Quality of facilities.
Describe the "global approach" to assessing clients needs
Name two 21st century modalities for treating addictive personality
Compare and contrast at least three evidence-based treatment strategies
Describe how holistic medicine can be applied to trauma and trauma treatment
Explain why trauma resolution requires healing of the whole of the human system
Discuss the connection between holistic concepts and trauma
List five symptoms of adrenal fatigue
Explain the uses of three amino acids in addressing the symptoms of insomnia, anxiety and fatigue
Discuss the use of hypnosis or EMDR in early recovery for family members
Describe the "Brain Reward Cascade"
Evaluate evidence for Reward Deficiency Syndrome as a ruberic for all addictive, compulsive and impulsive behaviors
Discuss experiments showing the association of the dopamine receptor gene polymorphisms and severe alcoholism
Define the term "holistic" as it applies to alternative therapies used in the treatment of addiction
Assess the value of holistic therapies in the treatment of chronic pain and addiction
Discuss the role of acupuncture and acupressure in the treatment of addiction
Discuss the theoretical rationale guiding wilderness interventions for substance abuse and dependency
Discuss methodology of an ongoing treatment outcome study, investigating the effectiveness of wilderness interventions for substance-related pathology
List the areas of improvement experienced by participants in the treatment outcome study
Describe the impact on the brain for clients raised in the stress of an addictive family
Discuss university studies which show methods other than medication can help the brain recover
Cite methods which, in concert with each other, help the brain to heal and help people deal with anxiety and depression from family of origin problems
Describe how internal biochemistry, including levels of blood sugar, hormones, and neurotransmitters affect brain function and addiction
Explain how specific lab testing can help determine the nature of the imbalance
Explain how this approach provides a more physiological alternative to prescription medications
Explain why the alignment process of the family is the key component of the intervention process
Examine key educational components of the process such as myths and co-dependence
Explain how the assessment process serves to align families
Describe the diagnosic process in assessing pathological gambling, including common differential diagnoses and co-occurring disorders
Discuss the neurobiology of the two most common subtypes of pathological gambling
Apply a holistic approach to the treatment of pathological gambling
Cite a variety of holistic treatment modalities applicable in addiction treatment
List the potential benefits of incorporating holistic treatment modalities into traditional D&A treatment programs
Identify ways to increase holistic focus within traditional D&A treatment programs
Summarize the theories of Somatic Experiencing
Evaluate case studies illustrating practical clinical applications
Explain how traumatic wounding interacts with sexual addictive process
Define "The Healing Response"
List at least four of the ten principles and accompanying action mandates which empower the healing response
Specify what multidimensional/multidisciplinary treatment really means
List interventions for which there exists evidence-based research related to successful treatment of addictions and/or conditions related to addiction relapse
Explain what agencies/counselors do when using these successful treatments
State the accepted medical recommendations for evidence-based addiction treatment research
Explain why post acute withdrawal syndromes (PAWS) is a reason for relapse
Summarize the drug abuse - toxins - damaged brain - PAWS cycle
Discuss whether removing the toxins can restore the normal functions of the brain
Describe three effects of trauma
List three factors that keep the traumatic event alive and continuing to have a negative effect
Name several special considerations to make when dealing with sexual trauma
Explain the importance of a real whole foods diet, with an emphasis on quality
Discuss the importance of blood sugar control, and the harmful effects of sugar and processed foods
List a variety of healing foods, superfoods and foods that support digestion
List three DBT techniques useful in treating co-occurring eating disorder and chemical dependency clients
Create a treatment plan using dietary supplements and alternative therapies
Discuss the physiological effects of depression, substance use and trauma and their impact on eating disorder clients
Describe what mind-body medicine is and how it applies to addiction treatment
Examine the Neurochemistry of the Cycle Addiction from a new perspective
Discuss the role you have as a healer
Discuss the importance of full spectrum micronutrient formulas for brain function
Compare the research on full spectrum micronutrients to single nutrient protocols
Discuss the typical protocol to follow for transitioning from psychotropic medications and street drugs/alcohol to full spectrum micronutrient formulas
Summarize a paradigm for the evolution of addiction treatment
Differentiate the recent past from the present in treatment
Summarize a new and systemic approach to treatment
Discuss at least five holistic modalities that enhance the process of addictions treatment
Demonstrate two ways that motivational interviewing can be interwoven into non-verbal expressive therapies in addiction treatment
List of techniques that they can pragmatically use with their clients
Explain how they can help to remove the stigma of recovery via communication so as to more successfully help victims of substance abuse, their families and children
Define the spectrum through which their clients percieve themselves, their roll, their objectives and those of others
Articulate a socially acceptable definition of addiction while at the same time expressing a socially acceptable solution
Identify the barriers to treatment for women
Discuss the relationship of hormonal balance/imbalance and how it relates to the progression of the addiction
Explain the relationship between hormal imbalance and the relapse process
Define hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
Discuss the effects of HBOT on disease pathophysiology
Discuss the literature and effects of HBOT on acute intoxication, detoxification/withdrawal, and chronic brain injury from chemical/substance exposure/abuse
Summarize a number of the genetic, biochemical, cellular processes that underly addictions
Discuss several tests and processes to evaluate for these genetic/biochemical processes in addiction patients
List basic approaches to treating the genetic/biochemical abnormalities for addiction patients
List four neurotransmitters that, when deficient, can generate negative moods, insomnia, and cravings for substances
Compare addiction treatment outcomes with and without neuronutrient interventions
Identify dietary changes and nutrient supplements that help stabilize blood sugar levels in recovering people
Describe the effect of intravenous and oral nutrient therapy on neurological activity
Explain data comparing the effect of oral and intravenous nutrients on chronic abstinent symptoms
Describe the relationship between healing the brain and emotional, social, and spiritual recovery
Evaluate the evidence-based research on the use of mindfulness approaches in substance abuse treatment and mental health treatment
Discuss how mindfulness approaches can augment existing treatment modalities for co-occurring disorders
Explain how mindfulness work can enhance treatment of co-occurring disorders at different levels of treatment ranging from residential treatment to outpatient settings
Describe non-invasive, non-medicinal interventions that can effectively replace or augment exisiting addiction rehab therapies
Discuss studies demonatrating that a combinaion or natural sounds, pure tones, music and binaural beats can lower stress, anxiety, anger and insomnia in the addiciton rehab population
Identify evidence-based protcols that effectively implement audio therapies in the clinical and post-rehab settings
Summarize the benefits of a whole foods diet
List the major components of a holistic nutrition program
Discuss the impact of sugar, caffeine and nicotine on neurochemistry
List three essential components of a successful holistic criminal justice drug treatment program
List three details you would notice unique to the room where an auricular therapy treatment was in session
Describe at least three characteristics which would clearly indicate a client needs more serotonin
Summarize different types of grief and loss issues
Discuss how unresolved grief and loss affects the spirit
Explain how completion of pain caused by grief and loss frees the spirit
Evaluate various bio-psycho-social-spiritual approaches used to assess and treat people with addictions
Discuss how to incorporate these holistic and traditional treatment methods into their practice models
Identify which practices are effective with the various populations being served
Identify subtle differences in modalities
Discuss basic bio-energetic medicine concepts as well as the physics to support same
Cite scientific studies thai support the bio-energetic theories presented
Evaluate techniques for creating secure attachment with Self
Identify change in paradigms for addiction treatment
Discuss utilization of Internal Family Systems therapy for treating multi-addictions
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
What do you "need" to learn (versus "want" to learn) that should be addressed in future meetings that will result in improved competence, performance and/or patient outcomes in your practice?
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient outcomes?
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Acupuncturists only...please provide your license number so that we remain in compliance with CE recordkeeping requirements.