HED A Couple's Journey 10.19.18
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How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

By completing this form, you attest that you have attended the activity in its entirety.
Please rate your satisfaction with the content and quality of the program: 
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
If no, please explain...
Did you perceive any commercial bias or influence in the educational content?
If yes, what...
Did this program improve your competence or performance? 
If yes, how...
If no, please explain...
What did you learn that will help you in your practice?
Were the following objectives met?
Apply a step by step pragmatic structure to support couples in a transformative relational process
Were the following objectives met?
Recognize the difference in a couples exchange between the adaptive “survival dance” and the “dance of life in connection.”
Were the following objectives met?
Practice rituals and skills in becoming “bilingual” and learning the distinctive vocabulary of the “other.”
Were the following objectives met?
Utilize practical well delineated techniques for growing attention span, focus, concentration and presence to the “other.”
Were the following objectives met?
Describe the four theoretical pillars at the base of Encounter-centered Couples Therapy.
Were the following objectives met?
Recognize the difference in a couples exchange between the “dialogical domain” and the “domain of the encounter.”
Were the following objectives met?
Assess the climate in the “space between” as a way for the Couples Therapist to assist a couple in creating a safe haven rather than a war zone or a desert, and learn about the essential elements that nurture the “Relational Space” of couples.
The program was up-to-date and relevant to my professional practice 
Additional comments
Was the location suitable?
The facilities were conducive to learning
Rate the following for all instructors
Instructor was knowledgeable about the content
Rate the following for all instructors
Instructor presented the subject matter clearly
Rate the following for all instructors
Instructor was responsive 
Rate the following for all instructors
Instructor used technology, hand outs and other learning aids effectively
Additional questions about the instructor(s)
What questions are you having in your practice that you would like to see addressed in an educational activity?
Questions, concerns and accommodations were addressed efficiently and in a timely manner
Additional comments

Only Florida licensees need to answer this question.

In order for us to report your hours to CE Broker, you MUST provide us with your Florida alpha-numeric license number (e.g., CDCA.XXXXXX, LICDCII.XXXXXX, LCDCII.XXXXXX, LICDC.XXXXXX). Please be sure to enter this number accurately, or CE Broker will not record your hours.  

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