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SBSM 2019 Fall Conference
Mr pencil

How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

What activities did you attend at the event?
By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
Objective 1: Describe the need for providers to advocate for sleep medicine to advance treatment and management of sleep disorders.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
Objective 2: Review the latest research that impacts innovative therapies.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
Objective 3: Apply innovative behavioral sleep treatments to diverse and complex patient populations.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the theory and primciples of calssical and operant conditioning
Review the theories that create behavioral changes to elicit cognitive restructuring and behavioral activation
The instructor used technology effectively
Identify basic sleep disorders encountered in a BSM practice in the adult and pediatric patient
Discuss pharmagological and non-pharmacological treatments of associated sleep disorders
The instructor used technology effectively
Understand the clinical features of hypersomnia
Discuss diagnostic criteria for central disorders of hypersomnia
The instructor used technology effectively
Review the physiology of Sleep as it applies to the adult through the aging process
Identify anatomical variences that impact the quality of sleep in adults
The instructor used technology effectively
Review the physiology of Sleep as it applies to the adult through the aging process
Identify anatomical variences that impact the quality of sleep in adults
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the clinical representaton of insomnia in pediatric patients
Correlate clinical management of insomnia in children using behavioral sleep interventions
The instructor used technology effectively
Learn to differentiate obstructive, central and mixed sleep apnea and treatment options
Review how to interpret sleep study results from a report
Review how to interpret a CPAP download and what a BSM specialist can help with tolerance and compliance
The instructor used technology effectively
Cite recent research that provides evidence-based management of OSA in the child
Discuss the role of the family to effectively manage the OSA in the child
The instructor used technology effectively
Review the historical basis of BSM
Discuss the exciting developments likely to occur in the foreseeable future of BSM
The instructor used technology effectively
Explore the implication of insomnia and how it contributes to health problems
Discuss the value of practices such as mindfulness to address the insomnia
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the use of behavioral threatment of nightmare disorder
Review the evidence-based data to describe effective outcome data for mamagement of nightmare disorder with use of BSM
The instructor used technology effectively
Correlate the consequence of psychological, behavioral, and physical effects of cancer on the efficacy of CBTi
Identify treatment options for breast cancer survivors with co-morbid sleep disorders
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the use of relaxation therapy for patient with heightene somatic and/or cognitive arousal
Describe the methods that fall under the umbrella of relaxation therapy to improve sleep
The instructor used technology effectively
Understand the clinical spectrum of hypersomnia disorder
Discuss pharmacologic and non-pharmalogic treatment of hypersomnia
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the prevalence of sleep disorders in patients being seen in Cardiac Rehab
Correlate the impact of co-morbid sleep disorders to maximize the efficacy of cardiac rehab
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the benefits for use of BBTi to treat insomnia
Discuss the process to implement BBTI for success
Identify interventions to overcome the challenges with implementation of BBTi
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the use of pharmacology when behavioral treatments are insufficient
Review the process to de-prescribe medications through a negotiated tapering plan
The instructor used technology effectively
Undestand the molecular, cellular and physiological regulation of central and peripheral circadian rhythms
Apply circadian based approaches to the treatment of circadiam rhythm sleep-wake disorders and assocaited medical co-morbidities in BSM
The instructor used technology effectively
Learn how to taylor behavioral treatments for for insomnia in patients with co-morbidities
Employ effective techniques to address non-adherence to behavioral treatments for insomnia
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the manuscript review process
Describe the consultation provided by Editors in the publication process.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the impact of sleep dysfunction as a contributor to cardiovascular disease
Identify the challenges with implementation of science and research into practice
The instructor used technology effectively
Review how to interpret a CPAP download and what a BSM specialist can help with tolerance and compliance.
Describe how objective sleep data obtained through wearable and home sensor devices may augment CBTi.
Discuss theutility and use of objective sleep data from wearable and home sensor devices in clinical practice.
The instructor used technology effectively
Improve understanding of the NIH funding process and grant competition
Learn key elements underlying the specific aims of a competitive NIH grant application
The instructor used technology effectively
Experince the impact of hypersomnia from the patient's perspective
Identify management opportunities for hypersomnia to augment the efficacy of therapy
The instructor used technology effectively
Review the prevalence of co-morbid circadian disruption in patients with a complaint of insomnia
Describe the clinical significance of co-morbid circidian rhythm disruption with chronic insomnia
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe steps to integrate diversity in behavioral sleep medicine research and practice
Discuss obstacles to advancing diversity in BSM
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss 2019 findings in behavioral sleep medicine
Apply current findings to practice of BSM
The instructor used technology effectively
Understand the potential scope of digital innovation in advancing the aims and practices of BSM
Understand the comtemporary evidence base for digital innovation, with particular reference to CBT for insomnia
The instructor used technology effectively
Examine the individual and multiple dimensions of self-reported sleep symptoms in relation to sleep health
Discuss the efficacy of behavioral interventions to augment the sleep-health relationship
The instructor used technology effectively
Learn about sleep research and research training activities supported by NIH grants
Improve an understanding of how NIH programs support careers in sleep research
The instructor used technology effectively
Review the importance for integrating ethical standards into clinical practice
Cite regulatory statutes which mandate the implementation of ethical standards in practice
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the Protective Sleep Program for use with new parents
Discuss the process for implementation of the Protective Sleep Program
The instructor used technology effectively
Correlate the efficacy of sleep interventions and and health disparities
Review recent research that describes the relationship between racial/ethnic health disparities and effective treatment of sleep disturbed sleep
Please rate the following:
The program was relevant to my work.
Content matched stated objectives.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Quality of facilities and facility accommodations.
How well did the educational sessions give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of generic names?
If you rated any of the above questions with 'fair,' 'poor,' 'disagree,' or 'strongly disagree' please explain in detail (e.g. session title, speaker name, situtation):
Please tell us about any sessions you found particularly good or bad
Please tell us about any objectives you feel we accomplished well or poorly 
Please tell us about any presenters you found particularly good or bad
Please answer the following:
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
If faculty spoke about off-label or investigational uses of a product, was that information disclosed to you?
Was the mode of education effective to learning?
If you answered "No" to any of the above questions, please explain.
Did you perceive any product/service/company/commercial bias in any educational session you attended or materials you received?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please detail the situation below (e.g. session title, speaker name):
Were you solicited by sales personnel in an educational room (other areas do not matter) while you attended this educational activity?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please explain in detail (e.g. who, when, where):
How much did you learn as a result of this education program?
What specifically did you learn during this activity that you intend to integrate into your practice?

What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?

What patient/client problems or patient/client challenges do you feel you are not able to address appropriately or to your satisfaction?
What problems are your patients/clients communicating to you that need attention or follow up?

Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?

What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?

How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?

Additional comments:

Mr question