AcademyHealth - 2019 ARM Evaluation for Certificate of Attendance
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How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

How many credit hours did you complete?
By completing this form, you attest that you have attended the number of hours you have indicated above.
What is your primary employment setting?
Other please specify:
Please indicate your AcademyHealth membership status.
Please email membership information to (include email address):
How many ARMs have you attended (including 2019)?
How did you hear about this year’s ARM conference?
Please rate your overall satisfaction with the conference? (1=poor, 4=exceptional)
How would you rate this conference in relation to other conferences of this type that you have attended? (1=worse, 4=much better)
Did you book your hotel room within or outside the designated conference hotels organized through AcademyHealth?
If you booked outside the hotel block organized by AcademyHealth, which hotel was it? Why?
To what degree did each of the following influence your decision to attend the meeting? Answer all that apply. No influence (1) Great influence (4).
Overall program content
Specific topics relevant to your work
Presentation opportunities
Employer paid registration
Location of the meeting
Career development
Other topics please specify and rate. No influence (1) Great influence (4).
In your opinion, how important are each of the following elements to the value of the meeting? Not important (1), Very important (4)
Concurrent sessions
Plenary sessions
Poster sessions
Continuing Education Credits
Agenda book
Online agenda
PowerPoint presentations posted online
Online attendee resource center
Adjunct Meetings
Wireless internet availability
Other elements please specify and rate. Not important (1), Very important (4)
To accommodate the growing number of abstracts submissions and maintain our acceptance rate, the 2019 ARM had only one plenary and the awards were presented as part of a special concurrent Presidential session. Were you comfortable with these changes?"
Additional Comments:
AcademyHealth’s vision is to improve health and health care by generating new knowledge and moving that knowledge into policy and practice. 
How well did the ARM support and/or promote the generation of relevant, rigorous evidence? (1=poor, 4=very well)
How well did the ARM support and/or promote the dissemination, translation and use of evidence to inform policy and practice? (1=poor, 4=very well)
How well do you think the following meeting objectives were met?
Poor (1); Excellent (4)

To disseminate the latest results of health services research 
To examine critical health care and health policy  issues
To sharpen skills in research methods

To learn about research resources and funding priorities
To network
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
If no, tell us how...
Did you perceive any commercial bias or influence in the educational content?
If yes, please explain...
Did this activity improve your Skills or Strategy?
If yes, how...
Do you think what you learned will benefit you in your practice?
What questions are you having in your practice that you would like to see addressed in a future education activity?
What is your overall assessment of the conference app? (1=poor, 4=exceptional)
Did you attend a Poster Session? 
If you did, do you have suggestions for improvement?
Did you visit the Exhibitors?
If yes, do you have suggestions for improvement?
In general, in which of the following research areas would professional development opportunities or general support be most useful to you? (Please select all that apply) Not important (1); Very important (4)

data analysis
data collection
disseminating your research findings
identifying funding sources
identifying issues where new research is most required
having your research be useful and impactful
how to talk to policymakers
research design
writing proposals
Other please specify and rate. Not important (1); Very important (4)
What experiences and activities are important to build your career? Not important (1); Very important (4)

Leadership opportunities
Publishing opportunities
Speaking/presentation opportunities
Funding opportunities
Volunteer opportunities with AcademyHealth
Contact with health services researchers
Contact with health policy makers
Contact with health care practitioners
Opportunities to attend AcademyHealth events
Other experiences please specify and rate. Not important (1); Very important (4)
We’d love to hear what you have to say. Please provide a brief (1-2 sentences) testimonial about your experience at the 2019 ARM. Note: By offering the testimonial, you agree to let AcademyHealth implement it (as is) without attribution in any future marketing communications around this conference.
How would you rate the overall quality and usefulness of the following 90-minute methods workshop?
Science Around SDOH: As We Collect this Data in Delivery System Settings, When Should There be a Therapeutic Response?
HSR Comes to Care: Innovations in Shared Decision Making and Patient-centered Care?

Innovative Methods to Leverage Data to Support Evidence-Based 

Decision Making? 

Pragmatic Trial Design?
Practicing Natural Language Processing: Dos and Don'ts?
Social Network Analysis in Health Services Research and Implementation Science?
Machine Learning for Health Services and Policy Research?
How to Apply Realist Methods to Gain Insights in A Rapidly Changing Environment?
Using Mixed Methods in Health Services and Policy Research: Insights from the Field?
New Data Sharing Strategies to Enhance Researcher Access to digital Clinical Resources?
Ensuring the Quality of Big Data for HSR?
New Data Sources & Approaches to Partnering for Data Access:
Please indicate which NEW Methods topics and proposed Chairs you would like to see featured at the 2020 ARM.
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