By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
Identify administrative claims data sources that can be used to infer the presence and severity of chronic disease.
List consequences of false positive or false negative identification (or over/underestimation of severity).
Explain alternative approaches to "whole-patient" evaluation that is not disease-specific.
Identify the latest developments in behavioral health DM that are more comprehensive and aligned with current science.
Apply the newest techniques in DM to reduce direct and indirect pharmacy costs.
Explain how to achieve better health outcomes and decreased remission rates for patients.
List cost and savings, program design and emphasis.
Explain solutions customized to meet specific goals and objectives and deliver the expected value to the customer/employer.
Identify new approaches to validate wireless applications.
List the essentials of the cause and effect of the problem.
Explain the growing prevalence and recent trends of prescription drug abuse.
Identify strategies for addressing this problem from a Class 1 Railroad Company as an example.
Discuss the value of the patient-centered medical home and its core components.
List the essential ingredients of a successful patient-centered medical home payer-provider partnership.
Develop a plan to implement a payer-provider patient-centered medical home.
Design a plan to measure the success of the program.
Design disease management programs that balance the conflicting goals of being holistic versus targeted.
Explain how to connect predictive models to wellness and care management intervention models to figure out the level of member outreach and engagement that optimized ROI or net savings
Identify ways to model the uncertainty of outcomes of wellness and care management interventions using Monte Carlo techniques.
List the most common tricks used to exaggerate ROI.
List Connections Plus-Centene's free pre-programmed cell phone program for high risk members who do not have safe reliable access to a telephone.
Explain the MP3 player/PODCAST program.
Describe Health Literacy and Children's Education Series.
Explain breaking down the silos between different DM programs.
Describe how to effectively work with patients co-morbidities to successfully treat all chronic health issues.
State why holistic programs promote improved health outcomes and produce ROI.
Explain how other chronic conditions can lead and cause behavioral health co-morbid conditions.
List the steps to take to minimize, reduce and treat behavioral health co-morbidities.
Discuss reducing costs by addressing these co-morbid conditions.
Discuss how to improve outcomes of patients with co-morbid chronic conditions.
Explain how to lower pharmacy costs through employing alternative treatment methods.
List various clinical approaches being utilized to address obesity.
Discuss the outcomes of the current programs.
Discuss how to improve economic and clinical outcomes among high-risk controlled substance users.
List techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of interventions.
Discuss how each patient responds uniquely to treatment methods.
Explain how to utilize therapy to promote behavior change.
Describe a cutting edge model to actively engage DM patients in self care and long term behavior change.
Identify technological opportunities to enhance existing DM programs.
Identify the challenges in coordinating care between pain and behavioral health.
List the various treatment options available to reduce co-morbidities.
Demonstrate improved financial and health outcomes as a result of interating care.
List methods of improvement in pharmacy compliance and confounding variables.
Describe working with community practitioners and local crisis teams to improve referral of members to stabilization resources.
Name ROI strategies, lessons learned and suggestions for adapting the program to other diagnostic categories.
List the essentials of the PCMH principles.
Describe how to establish a successful partnership between the practice and health plan.
Identify the lessons learned in the diabetes medical home pilot.
Discuss the role of shared appointment as a tool for health coaching.
Identify group dynamics that could support and hinder any shared appointment.
Clarify the medical/legal issues surrounding shared appointments.
List strategies for identifying members likely to have the highest psychiatric costs.
Describe methods for evaluating the program cost and quality outcomes.
Identify strategies for integrating behavioral health case and disease management services with medical disease management services.
Explain how the emphasis has shifted to a broader definition of scope of service.
Explain the concept and delivery of community based care as a next step in Disease Management evolution.
List the behavioral and physiological consequences of opiate mismanagement.
Discuss if interventions can decrease reliance on analgesics.
Discuss how to build a program that drives ROI focusing on member function and symptoms.
Describe the impact of medical comorbidities on DM.
Describe how to leverage technology for program planning and member identificationn.
Discuss how to integrate with providers to offer community based metabolic syndrome programs.
Discuss strategies to treat pain by utilizing the latest technology.
Explain how to use educationa nd outreach to prevent and limit pain.
Summarize incentive programs scientifically based on characteristics of human behavior.
Identify advancing tailored and specific interventions, based on HRA data and specific risk factors.
Explain how to promote motivation to keep patients engaged in DM programs.
List strategies to empower members to take charge of their health.
Discuss how disease management programs can be used to improve HEDIS scores.
Describe how the use of case management and educational techniques, including incentives, can be used to promote appropriate prenatal care for pregnant members.
Review current trends and programs in place and under discussion across the country for oncology management.
Explain issues, challenges and possibilities of oncology management programs in practice, under pilot and for the future.
Explain the implications of the DIAMOND Initiative for Medical Home.
Discuss the role of MN Community Measurement (MNCM), transparency of results and Pa for Performance (P4P) in improving depression care.
Describe the components of motivational interviewing as a coaching tool to promote healthy behavior change.
Identify key behaviors to enhance self management skills in the diabetic and at the risk of diabetes population.
Discuss how to enable your organization to manage the complex-medical and mental health issues.
List the psychiatry treatments that are appropriate in psychotherapy for the chronic pain patient.
Discuss how to train mid-level providers to check on patients and then report to primary care or specialty doctors on patient progress.
List ways to prevent relapse and how to monitor for any chance of relapse.
Discuss the future of Pain Medicine and its impact on opioid abuse.
List ways to improve your identification processes for Diabetes, CHF, CAD, Asthma and COPD members.
Discuss how the DMAA Selection Criteria impacts the evaluation of disease management programs.
Discuss how to engage providers and advocates as partners.
Explain the importance of providing collaborative and seamless support for co-morbid conditions.
Utilize online strategies to create communities of diabetes patients.
Discuss methods of applying these strategies to your programs.
List strategies to educate patients about their medication.
Explain how to utilize outreach methods to prevent substance abuse.
What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient outcomes?
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