms, as well as typical imaging and laboratory findings.
Determine how providers with medical, nursing, psychology, social work, and other professional backgrounds can screen for and address EVALI in their own clinical practices using evidence-based strategies.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Provide a brief overview of the global epidemiology of hepatitis C, including risk factors, unmet need for treatment, and disparities by gender, nationality, race, and ethnicity.
Determine hepatitis C treatment regimens (including newer simplified algorithms, as well as those defined by patient age, hepatitis C genotype, viral load, and fibrosis), and assess the availability of treatment in resource-poor settings.
Identify ways that clinicians from medical, nursing, psychology, social work and other backgrounds can address hepatitis C in their practices, and through youths’ quotes, highlight how treatment can leverage the transition from risk to wellness.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Analyze the new IAAF World Athletics Eligibility Regulations for Transgender Athletes.
Summarize the performance-related effects of cross-sex hormone treatment on both male and female transgender athletes.
Advocate for transgender sports participation at both the recreational and professional level.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Use atomic habits to build good practices that optimize productivity and improve lifestyle in academic research careers.
Pre-identify strategies to avoid and overcome common challenges faced by junior researchers while developing a research program.
Facilitate for trainees and/or junior faculty a successful mentorship relationship with a senior investigator in adolescent health.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Examine current PrEP prescribing practices, guidelines, and review foundational knowledge needed to provide PrEP services to youth.
Identify strategies and best practices for providing PrEP services to at-risk AYA populations.
Apply background concepts to patient scenarios to ensure optimal patient-centered PrEP services for youth.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Discuss and dispel common myths about assessing risk and safety planning with adolescents.
Identify specific solutions for challenges to risk-assessment implementation guidelines useful across disciplines, settings, and diverse patient populations.
Replicate evidence-based risk-assessment and safety planning strategies as discussed, demonstrated, and practiced throughout the workshop.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Identify at least two health issues affecting youth experiencing homelessness.
Name at least one strength based intervention that can be used to improve the resilience of youth experiencing homelessness.
Identify at least one resiliency factor present in youth living with complex trauma.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Address missing elements in the sex education of health care professionals.
Identify areas of improvement for providers and educators which can have the greatest impact on patients’ physical and mental health.
Apply strategies, tips, and tricks for discussing novel and innovative sex-positive approaches to education.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Cite new and current research topics regarding substance use.
Explain the clinical impact of these new findings.
Identify how these findings may impact future intervention strategies for this population.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Define and give examples of structural vulnerability and structural violence experienced by youth and young adults experiencing homelessness.
Identify components of structural competency.
Structure flexible interventions targeting youth experiencing homelessness that are client centered, accessible and empowering.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Articulate existing programming infrastructure supporting the parents and families of gender diverse youth at large pediatric gender care centers across the United States.
Appraise the voices of gender diverse families and determine how current support infrastructure addresses the central themes raised by this group.
Collaborate with members of gender diverse families and explore ways to adapt and improve existing programming based on the experiences shared during the session.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Describe the clinical utility of Text-Messaging Interventions (TMIs).
Employ the skills and insights needed to collaborate with adolescent patients to create a patient-centric TMI.
Discuss the possibilities for, barriers to, and strategies to support utilization of TMI in various clinical settings.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
To appreciate the comprehensive nature of this longitudinal study using measures of developmental psychology, neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience, genetics, epidemiology, bioassays & bioinformatics.
To describe the potential value of such a dataset for understanding risk and resilience factors that influence adolescent development.
To understand the open science model and how it can facilitate the use of science to inform policy and practice.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Cite new and current research topics.
Explain the clinical impact of these new findings.
Identify how these findings may impact future intervention strategies for this population
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Describe the international epidemiology of youth opioid misuse with an emphasis on differences by race and ethnicity, as well as associated protective and risk factors for opioid use disorder.
Construct an evidence-based treatment plan using buprenorphine that promotes wellness for youth with opioid use disorder.
Incorporate perspectives of adolescents and young adults into opioid use disorder treatment, and formulate strategies to optimize wellness.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Describe how burnout and compassion fatigue is affecting healthcare providers and learn the research behind how mindfulness can be a valuable modality to address this and enhance clinician well-being.
Describe how the practice of mindfulness, and meditation can increase self-awareness and the quality of “presence” in order to improve health provider resilience, wellbeing, and effectiveness.
Practice simple, practical mindfulness practices that can be integrated in the setting of clinical practice to nurture patient and provider well being.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Review cases in which adolescent sexual and reproductive health decisions present an ethical challenge to the clinician and identify the competing moral claims and ethical principles at play.
Describe professional, institutional, and personal resources available to you when you identify an ethical dilemma in clinical care.
Determine a range of ethically appropriate options for an ethically challenging case using small group facilitated moral deliberation.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Plan and lead an effective co-design workshop with young people.
Apply a creative, generative approach to brainstorming to develop concepts in partnership with youth.
Identify techniques to address sensitive or taboo topics with young people in co-design workshops.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Verbalize 3 desired support needs siblings of a sister or brother with an eating disorder reported.
Identify 3 strategies to help meet the needs of siblings of those with eating disorders.
Identify implementation challenges and state an alternative strategy to reach children and adolescents.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Cite new and current research topics regarding violence, trauma and resilence.
Explain the clinical impact of these new findings.
Identify how these findings may impact future intervention strategies for this population.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Identify and consider performance characteristics of STI diagnostic tests that are available in the US and worldwide, including tests newly cleared for clinical use, currently in clinical trials, and promising tests under development.
Critique and propose implementation strategies of STI diagnostic tests and testing strategies with the highest potential to improve access to STI testing and reduce disparities in STIs worldwide.
Discuss how point-of-care STI diagnostic testing, using self-collected-vaginal, -penile, -pharyngeal, and –rectal sampling, can promote sexual wellness and autonomy among adolescents by increasing access to STI testing.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Analyze the current epidemiology of youth gun violence.
Identify and verbalize various gun violence screening tools.
Utilize current prevention resources available for gun violence in the adolescent population.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Explain strategies for educating family members and aligning them around HAES.
Discuss how weighing within a HAES approach can be done compassionately and without increasing stigma.
Describe how to incorporate HAES into the setting of recovery weights.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Explain the critical role of culturally appropriate care in creating health equity for all adolescents.
Review multiple points in the health care delivery process where health disparities may arise from culturally ineffective care.
Synthesize strategies through which even hidden health care disparities can be identified and modified using culturally informed approaches.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Describe three interventions designed to engage and support young men in unintended/teen pregnancy prevention and the characteristics of the young men reached.
Name at least three findings from formative research and process evaluations relevant to developing and implementing reproductive health interventions with YM.
Identify at least three innovative strategies to maximize the recruitment, retention, and success of YM-focused interventions, including strategies focused on collaboration with parents, community members, and practitioners who work with YM.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
State approaches for communicating vaccination messages that resonate with teens.
Identify effective communications strategies to activate teens to request vaccination, recognizing that adult perceptions about how to engage teens may miss the mark.
Consider integration of teen insights into vaccine program development, leveraging methods from UNITY and other workshop participants' experience.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Recognize the advantages of empowering primary care providers to identify and intervene with adolescents suffering from disordered eating, including early recognition among diverse populations as well as primary care-located management.
Describe an adaptation of Family-Based Treatment to be delivered by primary care providers.
Develop a plan for the participant’s own practice to address barriers to partnering with primary care to address eating disorder symptomology and risk factors early in the disease progression.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Identify high risk digital behaviors in LGBTQ youth.
Utilize methods to educate youth about sexting and sexualized digital behaviors.
Recognize LGBTQ youth's needs and risk behaviors, when it comes to sexualized digital behaviors.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Explain the neurobiology of nicotine use among adolescents and young adults (AYAs) and how this leads to vulnerability to addiction and associated health risks.
Practice skills necessary to screen for e-cigarette use and use of co-occurring drugs in vaping devices (i.e. marijuana, LSD, etc.) and diagnose nicotine dependence using validated instruments.
Develop a structured youth-centered and strength-based approach to vaping and nicotine use disorders using key motivational interviewing techniques as well as behavioral and medication strategies.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Review the operations of an academic journal and the day-to-day activities of journal editors.
Compose a scientific article in a way that maximizes its chances of being accepted.
Identify a host of resources available to assist them in every aspect of the publication process, from submission to promotion.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Describe holistic, school-based strategies that can support healthy risk taking in adolescents.
Explain differences in youth of varying gender, race and ethnicity and their responsiveness to positive youth development asset building.
Determine an appropriate way to integrate healthy risk taking and positive youth development into their individual programs, research or clinical settings.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Assess capacity to engage in substance use prevention as individual practitioners and as an established medical practice or group, including SBIRT activities, mental health screening, and community coalitions and educational programming.
Inventory funding and partnership opportunities that would facilitate expansion of community-based substance use prevention initiatives.
Review best practices and standards of adolescent care for substance use and mental health screening and intervention in primary care settings.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Discuss current literature and research recommendations for chest binding.
Identify unsafe binding practices and recommend appropriate interventions.
Develop clinic specific protocols for addressing chest dysphoria/discomfort within individual practice.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Describe the factors that account for the high prevalence of low adherence to treatment during adolescence.
Discuss how to evaluate adherence to different treatment modalities with an adolescent.
Discuss the effective approaches to tackle this problem, including motivational interviewing, resilience building and use of technology such as popular smartphone medical applications (apps).
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Assess risky and positive media use among youths.
Explain how media can be used positively by young people, including the presentation of a new prevention project on online sexual activities.
Acquire strategies to influence positive media use among teenagers (and their parents) while being conscious of own media use.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Cite new and current research topics regarding pregnancy prevention and sexual health.
Explain the clinical impact of these new findings.
Identify how these findings may impact future intervention strategies for this population.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Identify the prevalence, co-morbidities and differential diagnoses among adolescents and young adults living with autism and other developmental disabilities.
Describe interventions that promote developmentally appropriate social independence including assessment, and enhancing communication with patients and parents about allowing structured independence and risk behavior which build self-esteem.
Employ and practice creative strategies and interventions that are useful in clinical settings and become aware of applicable linkages and community services.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Discuss the biology and rationale justifying use of puberty suppression the care of transgender and gender-diverse adolescents.
Prescribe and monitor gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists (GnRH-a) and some alternative medications in clinical practice. This will include familiarity with indications, risks, benefits, dosing, and ethical/legal considerations.
Describe the procedure for implanting subdermal GnRH-a through demonstration and discussion. After completion participants may consider provision or facilitation of these services.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Assess youth wellness in the context of current work and research in adolescent health, behavioral health, economic development, and social enterprises.
Apply design thinking methodology to prototype an adolescent wellness framework.
Identify opportunities for clinical and non-clinical wellness interventions for opportunity youth.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Demonstrate comprehension of the critical issues in care coordination and logistical issues which lead to gaps in care.
Apply ideas shared within the group to develop the learner’s own strategy for building a care coordination team.
Synthesize material presented for application to home institution.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Describe problems and risks adolescents with chronic illness face with a developmental perspective.
Discuss how to build strengths and coping strategies during the course of a chronic disease in adolescence.
Describe how to transform risks of an adolescent associated with the chronic illness to wellbeing by using a resilience framework.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Describe three emerging developmental neuroscience principles and their relationship to adolescent sexual health.
Examine how these three developmental neuroscience principles can improve current sexual health education practices.
Identify at least one action step for applying developmental neuroscience principles into their role as an adolescent health practitioner.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Illustrate primary prevention strategies to support youth and families at risk for interaction with the foster care system.
Evaluate the effects of substance abuse on youth and families at risk for interaction with the foster care system.
Describe the role of the physician in advocating for foster youth in a public health context.
The instructor used the technology effectively.
Cite new and current research topics regarding LGBTQIAl health.
Explain the clinical impact of these new findings.
Identify how these findings may impact future intervention strategies for this population.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Discuss the awareness of barriers to successful engagement in weight management program as it relates to both social justice concerns, self-awareness and health care provision.
Develop an attitude of awareness of barriers towards treatment of diverse populations by reviewing the cultural diversity seen in clinics, and mindful of these rich culture and social issues, discuss how to modify or adapt interventions.
List strategies and effective culturally sensitive trauma informed practices that can be implemented in the health care work place which will help guide health care providers toward change among youth living with obesity.
Please rate the following:
The program was relevant to my work.
Content matched stated objectives.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Quality of facilities and facility accommodations.
How well did the educational sessions give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of generic names?
If you rated any of the above questions with 'fair,' 'poor,' 'disagree,' or 'strongly disagree' please explain in detail (e.g. session title, speaker name, situtation):
Please tell us about any sessions you found particularly good or bad.
Please tell us about any objectives you feel we accomplished well or poorly. 
Please tell us about any presenters you found particularly good or bad.
Please answer the following:
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
If faculty spoke about off-label or investigational uses of a product, was that information disclosed to you?
Was the mode of education effective to learning?
If you answered "No" to any of the above questions, please explain.
Did you perceive any product/service/company/commercial bias in any educational session you attended or materials you received?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please detail the situation below (e.g. session title, speaker name):
Were you solicited by sales personnel in an educational room (other areas do not matter) while you attended this educational activity?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please explain in detail (e.g. who, when, where):
How much did you learn as a result of this education program?
What specifically did you learn during this activity that you intend to integrate into your practice?

What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?

What patient/client problems or patient/client challenges do you feel you are not able to address appropriately or to your satisfaction?
What problems are your patients/clients communicating to you that need attention or follow up?

Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?

What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?

How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?

Additional comments:

Mr question