ARHE - 2019 10th National Collegiate Recovery Conference / 18th National ARS Conference
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The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
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The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
Objective 1: Demonstrate the continuum of care of recovery support services through the implementation of collegiate recovery programs, recovery high schools, and alternative peer groups.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
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The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
Objective 2: Analyze the latest in addiction and recovery research as it relates to the emerging adult populations.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
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The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
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The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
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The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
Objective 3: Convene key stakeholders from the collegiate recovery, recovery high school, and alternative peer group communities to share best practices and strategize for further growth.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss that recovery is a long-term process with unique implications for student success.
Demonstrate how to confront myths and stigma regarding addiction and recovery.
Apply appropriate language related to addiction and recovery.
The instructor used technology effectively
List factors that may impact access to collegiate recovery.
Discuss ways in which colleges (and society at-large) act as gate keepers to ensure only traditional college students are able to access collegiate recovery.
Identify (assess) factors that may preclude certain populations from participating in college recovery.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss a high level overview of the current opioid issues in society.
Describe how to recognize an opioid overdose.
Demonstrate how to respond to an opioid overdose with the use of naloxone.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the barriers many underrepresented students face in engaging with CRPs.
Analyze promising approaches adopted by CRPs committed to developing their capacity to engage and support students from underrepresented populations.
Discuss systemic, campus, programmatic, and individual barriers to full participation in their own CRPs; identify one or more specific actions they may take to make their CRPs more accessible to students from different underrepresented populations.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the history of Alternative Peer Group Programs for the last 45 years.
Explain the components of the model and how they serve as best-practice for treating adolescent and young adult substance use and mental health disorders.
Describe the definition of enthusiastic recovery and how it is applied to treating adolescent and young adult substance use and mental health disorders.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe: Participants will be able to recognize the evidence for using an integrated program model.
Participants will be able to list components of an integrated CRC model.
Participants will be able to acknowledge student identified benefits of participating in an integrated CRC model.
The instructor used technology effectively
Design a culturally appropriate needs assessment that will help create community standards for the collegiate recovery community.
Compare various recovery pathway belief and how these belief may influence students' recovery beliefs.
Use evidence-based practices to draft a tailor-made assessment, CRP staff can use with their students to build community standards.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the core definitional aspects of forgiveness as a broad multidimensional construct, and important distinctions related to self-forgiveness.
Explain the theoretical nature of the relationship between forgiveness and health, in general, and forgiveness and addiction, in particular.
Describe the implementation of self-forgiveness in a particular collegiate recovery setting, and future directions for continuing to establish the effective use of self-forgiveness interventions.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss a deeper understanding of the complex issues surrounding different pathways to recovery in order to make better -informed decisions about the recovery philosophies of their own programs.
Compare how other model programs have resolved these often compelling, yet competing issues.
Demonstrate how to provide a safe recovery environment while promoting other recovery supports for students at differences stages on the SUD/recovery continuum.
The instructor used technology effectively
Demonstrate the impact of stigma on recovery.
Demonstrate improved understanding of the signs and symptoms of mental health/substance use disorders for adolescents.
Demonstrate an increased understanding of the relationship between mental health and substance use.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe: Attendees will be able to describe the benefits of research to students, CRPs, and universities.
Attendees will discuss how CRPs can use existing resources and incorporate research into everyday operations.
Attendees will prepare a plan to establish research initiatives at their university.
The instructor used technology effectively
Assess strategies for identifying community partners and additional resources to rally community involvement when creating an Alternative Peer Group to treat adolescent and young adult substance use disorders and mental health issues.
Discuss "talent based hiring" and the need to identify staff with the specific skill set to manage an Alternative Peer Group to treat adolescent and young adult substance use disorders and mental health issues.
Apply strategies to build Alternative Peer Group program awareness in their communities.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the need for rigorous research on adolescent peer recovery support models for adolescents suffering with substance use and mental health disorders.
Analyze the earliest research with APG participants.
Analyze the process, elements, and outcomes of recovery from substance use and mental health disorders for youth who participate in an Alternative Peer Group.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe: Be able to define the Stages of Change, Stages of Recovery, SAMHSA's Eight Dimensions of Wellness & Four Dimensions that Support a Life in Recovery.
List: Be able to identify how to use the Recovery Capital model within their work.
Identify three action plans to implement educational opportunities around Personal Development, Self-Care, and Community within their scope of work.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the potential benefits and complexities for collegiate recovery programs of being part of or separated from integrated systems of care on campus and in the broader community.
Explain the common stages of development for a collegiate recovery community, organizing CRP's/CARC's around healthy community values, student leadership and hiring of staff and student leaders.
Describe the impact of substances such as Juul, CBD, and the use of MAT on Collegiate Recovery Programs and on students in recovery.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the gap/pain points in the continuum of care for CRPA.
Discuss with the audience about their experience and their ideas of how we can best serve this population.
Analyze professional and social networking opportunities for CRPA by connecting them through some sort of virtual platform that supports them in connecting, networking, and having a continuum of support beyond graduation.
The instructor used technology effectively
Assess variations in collegiate recovery program structures and organizations and consider the shared, and intended, purposes of collegiate recovery programs.
Analyze student development and the unique developmental considerations of students on the substance use disorder recovery continuum.
Discuss ARHE standards and recommendations from a research, theory, and practice lens to enhance the understanding of, and justification for the standards and recommendations.
The instructor used technology effectively
Open discussion regarding the NYS Recovery High Model.
Critique: This is an opportunity for audience members to provide critique on NY Model and discuss barriers, challenges, benefits and best practices.
Assess opportunities to utilize NYs experience to inform their own development and sustainability of recovery high school programs and recovery support services.
The instructor used technology effectively
At end of session participants will have a better understanding of how to utilize experiential and adventure-based practices in programming.
Participants will learn how to create opportunities for partnership and identify resources for student success.
Participants will learn how to design and enhance existing programming to increase self-efficacy and build community.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the importance of offering parent programming that is parallel to the adolescent programs.
Compile important experiential aspects of an effective family recovery program in an APG.
Describe the major components of family programming in an APG and the rationale for each.
The instructor used technology effectively
Understand how Capacitype technology can assist with data collection.
Understand how Capacitype can help maintain a database of RHS programs.
Understand how RHS programs can utilize and contribute to the Capacitype database.
The instructor used technology effectively
List the historical account of the development of recovery high schools and collegiate recovery programs as well as federal and state policies that have help to shape the course of recovery supports in education.
Compare the various approaches to providing recovery supports in education.
Apply the lessons learned from the founders of these schools and programs as well as predict the course of recovery supports in education.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe how different CRPs measure student outcomes.
Compare student outcomes from CRP participation.
Discuss methods of collaboration and data collection for future research efforts in this area.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the accreditation standards for the organizational framework of recovery high schools.
Describe how to navigate the key components of the accreditation standards for the organizational framework of recovery high schools.
Demonstrate methods for meeting standards and best practices of the accreditation standards for the organization framework of recovery high schools.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the categories of adverse childhood experiences.
Analyze common symptoms of stressor related disorders including PTSD.
List four evidence-based trauma treatment modalities.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss obstacles to treatment for emerging adult patients and their families.
Assess types of therapeutic interventions for emerging adults and their families.
Explain experiential interventions and provide examples.
The instructor used technology effectively
Analyze how common misperceptions about addiction (combined with systemic racism) underlie our drug laws, and how these laws have criminalized people, in turn creating mass incarceration and intensifying the addiction crisis.
Discuss the current science of addiction, the recovery process, and effective treatment approaches.
Assess how to integrate the current science of addiction into their practices.
The instructor used technology effectively
Analyze: A study of unusual depth and scope: the largest most comprehensive multi-site qualitative study conducted on students in recovery in CRPs to date.
Discuss the implications of the various findings in the study, such as what is meant by partier/ recovery/ ex-partier discourses.
Assess the various ways that students in recovery, adopt, co-opt and discard discourses as they travel across contexts, creating new identities and subject positions, and the implications of these understandings of lived experience for practitioners and researchers in the fielD OF Collegiate Recovery.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the most common pitfalls that attend starting and managing an APG. This will include a chance to hear from line operators.
Analyze some pressing questions to the presenters from previous presentations. These questions will set the stage for breakout planning sessions in following times.
Write notes for the following breakout planning sessions to follow.
The instructor used technology effectively
Prepare for the impact the changing marijuana laws are having on college student culture.
Demonstrate increased knowledge the various types of cannabis products increasingly available to college students, how they are consumed and the potential problems with overuse.
Analyze the interplay between cannabis use and co-occurring disorders such as anxiety, depression, trauma and psychosis.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program services and infrastructure.
Describe how students in recovery engaged with allies to learn peer assistance skills and offer service to the campus and broader community under the auspices of academic credit-bearing courses and professional supervision.
Discuss how students in recovery receive support and gain leadership experience within the program.
The instructor used technology effectively
Analyze: After attending this session, a participant will be able to better understand the need for recovery support for college students.
After attending this session, a participant will be able to better understand the innovative campus-based recovery support model.
After attending this session, a participant will be able to identify the five types of functional social support in Salzer's peer-drive social support model.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the relationship between families and therapeutic educational consultants, and the support offered to clients.
Discuss connecting treatment providers, CRCs, and referral sources, exploring missed opportunities.
Demonstrate doing an intake interview and develop a list of interviewing questions to help a young person or family member distinguish between different program options and services.
The instructor used technology effectively
Attendees will be able to explain the need for an integrated, targeted recovery-oriented system of care for youth and emerging adults.
Attendees will be able to identify and describe the current recovery-oriented system of care for youth and emerging adults.
Attendees will be able to explain the need for sustained recovery support services for youth and emerging adults.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe peer professionals and peer recovery coaches.
Analyze ethical considerations for their role in recovery high schools.
Discuss key elements to their scope of work within a recovery high school.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the Recovery Capital for Adolescents Model.
Describe common barriers to recovery young people report and strategies for addressing those barriers.
List at least three strategies recovery support models can use to build recovery capital in youth.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss strategies that can be used to create, sustain, and grow community at their schools with fellow attendees.
Select strategies discussed during this session to implement at their schools in order to create, sustain, and grow their recovery school communities.
Analyze how their work on Recovery School Community is connected to the three other Accreditation standards: 1. School Organization 2. Recovery Practices 3. Education Practices.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe: An overview of the English addiction treatment system.
Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the continuum of care available.
Compare recovery from a UK perspective and the development of a collegiate recovery programme.
The instructor used technology effectively
Attendees will describe their vision for their college recovery programs.
Attendees will define their goals for obtaining their vision for their developing collegiate recovery programs.
Attendees will establish a network with other developing collegiate recovery programs to assist them in achieving these goals.
The instructor used technology effectively
Compare the differences and similarities between self-esteem and self-compassion.
Assess their own level of self-compassion using an empirical instrument.
Utlize three different strategies to increase their level of self-compassion.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe: Attendees will understand incremental impacts of RHSs.
Attendees will understand financial benefits of RHSs.
Attendees will understand how to describe cost-benefit of RHSs to stakeholders.
The instructor used technology effectively
Attendees will have an awareness of the changing trends in pornography, and how internet porn has created significant changes in the industry that impact our clients and could have detrimental impacts to the recovery process.
Attendees will understand what constitutes problematic use of internet pornography.
Attendees will be able to have foundational level knowledge that would enable their ability to ask questions and begin to assess if student's use of pornography is becoming problematic and how to access support for persons who struggle with pornography.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss and understand the benefits of getting involved in a collegiate recovery community.
Create: Developing an action plan for participants to take back to bridge that gap.
Discuss and understand how collegiate recovery communities can use outreach to support higher education in sober living.
The instructor used technology effectively
Analyze Recovery Supports: Are recovery supports and relapse prevention measures meeting the needs of students?
Discuss: Recovery Climate- How does the school provide a recovery-oriented school climate that promotes collegial relationships among faculty, students, and their families?
Discuss Recovery Assessment: How does the school collect data for initial screening, progress monitoring, and outcome measures to assess and improve short and long term results for students?
The instructor used technology effectively
Explain: What is the purpose of GYST?
Describe the populations that GYST can serve.
List how does GYST work?
The instructor used technology effectively
Create their own ideal version of how to implement a Recovery Ally Training at their home campus through the provided material and information.
Describe how Recovery Ally Programs can support their existing recovery community or recovery students.
Discuss different Recovery Ally Programs that have been implemented throughout the country; be able to detail what is needed in the core of a Recovery Ally Program.
The instructor used technology effectively
Assess: To inform audience members about efforts to remove criminal history on a state level and nationally.
Create: Inspire audience members to create grass roots coalitions to advocate for and develop fair chance education policies for their own states and campuses.
Deepen collaboration across states and utilize a supportive environment to promote the dissemination of this policy through strategies that have proven effective.
The instructor used technology effectively
Analyze how disparity in different communities was created in regards to recovery resources.
Demonstrate how to conduct a community needs assessment.
Discuss program design to combat disparities in different communities.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discussion will center on the poems of contemporary poets writing about addiction and recovery.
Creative Writing Workshop: Brainstorming images and metaphors, and using this as a platform to freewrite.
Recite the poems they wrote, if they so choose.
The instructor used technology effectively
Explain one neurological effect that traumatized individuals commonly experience.
Recite one mindfulness-based strategy to manage nervous system arousal.
Explain one somatic resource to manage nervous system arousal.
The instructor used technology effectively
Participants will explore the historical and assumed utility of self-disclosure in clinical practice.
Participants will examine current scholarship associated with therapist feedback and progress monitoring.
Participants will evaluate how their practices are potentially affected by self-disclosure and how progress monitoring may improve client outcomes.
The instructor used technology effectively
Assess whether the school offer credits leading to a state-recognized high school diploma and does the school offer all courses needed to graduate?
Plan for high quality curriculum & instruction while using data to drive the school curriculum and classroom instruction.
Discuss criteria and plans in place to help students transition smoothly from the recovery high school to the student's next educational or workforce setting, preparing the student for the broadest selection of reasonable postsecondary options.
The instructor used technology effectively
Analyze terms like "irresponsible" and "immature" as they are applied to teens in treatment.
Assess what adulthood has to offer teens and how to model it.
Prepare to suspend judgment and dispense insecurities.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe to participants the concept of "Quality of Life (QoL)" in relation to recovery and introduce current research.
Analyze personal narratives and internalized narratives (self-talk) in relation to QoL and sustainable recovery.
Demonstrate how narratives and internalized narratives (self-talk) are part of quality of life outcomes.
The instructor used technology effectively
Learn to effectively provide services to students across the spectrum of substance use disorder.
Understand how to create an inclusive recovery community without jeopardizing the integrity of a CRC/CRP.
Discuss ways to use campus and community outreach as a means of prevention, education, and attraction.
The instructor used technology effectively
Identify new ways of assessing and measuring student recovery and growth.
Discuss different options for measuring student outcomes in CRPs.
Describe best practice methods of data collection and management.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss strategies that can be used to support the sustainabiity of their individual recovery high schools.
List strategies they can use to support the sustainability of their individual recovery high schools.
Create a sustainability plan using a template provided at he workship to take back to their school to develop and implement.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the goals of the Leadership Academy as envisioned by the student participants.
Apply the lessons learned from mid-year results to their own program's student development efforts.
Assess the impact the leadership project has on participants, including professional and intrapersonal impacts.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe domains and resources of recovery capital on any college campus.
Utilize asset mapping strategy to assist a student in developing recovery capital, including their academic environment.
Create an initial mapping session using information from their campus or provided scenario.
The instructor used technology effectively
Demonstrate "understanding of the theory of online recovery care: Integrate Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) and the Clinical Psychology of Cyberspace theories into a cohesive theory of online recovery care."
Create and tailor interventions and resources applicable to your student population.
Plan "the implementation & improvement of promising approaches: Understand how clinical practice improvement data generated by mobile/web systems can be shared with researchers and applied to innovate care strategies that improve outcomes."
The instructor used technology effectively
Analyze the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) advocacy Model.
Discuss how legislative change occurs at the national level.
Select the facets of the AFSP that could benefit recovering students and their families.
The instructor used technology effectively
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to describe the levels of the evaluation pyramid, and how and why efficiency evaluation fits into that pyramid.
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to describe the basic mathematical techniques that go into a cost-effectiveness analysis.
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to apply the Toolkit to their own basic analysis of cost-effectiveness for their program.
The instructor used technology effectively
Participants will be able to analyze how grief interacts with substance use, addiction recovery, and relapse.
Participants will be able to explain dynamics contributing to unexpressed or long-term grief.
Participants will be able to critique the roles of resolution and acceptance in the grieving process.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe: Participants will receive information about Attachment theory as it relates to teens and young adults.
Participants will utilize attachment theory to better understand and enhance alliance with clients.
Demonstrate techniques to engage clients in recovery focused peer support programs.
The instructor used technology effectively
Analyze how peer-leaders, educators and administrators can develop recovery-based educational programming which can foster the successful engagement and retention of students in recovery.
Discuss a prototype of trauma-informed, collegiate recovery programming to characterize how undergraduate and graduate schools can build recovery-informed growth and train individuals and systems to learn and implement recovery-inclusive language and treatment methods. and modalities and even pedagogical modifications.
Compare methods of how collegiate recovery programs can map development of recovery capital onto other, campus-wide growth processes to build a broader, inclusive coalition of students upon implementing collegiate recovery programming.
The instructor used technology effectively
Attendees will discuss and be able to compile a list of barriers and solutions to launching a recovery high school as we cover the particular barriers we have encountered in our city and surrounding area, and the solutions or potential solutions to these barriers.
Attendees will be able to list steps to keep the momentum moving forward when plans and progress toward launching a recovery high school seem to stagnate.
Attendees will be able to discuss where we are now in our process, and where we hope to be a year from now in this process.
The instructor used technology effectively
Explain how Archway Academy, a recovery school for adolescents who struggle with substance use and mental health disorders, has integrated with the local Alternative Peer Groups.
Analyze how integration of recovery school and alternative peer groups offers a holistic approach to treating adolescents who struggle with substance use and mental health disorders.
Discuss how sober social functions are integrated into the Alternative Peer Group/Recovery School model to create a safe and enriching environment for adolescents who struggle with substance use and mental health disorders.
The instructor used technology effectively
Demonstrate a working understanding of how to identify the intersections of mal-adaptive behaviors with SUD and mental health challenges.
Design a continuum of care based on need.
Analyze strategies to build collaborative relationships so that creative clinical solutions can be designed and implemented.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss strategies for engaging families of recovery high school students in programming.
Discuss a basic understanding of the community reinforcement and family training (CRAFT) model for family support.
Discuss the connection between family support and recovery high school sustainability.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss how athletes enter and sustain recovery as well as any best practices.
Explain the unique challenges that student athletes and professional athletes face.
Assess what the broader recovery community can learn from athletes in or seeking recovery.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the role of the treatment field in supporting the growth of recovery support services.
Explain how collegiate recovery and other recovery supports protect treatment outcomes and improve the recovery workforce.
Assess opportunities and challenges in moving forward and determine next steps.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe specific types of trauma experienced by recovering students.
Discuss the Posttraumatic Growth Model (Tedeschi & Calhoun (2004), realizing how trauma can positively transform a person.
Assess the need for addressing trauma and how post traumatic growth and resiliency can strengthen the recovery process.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the role of parents in a young adult's recovery and the ways they either support or hinder sustained recovery.
Assess the dynamics of families hijacked by a substance use disorder and the support available to address this issue.
Prepare a sample recovery plan for parents.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe common objections to the incorporation of faith in recovery.
Discuss research on the positive elements of including faith in recovery.
Analyze the need for future research for best practices for the integration of faith and recovery and how to collaborate with, learn from, and train faith practitioners.
The instructor used technology effectively
Explain some of the traditional reluctance to intensive family involvement in adolescent treatment programs.
Predict the potential for lasting change when all parts of the system are engaged.
Describe some ethical challenges that are likely to be present in family therapy within an APG.
The instructor used technology effectively
To heighten the overall awareness on the subject and definition of ableism. Learn how to speak up against ableism and lessen its harm in everyday life.
Analyze how many students within college/university collegiate recovery programs identify with ableism and/or any mental health challenges.
The instructor used technology effectively
List the ways that families are affected by the disease of addiction.
Compare research regarding the positive impact of family involvement on outcomes.
Prepare resources that offer support for families.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the benefits of campus collaborations.
Explain wellness model and role of physical activity in relation to CRC Programming.
Discuss creative ideas to engage students in recovery in social support building fun.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss steps to open a recovery campus for adolescents high school students who are working to maintain sobriety and the struggles encountered from conception to finish.
Discuss ways to enlist the support of surrounding districts/community to make the mindset shift from punishment to treatment for adolescents working to maintain sobriety.
Discuss ideas to strengthen shared practices to support adolescent recovery by sharing best practices as Fortis Academy shares the challenges to meeting the needs of students in recovery.
The instructor used technology effectively
Be able to summarize the 12-step approach for recovery from SUD.
Discuss research evidence on 12-step approaches for adults and adolescents.
Discuss APG participants' perceptions of the barriers and facilitators to 12-step involvement and how the 12-steps promoted or hindered their recovery.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss and identify the most impactful professional development opportunities supporting the development and growth of recovery high school teaches.
Attendees will analyse the various options for curriculum that can be used with recovery high school students based on their unique learning characteristics in the classroom.
Attendees will compile a list of best practices an strategies for recovery high school teachers.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss strategies for assessing motivation during the admission process.
Discuss strategies for ongoing assessment of student motivation once enrolled.
Discuss the subtleties of assessing motivation when a co-occurring mental health condition(s) is present.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe and understand self-disclosure.
Compile and understand the various roles within the treatment landscape. Identify and understand healthy versus unhealthy self-disclosure within these roles and associated ethical issues.
Describe the historical and theoretical roots of self-disclosure in counseling.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss programs, resources, and tools that can be used in a recurring manner to create a sustainable system of support services for individuals in collegiate recovery who identify with having a disability or mental health issue.
Discuss programs, resources, and tools that can be used to create a sustainable system of support services for women in recovery.
Discuss programs, resources, and tools that can be used to create a sustainable system of support services for adolescents in recovery.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss the goals of longitudinal research on collegiate recovery students and why it is needed to move the field forward.
Assess the implementation barriers and obstacles of joining a multi-site study at their own programs.
Apply methodological rigor to their own program evaluations in light of what outcomes are now being collected nationally.
The instructor used technology effectively
Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between shame and increased likelihood of relapse.
Discuss how uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure define the nature of vulnerability.
Analyze the role of vulnerability, courage, and shame resilience in the college experience.
The instructor used technology effectively
Identifying and utilizing resources within and outside the University setting to support ED in CRPs.
Plan logistics of providing ED support in CRPs.
Discuss areas of growth to support ED in CRPs.
The instructor used technology effectively
Will discuss the need for recovery housing and collaborating with residence life, university student housing and the importance of creating a designated space for students in recovery.
Demonstrate the effectiveness and value the roles of CCRC staff, peer leaders and residence life staff have on the CCRC recovery housing students.
Explain the educational and recovery support/resources offered at their specific Collegiate Recovery Housing Program.
Please rate the following:
The program was relevant to my work.
Content matched stated objectives.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Quality of facilities and facility accommodations.
How well did the educational sessions give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of generic names?
If you rated any of the above questions with 'fair,' 'poor,' 'disagree,' or 'strongly disagree' please explain in detail (e.g. session title, speaker name, situtation):
Please tell us about any sessions you found particularly good or bad
Please tell us about any objectives you feel we accomplished well or poorly 
Please tell us about any presenters you found particularly good or bad
Please answer the following:
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
If faculty spoke about off-label or investigational uses of a product, was that information disclosed to you?
Was the mode of education effective to learning?
If you answered "No" to any of the above questions, please explain.
Did you perceive any product/service/company/commercial bias in any educational session you attended or materials you received?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please detail the situation below (e.g. session title, speaker name):
Were you solicited by sales personnel in an educational room (other areas do not matter) while you attended this educational activity?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please explain in detail (e.g. who, when, where):
How much did you learn as a result of this education program?
What specifically did you learn during this activity that you intend to integrate into your practice?

What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?

What patient/client problems or patient/client challenges do you feel you are not able to address appropriately or to your satisfaction?
What problems are your patients/clients communicating to you that need attention or follow up?

Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?

What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?

How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?

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