2018 CIT International Conference to receive a Certificate of Attendance (General Attendance)
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How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

What activities did you attend at the event?
By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
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Objective 1: Explain the importance of collaboration with the key partners in law enforcement, mental health and advocacy for developing, growing and sustaining CIT Programs
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my work.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my work outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
Objective 2: Describe value added initiatives to help develop or enhance a CIT program
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my work.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my work outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
Objective 3: Apply new skills for effective crisis response to people with mental illness learned through direct interaction with faculty from case-based discussion.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my work.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my work outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
Participants will be able to identify the CIT Core Elements necessary for an effective CIT program.
Participants will be able to explain how to create effective partnerships for their CIT Program.
Participants will be able to describe how to maintain and sustain their CIT program
Define & identify secondary trauma and risk factors
Describe the mind-body connection to secondary trauma in work and life
Practice, reflect upon and identify coping skills to build resiliency for self and peer support
Define and describe meditation and mindfulness
Discuss how these tools can be used to mitigate acute, chronic and accumulated stress and improve health
Practice a simple, doable daily meditation to exponentially reduce stress and promote mindfulness
Differentiate between CIT training of law enforcement officers and the development and maintenance of a community’s CIT Program.
Discuss methods to maintain a continuing working relationship with all community partners, including their CIT community steering committee.
Explain methods to devise or improve a community’s Crisis Response System.
Participants will be able to articulate the importance of advanced/in-service training.
Participants will be able to describe the necessary elements for an effective in-service training day.
Participants will be able to explain different ways of partnering with national and/or local organizations to faciliate planning and conducting an in-service training day.
Participants will be able to identify ways in which all parties can benefit from a collaborative relationship.
Participant will be able to explain the challenges when CIT is seen primarily as a law enforcement response to service program.
Participants will be able to explain the challenges community mental health has implementing and managing programs and services with difficult populations. Participants will be able to identify cross training needs for law enforcement and the community mental health system.
Participants will be able to identify the mental health issues that are most frequently observed in an airport setting.
Participants will be able to describe the responses that are suggested to use with a person in crisis in an airport setting.
Participants will be able to explain when the airport police should be called and what to expect when they arrive.
Participants will have a greater ability to identify, assess immediate patient needs and provide effective street triage in an emergent setting after they have an increased working knowledge of common signs, symptoms and behaviors that may be displayed with each core mental health diagnosis in the event 911 is called.
Participants will have a higher level of awareness and personal empathy of common systemic barriers to accessing mental health treatment; subsequently reducing stigma throughout fire and police culture surrounding mental illnesses.
All first responders on scene whether PD or FD, CIT trained or CST trained will be speaking the same language. Communicating more effectively increases the likelihood of meeting the immediate needs of individuals in crisis by strengthening decision making and improving outcomes.
-Understand crisis elements of the LBGTQIA+ community which may lead to law enforcement encounters, suicide rates, and other disparities among LBGTQIA+ youth.
-Understand an effective way to incorporate the LBGTQIA+ topic successfully into CIT. (Take away a basic model/structure for an LBGTQIA+ schedule and panel to go beyond political correctness and into empathy).
-Understanding the spectrums related to sexual orientation and gender identity and gain knowledge about rates of homelessness in LBGTQIA+ youth.
Participants will be able to describe the four components of the One Mind pledge.
Participants will learn about the campaign progress and experiences to date.
Participants will learn how to access resources to support their agency in implementing the One Mind Pledge.
Participants will be able to explain the positive outcomes of having a Mental Health Awareness Flag.
Participants will be able to list where information from the Mental Health Awareness Flag comes from.
Participants will be able to explain what steps are needed to ensure information shared in the Mental Health Awareness Flag is only used to the benefit of the individual flagged.
Evaluate the response of our police service to mental health related calls
Examine the benefits of engaging multi-disciplinary teams, internally and externally, to expedite quick transfer of information, assessments, and interventions of someone in a mental health crisis
Create internal opportunities to have a multidisciplinary team responding to mental health or age-related crises
-History of the Unit -Purpose of the Unit
-Detention staff responsibilities
-CIT Deputies Role
Participants will be able to identify proper use of K-9 teams in Crisis Response Team (CCRT) departments.
Participants will be able to recognize and implement K-9 therapeutic interventions.
Participants will be able to identify 10 core requirements to meet National Standards for CRT handlers an K-9's and establish a K-9 response team.
Participants will be able to identify four key measures criminal justices systems need to monitor in order to assess how well they are doing at diverting people with mental illness away from jail.
Participants will know how using a validated mental health screen can help them articulate mental health needs in a manner that better informs policy makers.
Participants will observe how information collected via a mental health screen can be used to connect detainees to services after they are released from jail.
Participants will be able to identify professionals in their own communities who may assist in building a well-rounded CIT team.
Participants will be able to list methods for reaching out and inviting those professionals to join the CIT team.
Participants will be able to explain how to tailor their CIT training to the specific professionals they invite to join their team, including scenario-based training, site visits, and resources, if applicable.
That even in the dark moments of mental illness, well advised individuals can shine the light on what is needed and that recovery is truly possible, setting a precedence for others to “copy that”.
After failed attempts of even the most daily routines, numerous hospitalizations, continuous patience, and the ability to persevere and thrive, I earned the trust of my family to finally finish the goal of graduation that I had set a couple years prior.
To have a better perspective of the contributions a person with a mental illness or a family member of a person with mental illness can provide to the training of law enforcement officers by telling their stories. To help the officers see the other side of mental illness.
Participants will be able to identify elements of a CIT program review.
Participants will be able to identify officer wellness strategies to improve CIT officer performance.
Participant will be able to identify strategies to strengthen continuity with community based providers.
Participants will be able to explain and identify aggression and violent tendencies in adults.
Participants will be able to understand, explain and use basic risk predictive tools.
Participants will understand and be able to identify the different typologies of violence.
Participants will be able to explain the importance of maintaining updated and relevant material for your Basic CIT curriculum.
Participants will identify how to organize a comprehensive initiative to accomplish goals, involving experts and key opinion leaders early in the process
Participants will apply the presentation to their own curriculum through the discussion of the revamp of two specific Basic CIT modules: Geriatric Issues and Psychotropic Medications.
Participants will be able to market the benefits of this form to the public
Participants will be able to use the information from this form to improve officer safety and response to a mental health crisis situation.
Participants will be able to take this form back to their organization, modify it to fit their specific needs and begin using it immediately.
Participants will be able to identify the 3 main countries where the highest number of unaccompanied minors arrive from and the primary reasons for immigration to the US
Participants will be able to identify the 4 types of acculturation that immigrants encounter when coming to the US.
Participants will be able to identify the 3 most common mental health diagnoses found within the Latino community.
Participants will be able to identify the need for continuing education for law enforcement in the areas of mental health and substance use.
Participants will be able to describe how the CIT ECHO is being used to train law enforcement throughout New Mexico and the country.
Participants will be able to describe the mixed method approach being used to evaluate the CIT ECHO program and understand the implications of the evaluation’s findings.
Participants will Experience a belief in oneself, loved ones, friends - by replacing helplessness and hopelessness. Learn to change the odds, that are full of anger, fear, being lost without any control, emptiness, guilt, or shame. Focus. Asking questions and getting answers. Am I an addict? Alcoholic? Now what happens?
Emotional and psychological reasons for suicide are based on factual beliefs, sensible and necessary – for the person who is in peril. Participants will receive information regarding the three steps recognized by therapeutic professionals. Suicidal ideation. Suicidal plan. Suicidal gesture. Alcohol, drugs and mental illness combined, will result in tragedies.
Participants will gain a working knowledge of intervention (pre or post), reduce stigma, and the necessity of ongoing after-care. (Addiction recovery meetings). A candid discussion of the importance of promoting recovery programs, wellness, healing, understanding, patience, truths and developing options. Understanding. Confidence. How do I approach myself or someone else?
This presentation will help other departments develop their outreach teams and implement strategies that will more effectively address with the problems associated with chronic homelessness. The reduction of the number of people living on the streets will eliminate the problems associated with those living on the streets.
Homelessness is a complex societal problem and there are no easy solutions. The development of community collaborations is an essential part of getting the hard cases off of the streets. HOT will chronicle its development of these community resources and collaborations. These collaborations include governmental, help provider, and philanthropic organizations.
Overcoming the roadblocks and pitfalls of dealing with the government and provider bureaucracies.
Participants will be able to define 'Police-Mental Health Collaborations.'
Participants will be able to explain how critical personnel (e.g., CIRT teams and CIT-trained personnel ) were deployed 24/7 to help mitigate crisis situations.
Participants will be able to discuss some of the issues encountered during Hurricane Harvey regarding large scale evacuations and sheltering vulnerable populations, along with how they were addressed.
Participants will be able to identify synthetic marijuana and methamphetamine along with their effects.
Participants will be able to recognize similarities of drug induced psychosis and mental illness.
Participants will become familiar with possible dangers associated with individuals under the influence of these drugs.
Increase knowledge of partnership between mental health and law enforcement, which goes beyond calls for service.
Obtain target specific information to help implement and/or enhance your co-responder program
Identify possible solutions to program challenges and forming collaborative relationships between law enforcement and mental health
Participants will be able to explain why Police Officers are so rigid.
Participants will be able to describe why Police Officers do what they do.
Participants will be able to describe what the negative results are from being a Police Officer.
Participants will experience the true stress and struggles of living with a serious mental illness by listening to the recording of delusional sounds and noises recorded by Dr. Patricia Degan.
Participants will gain skills and techniques to better provide respect, understanding, safety, and empathy when working with some dealing with a mental health crisis.
Participants will be provided instructions, handouts, training materials to better lead HEARING VOICES in there local CIT Trainings and Presentations.
Participants will observe and have hands on experience in role playing scenarios.
Participants will be able to identify effective methods of role plays and provide constructive feedback in a time limited approach that enhances the role play process.
Participants will be able to identify the key elements of how role playing can be used to maximize the effectiveness of officer interactions with persons with mental illness.
Participants will be able to describe the major time and resources spent on law enforcement transportation of individuals in mental health crisis.
Participants will be able to identify the elements of a successful mental illness diversion and transportation program, including the policies and practices needed for appropriate response.
Participants will be able to explain the benefits of Crisis Intervention Team training in improving mental health crisis transportation duties.
Attendees will be able to define Moral Injury and understand its etiology as well as identify the differences and similarities between Moral Injury and Post Traumatic Stress
Attendees will learn, through real-world examples, the devastating effects of Moral Injury if left untreated within Veterans and First Responders, alike.
Attendees will build an arsenal of best practices in communicating with and de-escalating those that find themselves in crisis due to Moral Injury.
Participant will be able demonstrate a breathing exercise designed interrupt the autonomic sympathetic response.
Participant will be able to identify and describe a resiliency strategy that is not currently within the participant's practice, for which the participant is willing to begin incorporating into their life-style.
Participant will be able to explain the difference between Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Objective 4: Participant will be able to identify symptoms of PTSD such that they might be better prepared to observe within themselves and those around them.
Participants will be able to describe a unique strategy to address high users of emergency services.
Participants will be able to explain how a police service is able to foster stronger relationships and work more collaboratively with community partners for better client outcomes.
Participants will be able to identify how the Social Navigator Program is helping address client barriers to accessing health or social services.
Participant will be able to describe several types of developmental trauma and how it fundamentally effects a person's neurological development.
Participant will be able to explain the long-term consequences of untreated trauma on adult health, emotions, and behavior.
Participant will be able to demonstrate practical intervention strategies that could be used by officers or through community partnerships that lower the fear drive and helps heal the brain, thereby creating a healthier and safer community in the future.
Participants will be able to list 3 ways police departments can work with people who have lived experience to develop their programs.
Participants will be able to explain why a community should not wait for a tragedy to develop their Crisis Intervention Team.
Participant will be able to list 4 things they should always do when encountering a person who is in a mental health crisis.
Participants will be able to explain how a risk assessment is used to identify high risk and high need individuals in order to make appropriate referrals for services, including treatment courts.
Participants will be able to identify the 3 treatment courts in Kansas City and the primary purpose of each court.
Participants will be able to describe how the court collaborates with CIT and other community agencies to help individuals living with mental health and/or substance abuse disorders.
Discuss why criminal justice system professionals should learn about trauma and discuss how trauma is often ongoing for many individuals involved in the criminal justice system.
Describe the cycle of violence as a response to childhood physical abuse and how the impact of trauma can be experienced throughout a persons life.
Discuss how some behaviors and symptoms related to trauma can be a challenge and list issues to keep in mind when planning for safety.
Participants will receive free, new, successful training techniques that can be repeated and implemented back in their own community to improve their CIT Trainings.
Participants will be able to access best copies of documents/policies/procedures that can be repeated and implemented back in their own community to improve their CIT program.
Participants be able to share with other class members their best CIT ideas/practices with other class members.
Participants will be able to demonstrate how the Core Elements of CIT can be incorporated into their own local program by using examples received from the presentation.
Participants will be able to identify resources within their own communities with which they can collaborate to insure that their CIT Program will be embedded within their community.
Participants will be able to explain the strong link between data collection and funding.
Participants will be able to explain the use of CIT with corrections officers in Missouri prisons.
Participants will be able to identify methods of evaluating the impact of CIT in prisons including measures, approaches to research, and data sources.
Participants will be able to describe the various impacts of using CIT in prisons and discuss the implications for these findings on practice and policy.
Participants will be able to identify how Stimulus/Stress and Ability to Cope interact to create crisis situations and how to manipulate Stimulus/Stress and Ability to Cope to defuse crisis situations.
Participants will be able to identify and address the Physiological, Environmental, Psychological, and Cognitive obstacles to clear thought, communication, and de-escalation.
Participants will be able to identify composite emotions and break them down into their primary emotion components.
Participants will be able to identify the latest national legal and policy developments governing law enforcement interaction with the homeless, including the decriminalization efforts of diversion and deployment of social services.
Participants will be able to describe the operational policies, reports and agreements, social service partnerships, diversion programs and communications components constituting the architecture of a highly successful H.O.T. program.
Participants will be able to identify the policy actions and public/private partnerships needed to establish their own highly successful H.O.T. program.
Describe the impact and influence language has on engagement and de-escalation techniques between first responders and persons in crisis
Identify specific behavioral health language that has evolved to reduce shame and stigma associated with those living with mental illness and substance use disorders
Identify a cross-sector collaboration model used to increase timely access to services and improve case coordination using language
Demonstrate grounding techniques
List possible emotional triggers
Explain mindfulness in the realm of the first responder world.
Participants will be able to explain Serving Safely’s mission, goals, objectives, partners, and learnings. This includes a concrete list of purposes the center serves, best practices that have surfaced, available resources, and how to build agency capacity.
Participants will be able to identify ways that their agency can receive training with Serving Safely, technical assistance, and otherwise participate in the initiative. We will share how they can best engage with the center, what that process entails, and what to expect.
Participants will identify gaps in the center’s current initiatives and support services. Participants will provide feedback to the presenters on needs and opportunities. An important part of Serving Safely is to listen and respond to the community. Soliciting feedback will exemplify this while strengthening the work that Serving Safely completes.
Participants will be able to explain how seamless access to crisis services, is critical to increasing community and consumer safety.
Participants will be able to identify the unique needs of law-enforcement and how to incorporate these into the design and operations of Crisis Centers.
Participants will be able to identify the essential components of a responsive Crisis Center.
Participants will be able to identify the core elements of an AOT program and how they align with CIT.
Participants will be able to list engagement points of CIT officers in the AOT program continuum.
Participants will be able to describe the benefits of CIT engagement in AOT for law enforcement officers and the community as a whole.
Participants will be able to describe the importance of community engagement in rural communities.
Participants will be able to list four ways to engage individuals with lived experience to participate in CIT.
Participants will be able to discuss the planning, implementation, and utilization processes of CIT data collection.
Participants will be able to list eight criminogenic risk factors that drive criminal behavior in people with and without mental illness.
Participants will be able to explain why people with mental illness are over-represented in the criminal justice system.
Participants will be able to discuss how Crisis Intervention Team effectiveness can be optimized through community collaboration.
Participants will be able to describe stigma and it's impact on their career in law enforcement.
Participants will be able to identify how their personal and professional experiences can affect stigma.
Identify two types of stigma.
Participants will be able to identify 4 essential stakeholder groups to engage when developing CIT.
Participants will be able to describe 4 models of collaboration and intervention.
Participants will be able to identify 2 strategies to sustain community involvement in CIT.
Participant will be able to discribe their own impressions of the role playing experience, and how role play as a training tool is being utilized within their own CIT programs.
Participant will be able to list at least two CIT training partners that can be brought together for an inclusive, realistic and credible role play experience.
Participant will able to discuss the importance of scripting and planning objectives for each role play exercise.
Participant will be able to identify the best practices in the collection of data for a law enforcement agency.
Participant will be able to describe how the method used for data collection can affect the results.
Participant will be able to list the systems used to collect data (RMS, CAD, etc.)
Participants will understand how to bring partners together in the community to collaborate on a project.
Participants will understand how to look for and identify possible funding avenues for projects.
Participants will understand how to more effectively intervene and respond to a behavioral health crisis.
Participant will be able to distinguish between delusions and hallucinations. Knowing what the individual is experiencing will help the CIT officer calm a situation. Knowing what to do and not to do when confronted with an individual experiencing delusions and / or hallucinations will help earn trust.
Participant will gain knowledge of what an individual experiences during a hallucination. Empathy and an ability to better understand what one may be experiencing during a crisis can be critical in gaining raportt. This can help lead to a smooth deescilation of the situation
Participant will gain communication skills that can aid when attempting to help an individual in crisis. Communication is key. Enough said.
Participants will be able to identify the needs of emergency communicators as learners
Participants will be able to explain the value of actionable dispatch criteria
Participants will identify the powerful role of peer participation to effective training
Participants will be able to list the most common diagnosis in calls for service
Participants will be able to list three different negotiation approaches
Participants will be able to list three common anti psychotic medications.
List the unique stressors associated with a career in law enforcement for both the officer/deputy/trooper and his or her family members.
Identify the barriers that have traditionally prevented people in the law enforcement culture from accessing mental health and/or substance use resources.
Be able to find resources for self-care.
Participants will be able to list four ways to raise funds for their non-for-profit CIT Program.
Participants will be list the up-front planning tasks necessary for successful fund-raising.
Participants will be able to list the three critical organizational elements that must be in place prior to embarking on grant writing.
Participants are often familiar with what is a police homelessness outreach team (HOT). In this presentation, participants can explain the top-ten reasons why starting a police homeless outreach team is an effective, evidence-based model for solving homelessness in their communities.
Tools you can use: The presenters will offer an overview of the building blocks for starting a homelessness program, as well as highlighting common scenarios with start-to-finish solutions. Participants can leverage this knowledge to implement practical and cost-effective homeless solutions in their community.
The legal complexities of homelessness and resulting fears of litigation often paralyze the development of an effective homelessness policy. Participants will be able to apply alternatives to the criminalization of homelessness, such as boutique court dockets (such as homeless and mental health) and other harm-reduction tools.
Participants will be able to state the five collaborating agencies and the role each played in this pilot program.
Participants will be able to provide at least four benefits of telepsychiatry in the field.
Participants will be able to list at least five items learned during the pilot of the telepsychiatry program.
Participants will be able to list the advantages and challenges to working with local law enforcement in a a high crime area.
Participants will be able to describe what elements are needed to develop a successful relationship with law enforcement.
Participants will be able to identity what services are needed to help individuals experiencing a crisis and how to ensure that law enforcement is aware of the services.
Participants will be able to explain the value of building relationships between people with lived experience with mental health and other communities, including law enforcement.
Participants will be able to deliver the message that recovery is possible; explore the role that law enforcement can play in improving outcomes for people living with mental health conditions in their time of need.
Participants will be able to discuss how the Beyond Silence documentary can be used in CIT training programs to help reduce stigma, increase awareness and educate law enforcement.
Participants will be able to identify alternative education settings in their community and assess need threat assessment /response protocol.
Participants will be provided with access to existing open source materials designed for alternative settings and directives on how to encourage that institution’s engagement.
Participants will be able to research and identify local, county, city and private mental health services for collaboration, with goal of identifying and mitigating risk at the school level.
Learner-centered –Active training is to produce the most effective outcomes possible; to see participants apply classroom skills in a real-world setting. The focus on the learner acquiring knowledge, rather than on the teacher’s management of it, is a critical step in effective training.
Participants will participate in active learning and apply the skill or knowledge in a role play, case study, simulation or scenario.
Engaged – Participants will retain knowledge and concepts more readily as they engage in the process of discovery and exploration rather than being the recipient of information. Relevant – Participants will experience and learn best when they see the relevance of the taught concept to their experience.
Participants will be able to identify issues that can arise when combining Law Enforcement Officers and service providers into a problem-solving team. Discussion of how Law Enforcement Officers and clinicians benefit from these types of alliances.
Participants will view the current Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to address HIPPA issues, have access to previous agreements that were utilized initially and subsequently modified.
Participants will be able to view the development and subsequent modifications from this type of combined effort staffing for later use in their specific communities. Participants are encouraged to ask questions regarding this topic to a panel of mental health clinicians and/or law enforcement officers.
Identify and discuss the course set up, learning strategies, and content found in the curriculum
Describe the customizable modules and ways to customize the content to meet local needs
Discuss instructor tips and implementation strategies
Participants will be able to describe how to access the IACP Enhancing Police Responses to Children Exposed to Violence Toolkit as well as how it contributes to officer and community safety.
Participants will be able to explain the importance of trauma-informed police responses to Children Exposed to Violence and other trauma and outline how to use at least three specific tools from the toolkit.
Attendees will be able to list at least two operational components of the police-mental health partnership serving Children Exposed to Violence, specifically the Child Development-community Policing (CD-CP) co-responder program that operates in Charlotte-Mecklenburg, NC and New Haven, CT.
1. Identify potential data sources to track mental health related incidents. These sources may include calls for service, number of reports generated, locations with multiple calls for service, and specific types of incidents. Create a logic model for an agency based on an identified issue, with existing inputs and outputs.
2. Identify and develop community based resources to assist police in interactions with individuals in mental crisis. Create a database of the local hospitals, service providers, and community organizations and identify what services each agency provides.
3. Describe a workable model for integrating a CIT program and community outreach by evaluation current resources. Leverage an existing CIT program based on Pillar Four recommendations of the Presidents' 21st century task force. Recommendations number 4.3 and 4.4 discuss
Participants will identify the use of intra-personal boundaries as a protective practice and explore two different ways to reinforce those boundaries.
Participants will list at least 3 “Rapid Reset” strategies for cultivating calm in highly escalated or crisis situations.
Participants will identify ways to regularly release secondary trauma as part of each workday to prevent the progression of vicarious trauma into illness, relational difficulties, and burnout.
Participants will be able to recognize the stigma associated with SUD as a Behavioral health concern
Participants will be able to understand the importance of including SUD in CIT training
Participants will be able to apply methods used by presenters for inclusion in future CIT trainings.
Participant will be able to describe how the CIT philosophy of "partnerships" can be used as a platform to bring a co-responder to their agency regardless of size.
Participant will be able to identify the considerations in choosing the right partners.
Participant will be able to explain the steps that the Lenexa and Shawnee, Kansas Police Departments used to start their co-responder program.
Participants will be able to explain the impact of program expansion and development activities on MCIT service delivery.
Participants will be able to identify opportunities to enhance the MCIT model and service effectiveness.
Participants will be able to describe the importance of a continuous quality improvement cycle.
Participants will be able to describe specific mental health concerns of interest to Indigenous communities
Participants will be able to describe practical and effective techniques for growing CIT in Native American and other communities including the conversational cycle, and the community innovation team model.
Participants will be able to describe the relationship between CIT and Native American cultural ways
Define the Missouri Model of Crisis Intervention Team (CIT).
List the challenges of establishing a crisis intervention team program in rural areas.
Describe the most effective process for establishing a local CIT council in rural Missouri.
Participants will be able to list three ways CIT, CNT and CISM overlap.
Participants will be able to list two gaps between CIT, CNT and CISM interventions, and how to fix it.
Participants will gain three skills to be able to assist their local CIT, CNT and CISM programs build stronger training protocols in response to crisis.
Students will be able to recite the seven active listening skills.
Students will be able to recognize the skills needed to label emotions and create an empathetic dialog.
Student will be able to apply the active listening skills in a crisis communication event.
Participants will be able to evaluate how CIT can be implemented where mental health resources are extremely limited.
Participants will be able to analyze how cultural beliefs impact behavior and the implications for adapting CIT content.
Participants will be able to recognize advantages of mental health service user and caregiver partnerships for CIT in settings with low mental health literacy and high stigma.
-Understand the definition of Hoarding as defined in the DSM and Gain knowledge as to how to address this situation (including all stages of hoarding)
-Learn from a County Hoarding Task Force member the challenges of this work (funding, logistics, manpower, and lots of therapy) to include real photos of hoarding situations taken from Deputy Fire Marshals
-Recognize the need for this topic in CIT and how to incorporate it (2 options)
The participant will be able to identify the need for a mental health unit in the jail in response to the rising number of mental health patients coming in contact with law enforcement.
The participant will be able to Identify steps necessary to the development and successful implementation of a mental health unit.
The participant will be able to recognize the impact a mental health unit will have on a detention facility.
Participants will develop an expanded awareness of the opioid epidemic as it relates to dual diagnosis/co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders.
Participants will gain insight into the DEA’s prevention strategies for opioid misuse.
Participants will gain practical information and ideas about opioid misuse prevention for integration into their professional role and CIT program.
Participants will be able to explain the definition of EQ and will learn what Emotional Intelligence is and will be given ways to increase it.
Participants will learn why empathy is so difficult to achieve and will review the building blocks of empathy.
Participants will link interpersonal and social empathy by taking an empathy exam; and be able to measure their level of empathy.
Participants will be able to describe the process of identifying and working with facilities, which are over-utilizers of police resources.
Participants will be able to explain how police can develop partnerships with emergency medical services (ambulances) for transporting persons who are involuntarily in custody.
Participants will be able articulate how to identify the gaps in services for persons with multiple mental health-related police contacts and how to develop proactive strategies to reduce future police contacts.
Participants will uncover a way to reach all staff with an overview of CIT.
Participants will be able to explain how to create effective partnerships for their CiT Program.
Participants will be able to identify the effective utilization of community partnerships by collaborating with multi-disciplinary team to reach the same goal.
Participants will develop techniques to identify individuals and address underlying factors of criminal behavior/frequent police contact.
Participants will be able to evaluate the cost-benefits of providing housing/treatment verses criminal justice costs.
Participants will analyze the impact of a blended CIT overview vs. the 40 hour CIT program.
Participants will be able to describe the importance of community collaboration and development of a responsive mental health system that includes effective CIT programs.
Participants will be able to explain the value of the specialist role of the CIT officer and be able to articulate three reasons why making all officers CIT officers could be counterproductive.
Participants will be able to discuss several options for providing basic mental health awareness and de-escalation training for all personnel.
Participants will be able to identify four barriers that rural communities face. 1) Preconceived bias and inaccurate perceptions of persons with mental illnesses. 2) Geographic isolation with limited resources. 3) Mistrust between Law Enforcement and mental health providers. 4) Excluding key stakeholders from planning discussions.
Participants will be able to identify 3 Core Components of a successful CIT/Joint Response Program. 1) Community collaboration with all stakeholders actively engaged at the onset. 2) Joint training and team building efforts. 3) A robust and accessible crisis service that offers alternatives to detention, ED visits, and hospitalizations.
Participants will be able to identify 3 positive community outcomes resulting from a CIT/Joint Response Program. 1) Law Enforcement Officers are more prepared and confident to respond to persons in crisis. 2) Persons with mental illnesses are directed to the appropriate resource. 3) Inappropriate arrests/unnecessary ED visits reduced or eliminated.
Participant will be able to describe 3 factors to consider in Co-Responder implementation
Participant will be able to identify 4 advantages of the Co-Responder model
Participant will be able to list 3 benefits of enhancing CIT with a Co-Responder Team
Participants will be able to list at least five reasons why many people with severe mental illness are not receiving treatment.
Participants will be able to describe strategies CIT programs have used to improve the efificacy and responsiveneness of community mental health care systems.
Participants will be able to list 3-5 specific policy changes that would create more effective and humane care for people with severe mental illness.
List the medications currently FDA-approved for the treatment of Opioid Use Disorders.
Explain the key indications and contraindications for medications used to treat Opioid Use Disorders.
Explain how CIT members can influence the use of Medication Assisted Treatment to reduce traumatic exposures for both their patients and themselves.
Attendees will review successful and less-successful co-responder program designs and their methodologies.
Attendees will learn how their unique agency needs should inform the design of their program.
Attendees will leave with a clear and organized set of steps, a methodology, to design a program that meets their unique agency needs.
Overview of the Sequential Intercept Model- During this presentation, you will have an understanding of what the sequential intercept model is, what it looks like in Maricopa County, Arizona, and highlighting the importance from SAMHSA for individuals with mental illness and/or substance use disorders and the criminal justice system.
Prevention- During this presentation, you will develop greater knowledge of the efforts in Maricopa County, Arizona to provide preventative measures to reduce the likelihood of recidivism by connection to ongoing services, using peer supports, and highlighting the work of community providers.
First Interactions- During this presentation, you will have an understanding of how Intercept 1 works in Maricopa County, Arizona as we look at the law enforcement component in general and specific to a large and small agency, police drop offs, and community collaboration.
Participant will be able to define Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, and Vicarious Trauma and understand the differences
Participant will be able to identify different types of stress and the different effects each may have
Participant will examine and create or re-tool their plan for self care
Participants will be able to describe the advantages of Crisis Intervention teams consisting of law enforcement detectives working in collaboration with Licensed mental health clinicians and a staff psychiatrist.
Participants will be able to explain the benefits of conducting Dangerous assessments and utilizing Risk assessments.The teams also utilize background checks, criminal history, collateral information, staffing, and consensual home visits as part of this process. 
Participants will be able to describe how working with community providers and agencies provides an increase of continuity and assists with jail diversion
Participants will be able to identify ACEs and Resiliency factors.
Participants will be able to demonstrate how to validate and support a youth in crisis.
Participants will be able to identify several best practice intervention strategies for future use.
Participants will be able to identify 4 videos to be used in CIT training
Participants will be able to demonstrate 5 new approaches for CIT training.
Participants will be able to explain how to utilize the techniques for others .
Participants will uncover a way to reach all staff with an overview of CIT.
Participants will analyze the impact of a blended CIT overview vs. the 40 hour CIT program.
Participants will plan how to overcome hurdles when implementing CIT.
Participants will plan how to overcome hurdles when implementing CIT.
Participants will describe the value of discussing with persons with disabilities themselves, as well as family members and health professionals, what are appropriate responses to mental health crises.
Participants will explain the best means for interacting with the disability community (and those who experience mental health crises, but do not identify with the disability community), family members, and health professionals.
Participants will identify the best means for advocating for appropriate services in their communities.
Participants interested in co-response programs will be able to define and develop them more effectively.
Participants who are part of existing co-response teams in small and mid-sized agencies will have new strategies to use when challenges arise.
Participants who are part of existing co-response teams will be to develop strategies and establish goals when behavioral health services are not available.
Participants will be able to explain why data collection is essential for law enforcement and how it's use builds relationships and partnerships with the local mental health system and community.
Participants will observe required data points and experience proven methods for data collection and interpretation as well as use in their day to day activities.
Participants will use data to identify departmental training needs and enhance officer's response to persons with a mental illness.
List some ways LGBTQ identified youth are more likely to experience violence than non-LGBTQ identified youth.
Explain why LGBTQ identified youth are at more risk for homelessness, drug/alcohol abuse, survival sex work, and suicide, than non-LGBTQ identified youth.
List some ways you can help LGBTQ identified youth thrive and survive.
Discuss why committed leadership is critical and list the six questions leaders need to ask to assess their existing efforts.
Describe how the Stepping Up Resource Toolkit can help counties develop and implement a systems-level, data driven plan that can lead to measurable outcomes.
Describe common obstacles counties face when addressing the problems law enforcement face when working with individuals with serious mental illnesses.
Participants will have an effective framework for determining how their agencies can deploy limited resources in effective ways to meet the increasing demands of at-risk populations including individuals struggling with mental health issues.
Participants will strengthen their capacity to use data to assess and ensure that the rights of persons with mental illness are respected, their needs are address, and that encounters with law enforcement officers are conducted in ways that are safe for all involved.
Participants will have a resource guide with examples of how data can be used to strengthen crisis intervention efforts, build shared accountability among key partners, prioritize scarce resources, and develop stronger policies.
Participants will be able to describe different models of CIT case management and the value in the variability
Participants will be able to identify strengths of local development of CIT case management programs
Participants will be able to identify strategies for collaboration with other County's CIT programs/ coordinators
Recognize how the effects of military training, post-traumatic stress, and traumatic brain injury may manifest to crisis or criminal behavior, such as hyper-vigilance, impulsivity, and rapid response to threatening encounters.
Identify opportunities to de-escalate crisis encounters with veterans and promote safety through application exercises using real case examples .
Develop potential referral channels and partnerships with organizations to refer veterans and families for supportive services.
Participants will be able to list 3 things that will provide the overall framework for a successful CIT program at their agency and guide them in their efforts.
Participants will be able to explain steps they can take to start, and maintain, a successful CIT program at their agency.
Participants will be able to identify 5 potential obstacles to creating a successful CIT program and explain how to overcome them.
Participant will learn new, FREE, education materials to show in their CIT trainings and presentations.
Participants will learn the "pictorial Superiority Effect" in training.....which means the use of picture (videos) with your presentations promotes greater information recall
Participants will identify 3 reasons why videos should be part of any instructional design process.
Participants will be able to identify and document crisis situations from their community that can be utilized for CIT training scenarios.
Participants will be able to identify program deficiencies based on community analysis and identify training options for role-players.
Participants will have the opportunity to demonstrate comfort with participating in and designing a role-play scenario based on workshop provided guides and recognize strategies to incorporate standardized feedback forms.
Participants will be able explain the theory of “treatment not jail” for those seeking recovery from addiction. Further, they will describe how the Gloucester, MA Police Department assisted those seeking recovery into treatment.
Participants will be able to explain how the Anne Arundel County “Safe Stations” is a community program owned by all the participants. They will then be able to describe the role of each community partner and the significance of their responsibility to the partnership.
Participants will be able to list common barriers for those seeking treatment and how those barriers are alleviated. Additionally, they will be able to describe the “social blanket” that is wrapped around each participant and how the social supports facilitates their recovery.
Participants will be able to identify the critical roles and benefits by the infusion of Peers at the start of a recovery journey.
Participants will be able to list at least three key functions where Peer Support Specialists can be vital when working with individuals involved in the Criminal Justice System.
Participants will be able to explain the role of peer specialists in improving outcomes and reducing recidivism.
Participant will be able to identify the difference between a suicidal subject and a committed individual. The committed individual is extremely high risk and tactical considerations will be taught in dealing with this type of individual.
Participant will learn the differences between private acts of violence and a subject who is suicidal in the open. The training will cover what the law allows the participant to do in these situations under the Supreme Court Rulings and 4th Amendment as it pertains to "community caretaking."
Participant will learn about the effects of the aftermath of trauma on the officer. How to cope with PTSD, depression. How to seek professional help and reduce the stigma in seeking such help.
Participants will recognize the importance of CIT Training Program through community involvement, partnership and linkage to behavioral health resources and entities. This will include examples of how this is accomplished in Miami-Dade County.
Participants will be able to identify a collaboration of methods that can facilitate successful integration of Police and Behavioral Health's services.
Participants will be exposed to a cost-analysis specific to Miami-Dade County's law enforcement, housing and the provision of behavioral health care.
Define & identify secondary trauma and risk factors
Describe the mind-body connection to secondary trauma in work and life
Practice, reflect upon and identify coping skills to build resiliency for self and peer support
Define and describe meditation and mindfulness
Discuss how these tools can be used to mitigate acute, chronic and accumulated stress and improve health
Practice a simple, doable daily meditation to exponentially reduce stress and promote mindfulness
Differentiate between CIT training of law enforcement officers and the development and maintenance of a community’s CIT Program.
Discuss methods to maintain a continuing working relationship with all community partners, including their CIT community steering committee.
Explain methods to devise or improve a community’s Crisis Response System.

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I would recommend this workshop to others

I would recommend this workshop to others

Please rate the following:
The program was relevant to my work.
Content matched stated objectives.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Quality of facilities.
If you rated any of the above questions with 'fair,' 'poor,' 'disagree,' or 'strongly disagree' please explain in detail (e.g. session title, speaker name, situtation):
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Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
Was the conference format effective to learning?
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How much did you learn as a result of this Conference?

Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?

How can this Conference be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or work outcomes?

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