CAPS - Spring Conference 2019
Mr pencil

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By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
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The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
Objective 1: Describe and explain the empirical psychological research regarding self-esteem as an evaluative system (e.g., the sociometer model, social identity theory)
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
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The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
Objective 2: Analyze the connections between self-esteem, psychopathology (e.g., mood disorders, narcissism), and social hostility (e.g., prejudice, downward social comparison, out-group hostility)
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
Objective 3: Describe alternative psychological pathways for self-esteem (e.g., mindfulness therapy, positive psychology, and religious coping) and discuss psychotherapeutic interventions aimed at cultivating self-esteem via transcendence
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the etiology and risk factors of child abuse and neglect.
Explain and rehearse legal and ethical decision-making processes and core techniques for intervening and treating child abuse and neglect.
Discuss best practices in the treatment of child abuse and neglect.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain the common barriers to healthy sexual intimacy.
Describe and discuss the six building blocks to healthy sexual relating.
Apply the six pillars of healthy physical intimacy in clinical work with couples.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Rethink some longstanding assumptions regarding the integration of psychology and Christianity by pondering how these assumptions may be perceived and critiqued by younger professionals entering the workforce.
Engage in a conversational approach to integration that involves a fresh look at several pressing quandaries and questions.
Consider how this conversational approach to integration may transform research, training, and evidence-based practice.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify factors contributing to homelessness in the United States.
Explain individual and community impacts of homelessness.
Critique different evidence-based and promising practices used to effectively serve people experiencing homelessness.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify research and clinical studies documenting the importance of relationship variables to child discipline.
Identify research supporting six positive change interventions.
Identify research supporting six positive change interventions.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the characteristics, prevalence, and impact of female sexual pain disorders.
Describe how cultural myths and misunderstanding of sexual pain disorders perpetuates challenges, emotion, pain, and trauma for those suffering.
Explain how a group therapy treatment model can positively impact women struggling with sexual pain disorders and their spouses.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Evaluate various risk factors for depression in college students.
Discuss how spirituality can serve as both a protective factor and a risk factor to depression.
Analyze a spiritual discrepancy theory as a part of a comprehensive model for identifying clients/students at risk for depression.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Be able to describe the definition of personal strivings and the different types of striving.
Be able to describe the relations among the constructs of personal strivings and meaning.
Apply the findings regarding spiritual transformation in adolescents with adolescent clients.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Summarize the scope of integration literature.
Summarize current outcomes of integration research related to integration learning.
Describe evidence for integration learning from the present research.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify key principles associated with effective adult learning strategies.
Compile a toolbox of resources to further incorporate integration into their own classroom.
Discuss what it means to train bilingual clinicians within their particular context.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain the rationale and research base for using the Conceptual Mapping Task (CMT) in clinical supervision and counseling.
Summarize the four-phase protocol of the CMT used in supervision with trainees or advanced counselors.
Identify how the CMT can be used in clinical work as a termination ritual, case transfer strategy, or a life review tool.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Define psychoanalytic love, based on psychoanalytic theory and wisdom literature.
Describe how it manifests in the therapeutic situation, even paradoxically.
Learn about roadblocks to love in therapy and how to wrestle with these countertransference issues.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the multi-faceted nature of resilience among youth who lived in the streets of Kenya.
Identify individual, relational, and contextual risk and protective factors in adolescent mental and emotional health.
Discuss culturally-sensitive ways to collaborate internationally to address and promote adolescent resilience.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the principles of Trauma-Informed Care (TIC).
Discuss the potential challenges of implementing TIC, particularly in a cross-cultural setting.
Select resources to help them facilitate TIC in their communities.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify the role of mental health professionals in the legal systems.
Compare and summarize the different ways mental health professionals can interact and function within the legal system.
Recognize privileged information and how it can be protected or used in the legal system.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Summarize empirically-supported treatments for OCD.
Distinguish between appropriate exposures for OCD symptoms in Christian clients and exposures that lack sensitivity to the client’s religious worldview and are more likely to lead to poorer outcomes.
Implement bio-psycho-social-spiritual treatment plans for OCD with Christian clients.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss where and how knowledge about the clinical integration of spirituality/religion is presented in their MA programs.
Exchange strategies to enhance student learning or faculty assessment of clinical skills related to the integration of spirituality/religion.
Develop plans to enhance student learning or faculty assessment of the integration of spirituality/religion in MA programs.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Distinguish between neuroscience of the brain and Trauma Theory of the mind.
Evaluate the link between theory of Object Relations and theology of the Atonement.
Utilize the implicit relational knowing each brings to the psychotherapeutic task.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explore empirical evidence for cultural humility in promoting positive intergroup dialogues and relationships and be able to critically apply knowledge to their clinical, research, and professional work.
Identify positive benefits of cultural humility on minority wellbeing and belongingness and understand how to promote these benefits in their professional roles.
Discuss and apply specific ways to facilitate the development of cultural humility in individual, group and systemic contexts to promote positive change in their professional roles.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify current best practices required for clinicians to competently diagnose ASD.
Identify and explain the key elements of how an interdisciplinary model contributes to family support and quality care of patients with ASD.
Explain diagnosing children with ASD, including being able to identify critical strategies in making differential diagnoses such as Intellectual Disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Anxiety Disorders.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss commonalities/differences in the experience of these two communities.
Identify barriers of interracial community collaboration.
Apply solutions to overcoming barriers to interracial community collaboration.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify basic and clinical research in couple forgiveness that can contribute to clinical settings.
Explain case study research of couples with moderate to severe relational offenses including the use of routine outcome monitoring.
Address diversity issues in forgiveness interventions with clients, especially implications for various religious traditions.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain the significance of the differences in sexual response cycles in men and women.
Examine the role sexual desire discrepancy has on marital distress.
Evaluate the negative applications of “self-esteem” on sexual desire discrepancy interactions along with the positive applications of individual identity development for relational intimacy.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss cutting edge research in the science of religion.
Compare and contrast ways in which scientific and religious explanations are used at different levels of causality
Dialogue about the ways in which children and adults across diverse populations integrate and reconcile scientific and religious explanations for core domains of human experience: origins, illness and death.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Summarize basic information on attachment theory and its influences within romantic relationships.
Describe the common coping strategies used by secure and insecure romantic partners during times of relational stress.
Discuss clinical implications of securely attached partner buffering to help mitigate relational stress of insecurely attached romantic partner.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Review the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and list three of the goals that are the most relevant for your work in mental health.
Overview Global Mental Health (GMH) and identify three GMH resources that would be especially relevant to include for training MHPs.
Describe three specific ways that you can apply the global integration framework to support SDG Goal 3 (the health goal): "ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages."
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze five research findings from three years demonstrating the effectiveness of the two-day Jones Trauma Counseling Model in treating guilt, shame, anxiety, and PTSD symptoms in three residential substance abuse facilities for men and women in Kenya.
Describe the core components of the Jones Trauma Counseling Model and how it is used in a cross-cultural setting.
Discuss the implications of the model’s results in establishing effective treatment protocols with sub-Sahara African clients and with cross-cultural counseling in general.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss how their client’s emotionally vulnerable “naked” self will clinically impact the therapeutic process.
Identify what challenges they will confront with emotional vulnerability and how that can be leveraged therapeutically.
Identify areas of personal and professional growth that they must practice to be comfortable with their emotional vulnerability in order to provide space for clients to do the same.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify predictors of social workers’ views and integration of clients’ religion/spirituality in clinical practice.
Identify barriers and sources of support to integrating clients’ religion/spirituality in clinical practice.
Describe the intersection between the National Association of Social Workers’ (2017) Code of Ethics and social workers’ religious/spiritual beliefs and practices in the process of ethically and effectively integrating clients’ religion/ spirituality in clinical practice.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe and assess the particular struggles facing LGBT+ youth who are reared in Christian homes about how they experience the coming out to their parents, family, church and community.
Create more affirming and supportive spaces for the LGBT+ youth and their families within their homes and church communities.
Design interventions and supports to mitigate the common rejecting and non-affirming reactions of parents and families that contribute to LGBT+ Christian youth, leading to higher levels of depression and suicide than the general population.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Asses the Couple’s readiness to move into the process of restoring marital intimacy and level of traumatic impact.
Describe the impact of trauma neurobiologically, identify traumatic symptoms and apply practical modalities that address mind, body and soul.
Demonstrate and practice grounding techniques and practical interventions to build and restore a sexual relationship.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss cutting edge research in the cognitive science of religion.
Compare and contrast scientific and religious explanations of different levels of causality
Dialogue about how children and adults across diverse populations integrate and reconcile scientific and religious explanations for core domains of human experience: origins, illness, and death.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss and summarize the purpose of project based learning.
Identify key assignments to help graduate students apply classroom learning in the real world.
Apply a deliberate pedagogy throughout a graduate curriculum to help prepare students for clinical practice using supported educational opportunities.
The instructor used the technology effectively
List the clinical, ethical, and theological mandates for wellness for graduate students.
Describe the advisory relationship as a conduit to teach and model self-care to graduate students.
Utilize one self-reflective and grace-based approach to promote student wellness in the advisement relationship.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe and assess the Critical Race Theory and current literature. Understand therapy as a microcosm of society and how race and racism are also interwoven into the therapeutic relationship.
Identify and understand how stereotypes and micro-aggressions affect therapeutic relationships from both the clinician’s and client’s perspectives. Examine the model minority myth and its effect on Asian American clinicians as a specific example.
Discuss innovative strategies to meaningfully discuss cross-cultural differences in therapeutic relationships.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain and apply the research findings towards a greater awareness of how ACES and certain demographic data may impact personal and clinical interactions.
Examine person-centered therapy techniques that address restoring self-efficacy and high positive regard.
Evaluate recommendations for clinical practice and further research into variables that can reduce the impact of ACEs for adults with substance use disorders.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe and explain the empirical psychological research regarding self-esteem as an evaluative system (e.g., the sociometer model, social identity theory).
Analyze the connections between self-esteem, psychopathology (e.g., mood disorders, narcissism), and social hostility (e.g., prejudice, downward social comparison, out-group hostility).
Describe alternative psychological pathways for self-esteem (e.g., mindfulness therapy, positive psychology, and religious coping) and discuss psychotherapeutic interventions aimed at cultivating self-esteem via transcendence.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain how couples end violence in their relationships.
Assess whether conjoint therapy is safe and the likelihood of change.
Plan interventions to lead couples toward desistance.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify and discuss current stressors on children, teens, and their families in navigating current life circumstances.
Discuss the impact of bullying on children and teens, the prevalence and variety of addictive behavior beyond drugs and alcohol that impact children and teens, and the seriousness of suicidal behavior.
Compare brief case studies highlighting effective intervention strategies when treating children, teens, and their families who come for treatment for bullying, addictive behaviors, and suicidal gestures.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe stigmatic ideologies in religious communities, as identified by the research presented.
Discuss advocacy avenues in which mental health professionals can support their local church bodies.
Utilize advocacy avenues to inform and interpret apprehension among religious clients.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe examples of conflicts between the ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice.
Formulate ethical decision-making processes that allow them to avoid values imposition.
Describe ways of engaging clients in moral/ hermeneutical dialog as an ethical alternative to bracketing.
The instructor used the technology effectively
List and define three elements of the self that need to be addressed in integrating Christianity and Counseling.
Describe the role of developing practices in integrating Christianity and Counseling.
Describe how dialogue with others and attention to the cultural context impacts the task of integrating Christianity and Counseling.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the process and procedures of an initial assessment of trainee clinical skill using a single pseudo-client session observed using web conferencing.
List the benefits of this baseline clinical skills assessment for both trainees and supervisors.
Apply this method of initial skills assessment to your own training program, discussing modifications for your setting and ways it can improve training and provision of therapy by trainees.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze considerations when integrating spiritual qualities into dispositional assessment for students.
Understand developmental considerations for associate, bachelor’s and master’s levels relevant to evaluation of dispositions.
Compare and contrast the application of dispositional evaluation procedures at the master’s, bachelor’s and associate levels to aid in the development of clinicians and support staff in practice.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Understand and discuss the aspects of psychoanalytic theory and religion that lead to implicit authoritarian and suspicious attitudes towards patients.
Identify and analyze clinical stances that counteract positions of mistrust and diminishment of patient participation in their own healing.
Assess and evaluate presented clinical case material in light of psychoanalytic and integrative perspectives.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Recognize and compare differing views on religious inclusion from a clinical perspective.
Analyze potential ethical and moral implications of inclusion of differing religious identity markers.
Utilize inclusionary intervention skills in order to improve patient outcomes.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe recent research in voluntourism and short-term missions.
Discuss risks in using college students in global outreach.
Identify and utilize best practices in cross-cultural volunteering.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Assess the impact of religious trauma when working with sexual minority Christians or LGBTQ+ individuals who grew up in religious backgrounds.
Recognize both the importance of faith in the lives of sexual minority Christians while being sensitive to potential conflicts experienced in religious contexts.
Apply information to become better supporters of the health and well-being of sexual minority Christian clients throughout the course of therapy.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the unique elements that clinicians of faith must navigate when dealing with multiple relationships.
Explore feelings of anxiety that occur because of multiple relationships and their ripple effect on other professional relationships.
Identify ways that multiple relationships can be dealt with ethically, while still delivering appropriate care to clients.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Demonstrate and discuss the different ways that sexual minority students maintain their "hold" on religious/spiritual identity and/or sexual identity.
Describe the relationship of these patterns of holding faith and sexual identity to mental health, psychological wellbeing, and perceptions of campus climate regarding sexuality over the four years of the study.
Discuss how clinicians can assist Christian colleges/universities or other Christian organizations in fostering an environment that may positively influence the development of both religious/spiritual identity and sexual identity in sexual minorities.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify basic and clinical research in spiritually integrated couple therapy that can contribute to clinical settings.
Explain clinical observation research of couples addressing spiritual strivings in couple treatment.
Address diversity issues in spiritual interventions with clients, especially implications for various religious traditions.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify recent empirical findings in the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) literature on the relationship between intrusive memories and trauma-related rumination.
Discuss preliminary research on the link between trauma-related ruminations and focusing on God, including the mediating role of mindfulness skills (i.e., attention, focusing on the present moment, awareness, acceptance).
Compare mindfulness and Christian forms of meditation for helping Christians with intrusive memories to shift from trauma-related ruminations to God.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Demonstrate the strategic role of assessment in therapeutic partnerships.
Utilize semi-standardized and standardized instruments for the benefit of the therapeutic relationship and realizing care objectives.
Apply the craft of selective therapeutic assessment to build practice-based evidence.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Conceptualize the skills of bracketing and broaching from the lens of ethics, moral theory, and cultural humility research.
Identify principles of discernment for bracketing and/or broaching when engaging value differences with clients.
Apply the principles of discernment to a case study.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain how the feminine is at the heart of creation.
Discuss three primary opportunities to help female patients develop a mature feminine voice of their own in the face of intergenerational trauma.
Discuss a women`s pivotal psychological and spiritual place in society.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify supervision strategies for each racial identity development stage of supervisee.
Utilize knowledge of supervision triad to address potential multicultural issues that can arise and supervision techniques to use to promote growth in supervisee.
Learn creative interventions for facilitating multicultural competency growth in supervisees.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain how radical acceptance fits into DBT and the distress tolerance skills.
Discuss the rationale for radical acceptance.
Teach acceptance skills of radical acceptance, half smile, turning the mind and willing hands.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Recognize the factors that informed multicultural competency-based supervision.
Discover how multicultural supervision informs supervisors’ and supervisees’ ethnicity, race, class, spiritual and gender
Engage in discussion focused of the importance of being intentional in focusing on contextual and cultural factors in training.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss and articulate basic EMDR/Feeling State theory and technique.
Observe actual demonstrations of EMDR/Feeling State techniques and phenomena.
Utilize and role play mock EMDR/Feeling State techniques in dyads.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain the basic neurobiological mechanism of ketamine.
Define treatment resistant depression and understand the studies that support ketamine for depression.
Describe the benefits and risks of ketamine for depression.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe three protective factors related to religious coping for partner abuse survivors.
Describe three challenges of religious coping for partner abuse survivors.
Identify three evidence informed, spiritually oriented therapeutic interventions with partner abuse survivors.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe common barriers to diversity in the psychology-theology integration endeavors.
Describe solutions to increase diversity and equality in the psychology-theology literature and professional discussion.
Describe barriers and solutions to diversity in the clinical setting in order to enhance equality.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Articulate the basic constructs of solution focused narrative therapy.
Identify values that are important to participants, and learn how such values influence their behaviors as therapists.
Discuss observations of a digital recording of a solution focused narrative session, and thereby learn how the process works in therapy.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the emotional impact of non-egalitarian church participation on self-esteem and anger.
Summarize recent research findings regarding sexual attitudes & behaviors among Evangelical and Mainline Protestant college students.
Implement theologically and research-informed psychotherapeutic interventions for LGBT individuals experiencing religious distress relative to orientation.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify recent empirical findings in the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) literature on the relationship between intrusive memories and trauma-related rumination.
Discuss preliminary research on the link between trauma-related ruminations and focusing on God, including the mediating role of mindfulness skills (i.e., attention, focusing on the present moment, awareness, acceptance).
Compare mindfulness and Christian forms of meditation for helping Christians with intrusive memories to shift from trauma-related ruminations to God.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Define and discuss the concept of bracketing as it relates to working with clients, colleagues, supervisees; discuss how bracketing and the ACA ethical code can guide practice.
Engage in discourse with audience on the history of harmonious disagreement, its role in 17th century China, and how its tenets may be useful today in clinical work, teaching, and engaging with peers.
Review ethical case studies that discuss issues related to: end of life decision making, women’s rights, and sexual/ affectional minorities; identify possible values conflicts, summarize and enumerate courses of action and apply tenets of bracketing and harmonious disagreement to ethical decision making process.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the psycho-social conditions, mental agonies, emotional struggles, and cultural challenges facing Syrian migrants and refugees -- and the challenge they themselves face to the hosting society
Analyze 3 characteristics of the trauma reactions (from wars), grieving stages (multiple losses), and cultural adjustments (adaptation to new places) that Syrian victims/survivors experience.
Discuss 3 therapeutic strategies to help/work with refugees and migrant people in order to facilitate their recovery, utilize their community, and enhance their assimilation and resiliency. Also, to help caregivers avoid burnout and depletion symptoms.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain key barriers to closing the global mental health treatment gap.
Describe at least three strategies for increasing access to mental health care globally
Identify actionable steps for involvement in global and local mental health initiatives to reduce treatment disparities.
The instructor used the technology effectively
List the major influences on modern American adolescence and the current cultural ambiguity in understanding this developmental stage.
Describe “planned emancipation” and its role in psychotherapy with adolescents and their families.
Describe the potential conflicts between the implications of brain research and the goals of individuation in adolescence.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze the basic constructs of solution focused narrative therapy.
Examine the values identification process for therapists and discuss the utility of this process in clinical practice.
Explore the case presentation and discuss various clinical formulations that could inform treatment options.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Apply the diagnostic criteria of PTSD and evaluate/utilize the benefits of empirically-based Parent Management Training in treatment of a family who has a traumatized child with emotional and/or behavioral disturbances.
Explain how reactive behaviors are rooted in safety issues.
Critique the concept that "the inside always matches the outside" and give examples of how that may present with reactive children.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss current research related to sexuality and spirituality.
Analyze qualitative research findings and compare these findings with previous research.
Apply qualitative findings to clinical practice.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Critically analyze the process of value-bracketing.
Compare perspectives on harmonious disagreement.
Integrate case studies (from Dr. O’Brien’s previous session) to further discuss appropriate ethical decision-making.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify a paradigm of supervision that incorporates both therapist skills and personal growth.
Recognize common countertransference and person-of-the-therapist contributors which interfere with therapeutic effectiveness.
Aid supervisees in interrupting and changing the automatic interferences to effective therapy.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Articulate how societal changes in means and manner of communication have impacted integration in clinical education.
Define and evaluate mindful communication through the lens of stewardship and spiritual disciplines.
Assess practical means by which to apply mindful communication in mental health education programs.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the major tenets of community psychology and public health.
Assess/analyze the specific mental health counseling resource needs and issues in a target community.
Design and apply the ecological model in cross cultural settings.
The instructor used the technology effectively
List the major influences on modern American adolescence and the current cultural ambiguity in understanding this developmental stage.
Describe “planned emancipation” and it’s role in psychotherapy with adolescents and their families.
Describe the potential conflicts between the implications of brain research and the goals of individuation in adolescence.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain the constructs of ambiguous loss and boundary ambiguity.
Describe how ambiguous loss and boundary ambiguity are relevant to the experience of some singles.
Demonstrate clinically appropriate interventions for the challenges of singles experiencing ambiguous loss.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe how MFT programs at some Christian universities and seminaries build program goals and student learning outcomes which focus on the integration of faith and learning.
Describe strategies that programs which have a focus on the integration of faith and learning can use to develop the abilities of trainees to articulate their personal faith perspectives/ worldview, to help develop trainees skill in working with clients with multiple faith perspectives and worldviews, in both the classroom and clinic.
Articulate how clinical supervisors assess the ability of trainees to clarify their worldviews, join with clients with similar and different worldviews, and to capture these assessments on clinical evaluation instruments that have questions focused on worldview, epistemology, and religious and spiritual views.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe how gender identity is defined within a small sample of transgender youth identifying as Christian.
Identify important factors that may contribute to the development of a transgender identity.
Explain how faith beliefs and perceptions relate to the development of gender identity from the perspective of Christian families.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Apply cultural humility to your life and religious community.
Utilize effective ways of positively engaging sexual minority individuals.
Explain the effectiveness of cultural humility in relational repair.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe psychological research on the relation between religion, moral foundations, virtue development, and prejudice.
Compare the divergent effects of various aspects/dimension of religiousness on morality.
Apply research findings related to religion, morality, and moral development to congregational and clinical contexts.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify the developmental needs of Internship students.
Analyze Internship student development based on eight areas of professional functioning identified by Stoltenberg & McNeill’s (2010) Integrative Developmental Model (IDM).
Apply creative interventions for facilitating Internship student development.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explore the relationship between spirituality and counselor identity development.
Develop their own ideas about how meaning is constructed from spiritual identity in concert with counselor identity
Identify ways developing a more holistic sense of counselor identity and as well as their clients.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the steps in the “memory reconsolidation” process.
Demonstrate the counseling skill of “mismatching experiences.”
Compile a list of ways they can implement the counseling skill of “mismatching experiences” to three current clients and their therapeutic approach for use with future clients.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify the major global mental health needs, services, and challenges including poverty, ignorance, stigma, culture, faith and mental health services in developing countries.
Present the process and outcomes of an innovative online web-based training on counseling and the utilization of self-rated assessment and screening tools among South Asia and Middle East.
Explore the potential benefits and challenges of partnerships for promoting cross-cultural counseling through research, training and short-term trips to India.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the important aspects of EMDR psychotherapy
Explain the ways that EMDR psychotherapy can be integrated with Christian faith.
Demonstrate the use of the therapeutic skills of EMDR with Christian clients.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify the progression of a relationship with the narcissistic person and how the "bubble" is formed.
Compare how the narcissistic person views reality and how that creates conflicts in relationships, like "hitting one`s head against a wall."
Use the visual model to confirm the patient`s reality with the relational dynamics and design coping skills to deflect the attacks of the narcissistic person and protect their sanity/reality/ affect; can use it to role play interactions to assess risk and options for interaction.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe cyber infidelity—definitionally, legally, relationally, spiritually—as synonymous with infidelity.
Discuss marital consequences—intrapersonal and interpersonal—and methodical, universal and often unconscious sequences (e.g. from innocent chat to extramarital affair).
Utilize marital boundary and guideline recommendations in pre-marital, marital, family mental health settings, to encourage marriage fidelity behavior in digital environments to mirror face-to-face environments.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Differentiate between relationships in distress and relationships in crisis.
Avoid the common mistakes found when traditional theory is applied to couples in crisis.
Implement intervention strategies designed specifically for crisis relationships.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Define racism/stigma and describe the impact on mental health and well-being for minority individuals and interracial couples.
Summarize the role that religious/spiritual wellbeing plays in helping Black-White couples cope with racism/stigma.
Recognize the unique prevention and intervention needs of Black-White interracial couples and apply specific religious race-based intervention/prevention strategies.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe psychological research on the relation between religion, moral foundations, virtue development, and prejudice.
Compare the divergent effects of various aspects/dimension of religiousness on morality.
Apply research findings related to religion, morality, and moral development to congregational and clinical contexts.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Learn to evaluate and intervene in doctoral supervision experiences when the members have varied levels of experience.
Student attendees will be able to model the experiences of the doctoral student presenters` strategies for open disclosure and learning in supervision.
Gain knowledge and interventions regarding the balance of power in doctoral practicum supervision with varied student clinical experiences.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the current definition of emotional support animals (ESAs) and explain the difference between ESAs and service animals in practical and legal settings.
Understand the experience of ESA owners and assess possible mental health bias.
Identify and understand the current, real-world issues as they apply to mental health professionals who may be asked to recommend ESA’s for individuals with mental illness.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Recognize and increase competence of clinicians in the area of diversity, with specific emphasis on the intersectionality of religious diversity with other diversity markers.
Describe potential connotations of the word of "Christian" in the current political climate.
Compare and demonstrate skill to manage clinician self-disclosure in different psychodynamic relational frames with focus on improvement of client outcomes.
Demonstrate lived experience with an emotionally and politically charged topic.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the positions of Dr. Thomas Idiculla regarding international mental health.
Brainstorm about application of Dr. Idiculla`s ideology to international mental health practices.
Dialogue about the vast possibilities for ongoing research related to cross-cultural mental health.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the basic challenges of forgiveness in a cross-cultural setting and shall be able to compare how this conflict differs in key ways from other conflicts in the region.
Identify which interventions are most effective in working in cross-cultural settings to promote forgiveness and peacemaking, such as the Middle East.
Explain how to provide culturally appropriate interventions for people who have been victims of or perpetrators of genocide and mass trauma.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe common challenges with regard to the clinician’s personal privacy online.
Summarize the primary ethical considerations related to social media use for the mental health clinician.
List specific steps to take to ensure their professional online presence maintains appropriate boundaries with clients and adheres to professional codes of ethics.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Identify three implications of moral decision-making research for ethics training in clinical supervision.
Describe four best practices for initiating multicultural discussions in clinical supervision.
Demonstrate the application of three systemic principles to a contemporary ethical challenge.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Define mindfulness in the context of mindfulness-based sex therapy.
Describe the core tasks of sex therapy and how mindfulness can facilitate these therapeutic goals.
Identify specific mindfulness principles and exercises that reduce sexual anxiety and enhance sexual desire, arousal, and satisfaction.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Elaborate upon the therapeutic use of optimal stress to provoke recovery.
Construct four anxiety-provoking but ultimately growth-promoting interventions specifically designed first to challenge and then to support.
Expound upon the cycles of disruption and repair that are generated as a result of the therapeutic provision of optimal stress.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss how to implement Christianaccommodative techniques to create synergy between the client`s religious values and empirically-supported treatments for OCD.
Distinguish between effective, appropriate exposures for OCD symptoms in Christian clients and exposures which lack sensitivity to the client's religious worldview and will lead to poorer outcomes.
Discuss ways to effectively coordination of care between the client, family members, clergy, and medical professionals who may have widely varying perspectives and worldviews on the nature and treatment of OCD.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Help participants describe ways to respond to moral and value issues that arise in therapy.
Recognize the risks involved when the practitioner doesn’t balance care for patients with appropriate care for self.
Explain their responsibilities when their patient is a danger to someone else.
The instructor used the technology effectively
List a few Arab Middle Eastern subcultures, nationalities, religious faiths, lifestyles, and traditions; discuss positive and negative stereotypes/generalizations about Arabs, Muslims, and Middle Easterners common in the West.
Describe some of the struggles, needs, challenges, and functioning of Arab Americans; discuss their coping styles in the larger North American society, and causes of fundamentalism and radicalization.
Review three differences between Assimilation Integration and Fragmentation-Isolation and list 3 characteristics of the Arab-Americans & Middle Easterners. Describe best therapeutic modalities in working with them and two ways to help them navigate through the North American life and social systems.
Please rate the following:
The program was relevant to my work.
Content matched stated objectives.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Quality of facilities and facility accommodations.
How well did the educational sessions give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of generic names?
If you rated any of the above questions with 'fair,' 'poor,' 'disagree,' or 'strongly disagree' please explain in detail (e.g. session title, speaker name, situtation):
Please tell us about any sessions you found particularly good or bad
Please tell us about any objectives you feel we accomplished well or poorly 
Please tell us about any presenters you found particularly good or bad
Please answer the following:
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
If faculty spoke about off-label or investigational uses of a product, was that information disclosed to you?
Was the mode of education effective to learning?
If you answered "No" to any of the above questions, please explain.
Did you perceive any product/service/company/commercial bias in any educational session you attended or materials you received?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please detail the situation below (e.g. session title, speaker name):
Were you solicited by sales personnel in an educational room (other areas do not matter) while you attended this educational activity?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please explain in detail (e.g. who, when, where):
How much did you learn as a result of this education program?
What specifically did you learn during this activity that you intend to integrate into your practice?

What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?

What patient/client problems or patient/client challenges do you feel you are not able to address appropriately or to your satisfaction?
What problems are your patients/clients communicating to you that need attention or follow up?

Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?

What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?

How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?

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