Please rate the following questions:
The program was relevant to my work.
Please rate the following:
Overall quality of the session
Overal quality of the meeting.
The expertise of Stephen Tomlanovich, MD.
The expertise of Flavio Vincenti, MD.
The expertise of Julie Yabu, MD.
The expertise of Stephen J Tomlanovich.
The expertise of Manikkam Suthanthiran, MD.
The expertise of Deborah Adey, MD.
The expertise of Yerem Yeghiazarians, MD.
The expertise of the speaker(s).
The expertise of the speakers: Olson, Laszik, Adey and Yabu.
Content matched stated objectives.
The teaching ability of Stephen Tomlanovich, MD.
The teaching ability of Flavio Vincenti, MD.
The teaching ability of Julie Yabu, MD.
The teaching ability of Stephen J. Tomlanovich.
The teaching ability of Manikkam Suthanthiran, MD.
The teaching ability of Deborah Adey, MD.
The teaching ability of Yerem Yeghiazarians, MD.
The responsiveness to questions.
The teaching ability of the speakers: Olson, Laszik, Adey and Yabu.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
The organization of materials
Comfort of room.
Achievement of the objective.
Achievement of the following objectives:
List the current immunosuppressive drugs in clinical trials in U.S. and UCSF.
Summarize the definition and pathogenesis of humoral rejection.
Describe options for patients awaiting transplantation to increase their chances of undergoing
successful transplant surgery.
Discuss molecular mechanisms of allograft rejection.
Discuss transplant and recurrent glomerular diseases.
How well did the educational activity give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of
generic names?
Describe current understanding of the risk/benefit for experimental drugs in kidney transplantation
Identify gene expression patterns associated with allograft rejection.
Define the expanded criteria deceased donor program and the current results at UCSF.
Discuss the complexity of morphologic findings in transplant kidney biopsies, including thrombotic
microangiopathy, malakoplakia, and viral infections.
Describe current clinical trials in the pipeline.
List the various option for patients undergoing living donor renal transplantation who have an
incompatible donor.
List the options for intervention and treatment of BK infection
Identify the prognostic morphologic variables in transplant outcome.
Do you believe this activity:
increased your professional knowledge?
will increase your professional competence?
will result in performance changes in your professional practice?
Describe a noninvasive diagnosis of allograft rejection.
was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
will result in your ability to improve your practice?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
Was the educational content free from commercial bias?
If faculty spoke about off-label or investigational uses of a product, was that information disclosed to you?
Was the mode of education effective to learning?
Were you solicited by sales personnel in an educational room while you attended this educational activity?
List any perceived practice "gaps" which you would like to see the focus of future trainings.
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this activity?
How can this training be improved to impact your competence or practice?
Please list any educational needs you would like to see addressed in future programs.
Additional comments: