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Presentation 1 - 2010 Medicare Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Regulations: What is Said and What it Means
Karen Lui
Obj 1- Discuss CMS intent underlying policy changes
Obj 2 - Interpret coding and billing requirements
Obj 3 - Specify what constitutes compliance with the new rules
Presentation 2 - Screening and Enrollment
Richard Josephson
Obj 1 - Perform a SWOT analysis of a program's regional environment
Obj 2 - Explain how to operationalize methods to maximize identification and ultimate enrollment of potential patients
Obj 3 - Adjust program-physician interface and rehabilitation prescription in compliance with recent regulations
Presentation 3 - Cardiac Breakout: A New Cardiac Rehabilitation Recipe: An Opportunity to Deliver a Gourmet Service
Larry Hamm, Karen Lui
Obj 1 - Review new rules from CMS re: service delivery of cardiac rehabilitation
Obj 2 - Discuss selected studies from scientific literature re: alternative delivery models for cardiac rehabilitation
Obj 3 - Cite selected possibilities of alternative delivery models based on current CMS rules
Obj 4 - Analyze the impact of alternative delivery models on program resources
Presentation 4 - Pulmonary Breakout: Translating Pulmonary Rehabilitation Coverage Changes into Daily Operations and Opportunities
Chris Garvey
Obj 1 - Describe methods for implementing Medicare Pulmonary Rehabilitation requirements
Obj 2 - Identify documentation requirements and strategies in pulmonary rehabilitation settings
Obj 3 - Discuss practical applications of physician involvement and the individualized treatment plan
Presentation 5 - Practical Implementation of Psychosocial Measurement: Utilizing the Results
Joel Hughes
Obj 1 - Design an assessment protocol in cardiac/pulmonary rehabilitation
Obj 2 - Create a screening and referral algorithm for use in cardiac/pulmonary rehabilitation, in consultation with local mental health infrastructure
Obj 3 - Explain how psychosocial measurement can be integrated into the rehabilitation program to ensure compliance with Medicare requirements and AACVPR recommendations, as well as to provide excellent patient care
Presentation 6 - Update on Performance Measures in Rehabilitation: Challenges, and Opportunities
Randal Thomas
Obj 1 - Summarize the current advances in quality measures for cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation
Obj 2 - Identify challenges and opportunities that quality measures present for rehabilitation programs
Obj 3 - Describe how to implement quality measures into practice
Presentation 7 - Managing Your Program's Fiscal Strength: What You Need to Know, What You Need to Do
Murray Low
Obj 1 - Explain how to maximize patient referrals using "hardwired" systems
Obj 2 - Discuss the management of program expenses for cost effectiveness
Obj 3 - Cite ways to increase revenues by minimizing insurance company rejections and adding value added services
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