Quality of facilities.
How well did the educational sessions give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of generic names
If you rated any of the above questions with 'fair,' 'poor,' 'disagree,' or 'strongly disagree' please explain:
Discuss the need for a more proactive role for the PA in systemic hospital issues.
Identify the increasing professionalization of the PA role, and resulting requirements.
Define the legal knowledge increasingly required for a PA.
List specific examples of techniques and phrases used to persuade others to document effectively.
Summarize how to choose the right place and time to interact.
Name strategies to manage physicians who do not want to be managed.
Summarize how to involve yourself in the contracting process.
List how to align the incentives of the hospital with those of the physicians, to foster collaboration and cement your role as a PA.
List how to elect a sustainable, productive Utilization Review Committee to improve hospital integrity and bottom line.
Discuss how to formalize the process and embark upon an institution-wide "pre-emptive strike".
Plan a University-wide education initiative for documentation improvement.
Explain how to implement processes that match hospital services to patient needs.
Discuss how to reduce LOA through an interdisciplinary approach.
Discuss if the EMR will "fix" processes that we don't do well on paper - patient status assignment and others.
Explain required documentation of indications for medications.
Explain how to establish optimal utilization of Case Management presence in the ED.
List and implement effective and practical initiatives to optimize proper status placement.
Discuss the benefits and ROI of establishing a highly functioning Clinical Decision Unit (CDU).
Describe how to ensure the proper level of care at time of admissions to ensure proper payment from plans.
Discuss incentivizing physicians to get the allocation correct from the outset since payment to the individual provider is tied to payment to the hospital.
Articulate expectations of their physician advisor program and link measurable data elements to those expectations.
Describe how to track financial outcomes relevant to physician advisor activities, and calculate return on investment (ROI) for the program.
List measurable administrative and clinical outcomes that are relevant to physician advisor activities.
Discuss negotiating the appeals process.
List ways to ensure that the admissions orders are right to avoid retroactive work.
Discuss how to educate and get buy-in from the medical staff.
Identify areas of concern using denials data.
Explain how insurance plan medical directors approach medical necessity.
List the concrete steps to successfully appeal denials while decreasing the volume of incoming denials.
Compare observation versus admission interpretation and discuss why there is no clear guideline.
Explain how to justify and document our decisions/interpretations of conflicting regulations.
List the differences between meeting minimal regulatory requirements and the ideal state - using the dedesign of UM committees as an example.
Discuss the value of a mature Case Management program.
Explain the importance of timeliness of post hospitalization outpatient follow-up visits.
Cite some lessons learned from analysis of specific readmission cases.
List the opportunities that are available within the Department of Medicine/Family; Medicine/Surgery, Healthcare Systems Improvement and within Insurance Companies.
What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient outcomes?
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