Quality of facilities.
List role of socioenvironmental factors on tumor progression.
Summarize clinical biobehavioral models.
Compare clinical and preclinical approaches.
Describe the key characteristics and types of cancer.
Describe the role of genes and genetics in cancer intitaion and progression.
List the biological mechanisms underlying ACS and SCD onset.
Summarize the major functions of the immune system, the cells and molecules involved in immune regulation and the role of the immune system in disease.
List the linkages that have been documented between stress, stress arousal systems and the immune system.
Define a number of immunologic assays that have been used in the field of psychoneuroimmunology.
Describe the effects of meditative training on health outcomes including reducing blood pressure, pain, and psychological distress.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of various control group options for meditation research.
List a range of strategies for measuring the physiological effects of meditation.
Discuss the evolution of concepts of stress and distress.
List homeostatic definitions of stress and distress.
Describe clinical disorders involving abnormal functions of catecholamine systems.
Explain how incorporation of genetic markers in Epidemiological studies can improve causal inference.
Discuss the role that psychosocial factors play in influencing physical health.
Identify links between social conditions and neuroendocrine function as a potential biological pathway for inflammatory influences on atherosclerosis, and potentially other diseases mediated by macrophages and visceral adipocytes.
Identify the neural pathways mediating social effects on HIV-1 pathogenesis.
Identify the specific molecular interactions allowing neural factors to influence HIV-1 replication.
Critically assess the contribution of the CHASE Study to understanding the causal pathways through which past trauma influences HIV-related health and behaviors.
Explain the protocol for writing about trauma
Explain the PHQ-2.
Discuss the impact of depression on patients with CHF
List the health risks of depression
Explain how CST and WED affects RA pain and disease activity
Summarize methods, design and results of a prospective cohort study
Discuss how the provision of social support as experienced by the patient and as reported by the patient's partner moderates the relationship between patient catastrophizing and pain severity.
Explain the process of Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR).
Explain why poor sleep quality may be an important risk factor for postpartum depression.
Summarize the findings between sleep and recurrence and hormones and recurrence.
Discuss the importance of MIF in HPA and inflammation function
Explain the differences between patients with Sleep Apnea and controls in plasma MIF.
Describe how cortisol patterns consistent with chronic stress may impact the pathophysiology of HIV.
Explain how T-cell activation and expression of CCR5 (a chemokine receptor that serves as a co-receptor for HIV cell entry) on CD4+ T-cells affect HIV progression.
List the emotional and behavioral coping styles used by moderate and severe asthmatics.
Describe relative impact of mood and anxiety disorders on COPD exacerbations.
Discuss the role of spouse depression in pain and disease progression among persons with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Explain the importance of considering the role of the spouse in treating patients with chronic pain conditions.
List specific marital interactions that may influence the experience of pain in persons with rheumatoid arthritis.
List causes of excess Stress in Minority Communities.
Describe stress reduction techniques.
List strategies for community-based stress reduction intervention programs
Outline current understanding of mechanisms linking stress and pregnancy outcomes.
Suggest pathways for future stress and pregnancy research.
Discuss how to increase awareness of critical stress-related health issues.
Discuss telomeres as markers of cellular aging, and the effects that lifestyle factors have on them.
Explain how physical activity can buffer the impact of stress on telomeres.
Discuss the health risks associated with passive cigarette smoke.
Describe how psychological stress influences the healing of wounds in the same individuals under high or low stress
Describe how psychological stress and behavior interact to influence surgery and postsurgical outcomes
Discuss the current state of evidence regarding the role of psychological distress and wound healing.
Examine findings from two observational studies with clinical populations in which the relationship between stress and wound healing has been examined in the context of clinical wounds.
Discuss how different hostility dimension are related to each other.
Explain why anger control is important and interesting concept in hostility related studies and cardiovascular disease.
Explain what the intervention (the Transcendental Meditation program) is and how it can be used clinically.
Describe links between hot flashes and cardiovascular risk.
Discuss the effects of stress on children with asthma.
Summarize the past and recent experimental literature regarding the relationship between traumatic stress and physical health.
Compare how acute stress response and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular ailments following trauma.
Discuss the nature of the relationship between lifetime exposure to adversity and functional impairment and healthcare utilization among individuals with a history of chronic back pain.
List the advantages and disadvantages of brain imaging in stress research.
Identify relevant measures and task paradigms to study stress processes in a neuroimaging context.
List the most often measured inflammation and coagulation markers ("usual suspects") in biobehavioral research.
Discuss the most important analytic issues to be considered when assessing circulating biomarkers of inflammation and coagulation
Describe the neurocognitive correlates of various forms of cardiovascular disease.
Explain potential brain mechanisms that may underlie the relations of cardiovascular disease to neurocognitive function.
Describe interrelations among various cardiovascular risk factors and diseases in impacting brain and neurocognition.
Explain genotype-dependent susceptibility to environmental influences.
Describe ironic process theory.
Discuss how anger suppression may work to affect later events.
Discuss hyporeactive ANS response to negative emotions in women with fibromyalgia.
Describe the relationship between emotions and chronic pain.
Explain the association between discrimination and obesity.
Explain how discrimination is modified by SES to affect obesity.
Summarize how experiences of discrimination may influence risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Discuss the complexitites in the association between experiences of discrimination and health.
Cite prior research findings suggestive of ethnic differences in heart rate variability between African Americans and White Americans.
Discuss information regarding differing indicators of Perseverative Cognition as representing a broader, general perseverative pattern.
Explain how unconscious stress influences blood pressure.
Discuss how unconscious stress van influence physiology.
Discuss NK cell trafficking.
Discuss NK cell subsets mobilized by acute stress.
Summarize a study whose purpose was to experimentally determine the extent to which ovarian carcinoma causes depressive-like behavior in an immunocompetent ovarian cancer mouse model and whether this effect may be mediated by cancer-induced proinflammatory cytokines.
Describe the results linking higher heart rate variability to longer life in metastatic breast cancer.
Discuss exaggerated cardiovascular reactions to acute stress are implicated in the development of inflammatory cardiovascular disease
Explain how blunted reactions to stress also have health and behavioural consequences.
Describe how blunted reactivity may be a peripheral manifestation of central motivational dysregulation.
Discuss the debate regarding common versus specific risk factors for the different functional somatic syndromes.
List stress pathway genes that are associated with reporting multiple somatic symptoms.
Compare the effects of genes associated with depression and anxiety with those associated with multiple somatic symptoms.
Identify the methodological problems in the fiels ofstress axes research.
Explain the role of emotion in the links between stress and health outcomes.
Identify sociocultural factors shown to relate to health and survival in older age.
Discuss how post-traumatic stress disorder impacts emotional responses.
Describe the role of emotion in the links between stress and health outcomes.
Discuss current biopsychosocial models of stress and pregnancy.
Discuss the effect of stress in pregnancy on the maternal and fetal circulation.
Explain the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and cortisol secretion in pregnancy.
Describe the impact of maternal stress on infant iron deficiency.
Describe the limitations of existing EMA measurement strategies for tracking psychosocial stress.
List potential advantages of using new psychometrc methods for developing EMA self-report scales.
Discuss the baroreflex in stress and health.
Explain the findings from a neuroimaging study investigating the baroreflex during stress.
Link behavioral effects of cortisol on DM with their brain substrates.
List the effects of inflammation on social, emotional, and neural responses.
Discuss recent research in the area of illness perceptions in cardiology.
Describe the relative roles of illness perceptions and depression in recovery from cardiac valve replacement surgery
Explain the association between illness perceptions and Type D personality in patients following a myocardial infarction
Discuss the theory of allostatsis and allostatic load.
Discuss hospitalization trends in Hispanic health.
Identify possible pathways through which support for disease-management (SDM) influences hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) among Latinos with Type 2 diabetes.
Explain the relationship between race, everyday discrimination and blood pressure dipping.
Discuss the current practices, methodological challenges, and promising possibilities in measurement of endocrine and genetic biomarkers of stress.
Summarize Pickering's contributions to diagnosis of hypertension.
Discuss the psychosocial influences on blood pressure through the work of Dr. Thomas Pickering.
Summarize Pickering's contributions to the pharmacological management of hypertension.
Identify situational and dispositional characteristics that modify the impact of psychological stress on sleep.
Indicate whether interventions that modify sleep have any impact on subsequent indicators of health and functioning.
List candidate mechanisms through which stress-related sleep disturbances adversely impact health and functioning.
Identify possible physiological mechanisms linking beliefs about aging to health.
Compare the effects of positive and negative affect on between-person differences and within-person changes in self-rated health.
Explain the cognitive effects of MBSR on a population of relatively healthy older adults.
List psychophysiological biological markers associated with increased risk of stroke in black Africans.
Discuss future plans to integrate psycholphysiological markers for preventive health care in a blood pressure clinic and on national basis
List possible resilience factors in the progression to a mood disorder in healthy and depressed male and female Black Africans.
Discuss the psychosocial mechanisms that might account for the excess disease burden in black Africans.
Explain how brief pre-surgical stress management intervention is beneficial in terms of improving aspects of immune function after surgery.
Summarize the results of a trial of expressive writing among women with metastatic breast cancer.
Discuss the relationship between social factors and physiological function in gynecologic cancer.
List the effects of chronic stress on breast cancer metastasis.
Summarize recent research on value systems in the human brain.
Explain the brain pathways by which emotional processes regulate the body.
Identify the underlying mechanisms causing poin and other somatic symptoms in these conditions.
Discuss the vaccination model for studying the impact of psychological factors.
Summarize the methodological differences among efficacy, effectiveness and dissemination research
Explain the types of outcome research required to impact public health policy
Discuss the conclusions that can be drawn from different levels of clinical outcome research.
Describe the somatic signal detection task (SSDT) and its role in measuring somatic perception and disturbance.
Summarize the available evidence concerning the relationship between illusory touch on the SSDT and physical symptom reporting
Compare brain activity in functional dyspepsia patients and healthy controls.
Explain the neurobiological mechanisms that underlie the role of anxiety in functional dyspepsia.
Describe different course patterns of depression after acute ACS.
List the special features of depressive symptoms following acute cardiac events that are cardiotoxic
Discuss why treatment for depression does not necessarily alter stress reactivity
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