Quality of facilities.
Learning objective placeholder 1
Learning objective placeholder 2
Learning objective placeholder 3
Discuss new research on emotional physiology, heart-brain interactions and heart rate variability.
Discuss the new advances in the assessment and treatment of sleep and headaches.
Explain how to reduce stress in the workplace for improved employee health.
Discuss the integration of the brain and bodily functions working together in the healing process.
Identify the benefits of combining pharmaceutical and bioelectric treatments in pain management.
Discuss the new advances in the assement and treatment of nervous system plasticity, neuropsychology of pain, and sports psychology.
Identify the new techniques in electrical stimulation to provide state of the art treatment.
Discuss the impact of neurofeedback in the treatment of traumatic brain injury.
Discuss the efficacy of biofeedback for ADD and ADHD treatments.
Applying data for the assessment and treatment in autism, addiction, and children's health.
Discuss the effects of respiration, heart rate variablity, and glandular and visceral functioning in managing blood pressure and heart wellness.
Discuss new advances in the assessment and treatment of tDCStim/SCP, chronic pain, and Z-score training.
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
What do you "need" to learn (versus "want" to learn) that should be addressed in future meetings that will result in improved competence, performance and/or patient outcomes in your practice?
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient outcomes?
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