OH - Innovations in Solid Organ and Blood Marrow Transplantation - Follow-Up Survey
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How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

By completing this form, you attest that you have attended the activity in its entirety.
The information from this training improved my professional competence.
The information from this training improved my professional performance.

After attending this training my patient outcomes improved.

My ability to identify current and emerging practices in stem cell therapies for adults and children is:
My ability to discuss scientific and clinical advances in adult and pediatric organ transplantation, including the use of ventricular assist devices is:
My ability to evaluate management approaches in solid organ and blood/marrow transplantation, including strategies to reduce infectious disease, minimize complications, maximize quality of life, and address the challenges surrounding living donation is:
My ability to examine ethical issues of transplantation and transitional care concerns for transplant patients and their caregivers is:

I was able to transfer information from this training into my practice.

An example of information I was able to transfer to my practice from this training is:
I was unable to transfer information from this training to my practice due to the following barriers:

What do you "need" to learn (versus "want" to learn) that should be addressed in future meetings that will result in improved competence, performance and/or patient outcomes in your practice?

I get more out of the following types of learning (check all that apply):
Provide your comments and suggestions to further improve competence, performance and/or patient outcomes in future meetings:
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