Mr pencil

How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

What activities did you attend at the event?
By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
Please rate the following:
The program was relevant to my work.
Content matched stated objectives.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Quality of facilities.
How well did the educational sessions give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of generic names?
If you rated any of the above questions with 'fair,' 'poor,' 'disagree,' or 'strongly disagree' please explain in detail (e.g. session title, speaker name, situtation):
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
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The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
Objective 1: Demonstrate the continuum of care of recovery support services through the implementation of collegiate recovery programs, recovery high schools, and alternative peer groups
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
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The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor was presented the subject matter clearly
Objective 2: Analyze the latest in addiction and recovery research as it relates to the emerging adult populations
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
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The instructor was responsive to participants
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The instructor was responsive to participants
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The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
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The instructor was responsive to participants
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The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
Objective 3: Convene key stakeholders from the collegiate recovery, recovery high school, and alternative peer group communities to share best practices and strategize for further growth
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the prevalence of the recovering population in the united states.
Assess three factors related to adopting a recovery identity.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze the most recent and relevant data and interpret its impact on today's society.
Assess the current landscape of the field of addiction and recovery research as well as the role it plays in prevention, treatment, and recovery.
Discuss the opportunities and path ahead for the field, and areas for collaboration or areas needing improvement and change.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Compile historical facts regarding the development of the recovery advocacy movement. 
Discuss the need for the collegiate recovery professional community to develop an advocacy strategy.
Demonstrate the various levels of advocacy required to make a meaningful impact.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the degree to which genetic influences impact substance use problems.
Describe the pathways by which genetic factors impact risk.
Analyze how that information can be used for prevention and intervention.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe relapse prevention strategies and the role of craving in substance misuse.
Describe the use of technology (e.g., virtual reality and smartphone apps.) In substance misuse research and clinical practice.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the role of alternative peer groups, recovery high schools, and collegiate recovery programs in the continuum of care for emerging adults.
Demonstrate an understanding of how to implement recovery support services and a stronger continuum of care in their community.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss how monitoring students impacts their recovery and successful return to a college or university.
Discuss the ethical challenges that leveraging returning to school for participation in a Recovery Success plan create.
Assess how the current procedure for students who are returning to UNC-CH after seeking treatment for SUD's is working.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Assess the different conference attendees and their affiliations.
Demonstrate how to pair new school efforts with existing/sustained schools as mentors throughout the conference
Describe the needs of new school and capitalize on resources of our membership and other stakeholders
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the clinical issues and barriers that arise when treating mental health and substance use disorders.
Compare recommendations and tools for assessing co-occurring disorders, considering a variety of factors, such as motivation for change, social support, and cultural considerations.
Critique evidence-based treatment interventions for addressing co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the basic macro and micronutrient deficiencies that significantly impact neurological functioning in early recovery.
Demonstrate understanding of the importance of reconnecting not only emotionally and spiritually for their recovery, but also reconnecting with one's body physically.
Predict support resources that may be utilized for their CRP students that can enhance physical and nutritional healing to promote long term recovery.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze past scholarship, compare current agendas, and discuss how to support a productive atmosphere of growth for the future.
Compare large trends in CRP inquiry and offer alternatives to increase collaborative research goals.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss and create ideas and programs for stronger collaboration between treatment center services/resources and universities by learning about how the haven at college is collaborating with hazelden betty ford foundation though new clinical collaboration models.
Apply industry thought leader William White's vision of breaking down silos between prevention, intervention, treatment, recovery support to their own programs, in the context of our shared vision of overall health and wellness on university campuses.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Assess strategies for identifying community partners and additional resources to rally community involvement when creating an alternative peer group to treat adolescent and young adult substance use disorders and mental health issues.
Discuss "talent based hiring" and the need to identify staff with the specific skill set to manage an Alternative Peer Group to treat adolescent and young adult substance use disorders and mental health issues.
Apply strategies to build Alternative Peer Group program awareness in their communities.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze the history of alternative peer group programs for the last 45 years.
Discuss the components of the model and how they serve as best-practice for treating adolescent and young adult substance use and mental health disorders.
Explain the definition of enthusiastic recovery and how it is applied to treating adolescent and young adult substance use and mental health disorders.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the accreditation standards for the organizational framework of recovery high schools.
Describe how to navigate the key components of the accreditation standards for the organizational framework of recovery high schools.
Demonstrate methods for meeting standards and best practices of the accreditation standards for the organization framework of recovery high schools.
The instructor used the technology effectively
List statistics from government agencies of the number of college students negatively affected by substance use disorder
Describe the full continuum of care for substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health issues and identify where College Recovery Centers fit into the continuum of care.
Create an action plan to engage their college administrators in supporting College Recovery Centers and the students who are struggling with substance use disorders and accompanying mental health issues.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Write two interventions or activities that they can utilize to enrich their student experience.
Discuss the ways in which recovery high schools can prepare their students for college and collegiate recovery.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss and describe the coming out process to their clients
Evaluate and assess their own facility as it relates to trans clients
Apply skills into their practices with their clients
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss what technical assistance strategies are being utilized to assist emergent collegiate recovery communities and programs develop over the first three years of the program.
Analyze trends and patterns technical assistance experts have recorded while working with emergent programs.
Discuss how these trends and patterns may impact the field as a whole.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Compare different models of campus-based recovery housing
Discuss the challenges and best practices for managing a housing program serving collegiate recovery students
List key steps a CRP might take to develop recovery housing on their campus
The instructor used the technology effectively
Assess their crp's ability to serve a broader university population based on their available resources.
Prepare to build relationships across campus to provide a wider impact on campus AOD issues.
Plan to implement recovery-informed education initiatives to situate their CRP as an indispensable campus resource.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the need for rigorous research on adolescent peer recovery support models for adolescents suffering with substance use and mental health disorders.
Analyze the earliest research with APG participants.
Analyze the process, elements, and outcomes of recovery from substance use and mental health disorders for youth who participate in an Alternative Peer Group.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Critique the eligibility criteria of recovery high schools to ensure that it is aligned with the school's mission to support recovery from substance use and co-occurring disorders.
Design admission and recruitment procedures around enrolling a diverse student body.
Describe clear procedures for transitioning students from traditional school, community, or treatment settings into the recovery high school setting.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Assess the intergenerational communications between crp staff and crp students.
Analyze the use of social media in health promotion and health psychology
Discuss the use of language to empower people with Substance Use Disorders
The instructor used the technology effectively
Apply participants will apply the steps to bystander intervention as practiced by bevocal and explore how to begin building one on their campus, or how to expand their current program to be more inclusive and better address issues that students may encounter during their college career.
Discuss Attendees will discuss the high-risk experiences that special student populations (such as those with substance use disorders and/or involved in CRP's) may experience on a college campus, and demonstrate ways to build connectivity across student populations to create a campus culture of practicing social justice, interpreting situations as potentially harmful and taking action.
Analyze Participants will analyze the intersection of substance use disorders and high-risk behaviors to identify how the principles of bystander intervention can be applied toward reducing stigma and promoting campus engagement by students outside the CRP context.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss developmental theory as applied to young adults in early recovery from substance use.
Utilize developmental assessment for goal setting for return to school and substance use recovery.
Discuss recovery capital and utilize recovery capital assessment to identify resources and barriers for return to school and recovery maintenance.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the results of the 2017 collegiate recovery census conducted by transforming youth recovery including program data and findings on the definitions for school-based recovery support services at institutions of higher education.
Assess what data are of most use to them as they work to build and grow sustainable collegiate recovery communities and programs.
Analyze observations, patterns, and trends from the results with the Census's primary investigator.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the benefit of repairing attachment wounds as an integral part of the treatment of young adults.
List the benefit of repairing attachment wounds as an integral pa=rt of the treatment of young adults.
Demonstrate specific skills to aid in the use of emotionally focused family therapy to repair attachment wounds in a family system.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the rates of substance dependence among individuals seeking post-secondary education
Describe the impact of self-stigma on individuals in recovery seeking post-secondary education
Discuss factors affecting vocational outcome expectations for students in recovery, and factors that promote reduction in self-stigma and positive vocational outcome expectations
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the current landscape of collegiate recovery research and recovery science overall. Additionally, attendees will be able to describe future directions for this type of inquiry.
Discuss Collegiate recovery science as an impactful mechanism for improving the field and services offered to students.
Assess areas of opportunity for future research in the collegiate recovery field.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the process of grief and loss as related to the death of young students
Analyze the journey of several recovery high school communities through this difficult process.
Explain tools, ceremonies, and group processes to support the entire recovery high school community.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss collegiate recovery and other recovery science with established researchers.
Analyze Well-designed research studies in the collegiate recovery field.
Plan Future research studies in the collegiate recovery field.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze the importance of including the family in a family recovery process in an apg treating adolescents by offering parent programming that is parallel to the adolescent programs.
Discuss the important educational components of an effective family recovery program in an APG.
Describe the major components of family programming and the rationale for each.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Compare outcomes of students who have attended recovery high schools with those who have not one-year following treatment.
Demonstrate the net cost-benefits of attending a recovery high schools for students and families.
Analyze the meaning of research outcomes for implementing and improving recovery high schools.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the myths and facts of restorative practices in a recovery high school setting.
Discuss how to create a Restorative Culture in a recovery high school setting.
Discuss how to use Restorative Practices with discipline in a recovery high school setting.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe multiple modes of support in a collegiate recovery program.
Analyze administrative processes and procedures for supporting students in recovery.
Demonstrate an understanding of how data can support and sustain a program.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the resources and tools that are proven to help families recovery together. We know that an informed loved one is the best ally. Presentation will explain how families can be empowered using community reinforcement and family training, motivational interviewing, and other resources to help support and advocate for their loved one. Presentation will educate attendees on the need to equip parents and families with critical information on how to become effective advocates within their own community and help frame personal narratives with the focus family recovery.
Explain the need to equip parents and families with critical information on how to become effective advocates within their own communities. This will include and describe what families can do to help: 1) remedy inadequacies with enforcement of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act. 2) Persuade other parents and families to act on specific issues related to recovery and 3) provide guidance on how best to tell personal narrative around addiction.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the potential for university-community collaborations in their communities including the unique possibilities that universities bring in the form of interns, research assistants, talent, and training.
Plan An interactive breakout session will be included to assist attendees in planning for Coalition Development drawing upon the Building Blocks For A Successful Movement and will focus on actionable approaches to building coalitions that develop new partnerships, engage broad populations, and ways to increase involvement in partnerships.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain the process and importance of utilizing a team-based approach, inclusive of the individual struggling. Case examples will be given as well as supporting research for these methods.
Apply respectful and inclusive evidence based tools to support providers, families, and the individual struggling.
Explain how redefining relationships and interaction patterns within a family system results in motivation towards treatment and long-term engagement in self-directed recovery support.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze the most common pitfalls that attend starting and managing an apg. This will include a chance to hear from line operators.
Discuss pressing questions to the presenters from previous presentations. These questions will set the stage for breakout planning sessions in following times.
Compile build notes for the following breakout planning sessions to follow.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze how different pathways may serve individuals through different language and approaches.
Utilize increased knowledge and understanding of a variety of pathways to offer individuals an array of choices.
Design methods for disseminating information about these pathways to the communities in which attendees live and work. Details about the various groups, which includes the prevalence of abstinence based options and offers clarification about resources not intended to address substance use disorders, such as Moderation Management.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze recovery supports: are recovery supports and relapse prevention measures meeting the needs of students?
Discuss Recovery Climate: How does the school provide a recovery-oriented school climate that promotes collegial relationships among faculty, students, and their families?
Discuss Recovery Assessment: How does the school collect data for initial screening, progress monitoring, and outcome measures to assess and improve short and long term results for students?
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the challenges more likely to affect women with substance use disorders.
Design policies and practices that may better serve students who identify as women.
Critique existing policies and practices that may serve as barriers to the recruitment and retention of students in recovery who identify as women.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze how grief interacts with substance use, addiction recovery, and relapse
Explain the dynamics that can contribute to unexpressed or long term grief
Compare The roles of resolution and acceptance in the grieving process
The instructor used the technology effectively
Use the information presented to share their story in a way that focuses on recovery (rather than addiction).
Apply the information presented to their communications and learn what language to avoid to reduce stigma, and what language to use to promote recovery.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss best practices regarding creating curriculum that meets the unique needs of high school students in recovery while using data to drive instruction.
Analyze the importance of meaningful ongoing Staff Training and the role of Staff Evaluations has in continued Professional Development.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain how archway academy, a recovery school for adolescents who struggle with substance use and mental health disorders, has integrated with the local alternative peer groups.
Analyze how integration of recovery school and alternative peer groups offers a holistic approach to treating adolescents who struggle with substance use and mental health disorders.
Discuss how sober social functions are integrated into the Alternative Peer Group/Recovery School model to create a safe and enriching environment for adolescents who struggle with substance use and mental health disorders.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the impact of stigma related to substance use disorders and how this stigma can present barriers to student success in college settings. Attendees will discuss the ways in which ally training programs such as the one presented here can alleviate these barriers to student success by educating other members of the campus community on substance use disorder recovery among students, ways to be allies and advocates to these students, and thereby reducing the stigma associated with this student population.
Apply what they have learned from this presentation about ally trainings and the recoveryzone model to the context of their own institutions and respective crcs. Would an ally-training program such as recoveryzone be helpful to the populations that they work with? What efforts are being undertaken at their own institution to reduce stigma and social barriers to success that students in recovery may face? If a similar ally training has already been developed, can this program be improved upon? How are program coordinators evaluating the impact of their own ally trainings?
The instructor used the technology effectively
Assess their current eating disorder inclusivity at their collegiate recovery program in regards to messaging from staff, students, and space.
Discuss the state of research associated with defining eating disorder recovery.
Plan Attendees will plan intended points of change within their collegiate recovery program to foster inclusivity of eating disorder recovery.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss how laboratory testing can have an important impact upon outcomes in recovery. The discussion will include an overview of different tests, techniques and how they effect the recovery process.
Analyze the positive effects which testing can have on treatment and recovery. The group will build a consensus surrounding this postulate. Drawing upon their experiences, the attendees will share examples that support and or refute the hypothesis.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain the various ways the life history of individual students in recovery provide natural incentives for long-term recovery and a need for advocacy
Understand the basic philosophies and practices of drug courts and professional monitoring organizations, and their relevance to on-going recovery management and advocacy
Identify factors that make various individuals potentially eligible for these particular types of recovery support, including advantages and disadvantages of engagement
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze the social, socioeconomic, and cultural needs of the younger millennial emerging adult cohort.
Discuss extended care models in a world without parity enforcement.
Predict the need for expanded access to collegiate recovery support services.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Explain how high-risk behavior such as alcohol, drugs, and risky behavior affect youth brain development.
Analyze how the arrest of neurodevelopmental processes affect youth as they age.
Discuss prevention and treatment techniques to address youth high-risk behavior.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe what adverse childhood events entail.
Discuss ways to create plans with their students to overcome these events, grow and thrive.
Discuss needs of their programs to be able to assess adverse childhood events and find resources to help students understand and grow.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Demonstrate increased self-awareness of racial, ethnic and class biases.
Describe links between racial, social, educational, and health inequities and disparities.
Describe how cultural beliefs shape clinical encounters and patients' health and mental health outcomes. 
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss disordered eating concerns among collegiate recovery populations.
Analyze their own program policies and practices that may hinder or support disordered eating recovery.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Assess and conceptualize students from a developmental perspective in order to maximize engagement in clinical programming
Utilize the concept of long term "In-Vivo" treatment offerings to bridge the gaps between campuses and treatment centers and increase positive clinical outcomes.
Utilize scaffolding to begin to increase client responsibility and engagement on campus as clients navigate long term continuum of care.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe grief and identify it's various presentations or "types."
Discuss the impact of grief and loss on patients seeking treatment for suds utilizing case studies.
Prepare to advocate for the industry standard of addressing grief and loss in all forms of treatment for suds.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Assess inform participants about the power of the breath to change mental states
Analyze both behavioral and neural evidence for the effects of the YES! For Schools program on emotional well-being in adolescents
Apply a personal experience of the breathing techniques taught in the program
The instructor used the technology effectively
Prepare to understand the warning signs of active addiction. How to compassionately confront your friend or colleague.
Apply the strategies and positive motivation for influencing help, treatment and recovery.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe attendees will be able to describe common needs of student members of a crp along the continuum of their membership in a program.
Plan their programmatic components around the needs of their current CRP students.
Critique their ability to move forward from mistakes they have made in their career in order to 'fall upward'.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the current climate and ethical issues surrounding the growth of collegiate recovery programs and treatment centers seeking to serve a similar population.
List nuances of interacting between these separate, yet related sectors.
Create As a treatment provider, develop methods by which to contribute positively to collegiate recovery programs, supporting treatment outcomes and sending alumni on to become college graduates.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Apply differing and tailored approaches when conducting outreach to marginalized and underrepresented populations geared to specific communities and audiences.
Utilize techniques based on student leaders' experiences when reaching out to diverse groups in their targeted areas.
Describe the educational and recovery support/resources offered at their specific Collegiate Recovery Program regardless of: age, ethnicity, gender, criminal background, gender identity, race, religious preferences, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss recovery capital is the intrapersonal relationship a person in recovery has with one's self. There are three structural forms of recovery capital which are essential contributors of value to a person's recovery. These are personal recovery capital, family/social capital, and community capital. Recovery capital directly identifies systems, such as other people or resources, which effectively support people in long-term recovery from sud. We will discuss recovery capital as a framework for developing more efficacious engagement with soc.
Assess the current state of CRP/CRC development and if it will benefit from engaging a recovery capital framework. Additionally, we will assess together if using this framework can grow recovery capital for the person in recovery, the CRP/CRC, the college campus as a whole, and its surrounding community.
Analyze if the addition of a recovery capital framework can combat the intersectional and institutional biases experienced by SOC in recovery as a social justice issue. When SOC in recovery are at the intersections of personal development and racial identity, the recovery capital inherent in an effective and culturally-sensitive CRP/CRC can be a strong part of the continuum of care for a their SUD. We will discuss options for changing the current recruitment/retention paradigm for SOC in recovery/crps/crcs.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe methods for keeping students engaged in their crcs after the initial excitement wears off.
Explain activities that maintain their CRC's visibility on campus, in the community, and with potential members.
Analyze how to weigh the value of attracting new campus members with funding existing members activities.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the common challenges that cougars in recovery students have historically faced when entering the university of Houston as a freshmen or transfer student and how to respond through on-campus collaborations.
Discuss the common challenges that Cougars in Recovery students have historically faced when applying for internships and/or jobs due to gaps of employment from incarceration and/or treatment stays and how to respond through on-campus collaborations.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze the history of alternative peer group programs for the last 45 years.
Discuss the components of the model and how they serve as best-practice for treating adolescent and young adult substance use and mental health disorders.
Explain the definition of enthusiastic recovery and how it is applied to treating adolescent and young adult substance use and mental health disorders.
The instructor used the technology effectively
List a time that they have witnessed or felt stigmatization (of themselves or another) due to a substance use disorder or recovery.
Discuss how their involvement in CRP panels has affected themselves or the panel attendees.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the unique and important role that families play in the recovery process in the Latino community.
Demonstrate How important it is to understand culture in the recovery setting.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Compile obtain in-depth understanding of students' recovery experiences and needs through students' own photography and narrative text.
Analyze the photovoice method and its ability to empower marginalized student groups and enact structure-level change (e.g., change within higher education system).
Discuss view recovery students' photography, which are part of the photovoice exhibit created through this research.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Compare initial plans and expectations for the university of Texas at Austin's healthy lifestyles living learning community with actual outcomes, and assess how the lessons learned might benefit nascent sober housing initiatives on other campuses.
Apply acquired knowledge of The University of Texas at Austin's Healthy Lifestyles Living Learning Community sober dorm experience to predict obstacles, suggest changes, compare outcomes, and analyze data, which may help improve second year outcomes if implemented.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss transforming youth recovery's (try) 2016 research on community college recovery support that led to the bridging the gap grant program.
Assess observations from Year 1 of TYR's Bridging the Gap grant program.
Analyze the findings of the institutional attitude and student engagement survey that is being deployed on Bridging the Gap grantee campuses.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss the variety of ways and reasons a student might get involved with or join a crp
Analyze the different kinds recovery support needed for students with difference needs and during different stages of recovery
Assess how collegiate recovery programs integrate peer support, coaching and recovery supportive programming with other mental health and recovery support services on and off campus
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze findings about how students in recovery from alcohol and/or other suds who participate in collegiate recovery programs (crps) negotiate multiple and often competing identities within the complex discursive environments of campus life. This study examines which discourses are evident in students' stories, the ways in which each student's various identities exist in tension with one another, and the individual and group strategies students employ that help them navigate tensions in their sociocultural environments, enabling them to find success across multiple domains.
Utilize the understandings gained in this research to suggest programmatic features that informs the ongoing work happening in crps and the support structures in place to support them.
Apply what is learned about the lived experience of students in recovery to better serve the students who participate in CRPS.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Assess strategies for identifying community partners and additional resources to rally community involvement when creating an alternative peer group to treat adolescent and young adult substance use disorders and mental health issues.
Discuss "talent based hiring" and the need to identify staff with the specific skill set to manage an Alternative Peer Group to treat adolescent and young adult substance use disorders and mental health issues.
Apply strategies to build Alternative Peer Group program awareness in their communities.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the multi-disciplinary nature of addiction recovery research and practice, as well as the need for interdisciplinary collaboration.
Apply the lessons learned from the Pop-Up Institute interdisciplinary collaborative experience to recruit collaboration partners on your own campus/community.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss their knowledge of tech tools used their present environment and their understanding of new tools that could be available to them. This will include benefits to the recovery/educational experience and problems in either use of the tools or application of the concepts an goals.
Apply their skills with a new tech to a familiar scenario of unmet or poorly met need in their present working environment, taking note of the improvements in the outcome of the scenario.
Design a plan to apply the newly acquired knowledge and skills in use of the new tech in their present or future working environment.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze the history of alternative peer group programs for the last 45 years.
Discuss the components of the model and how they serve as best-practice for treating adolescent and young adult substance use and mental health disorders.
Explain the definition of enthusiastic recovery and how it is applied to treating adolescent and young adult substance use and mental health disorders.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Compile information regarding best practices in campus and community outreach initiatives.
Assess potential barriers and understand ways to overcome these barriers related to campus partner collaboration.
Evaluate their own efforts and potential collaboration in order to make revisions and create strategic initiatives for their CRP and education.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Analyze the different stages in the creation of a center for students in recovery. The audience will have the opportunity to learn the different stages that small private universities may go to create a csr. The stages may not always be linear and each may encounter its own challenges. Additionally, there will be a discussion about the integration of diversity considerations when creating a csr.
Discuss the importance of the student involvement and leadership in creating the CSR. The audience will hear directly from the students who spearheaded the CSR. Students will share their experiences and their plans for the future.
Discuss the lessons learned. The audience will have the opportunity to learn and discuss some of the most salient challenges encountered and will be presented with ideas on how to deal with them.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Discuss transforming youth recovery's capacity building methodology as a pathway to institutionalizing collegiate recovery programs.
Discuss how to use the Community Asset Mapping Toolkit to initiate capacity building activities at an institution of higher education.
Use Online tools for tracking, reporting, and sharing resource data in communities.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Utilize the theoretical and scientific findings informing continuum of care choices.
Describe latest scientific findings in designing or adjusting treatment programs.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe the connection between gastrointestinal health and mental health, particularly as it related to alcohol and opiates.
Explain the rationale behind offering nutrition services in addiction treatment settings
Apply knowledge learned about the importance of nutrition for addiction recovery at their workplace or treatment center.
The instructor used the technology effectively
Describe policies and procedures that will ensure continuity of services during staff vacancies and transitions.
List support networks in the recovery community that can provide knowledge and strategies to grow crps and successfully navigate higher education institutions.
Please tell us about any session you found particularly good or bad
Please tell us about any objective you feel we accomplished well or poorly. 
Please tell us about any presenter you found particularly good or bad
Please answer the following:
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
If faculty spoke about off-label or investigational uses of a product, was that information disclosed to you?
Was the mode of education effective to learning?
If you answered "No" to any of the above questions, please explain.
Did you perceive any product/service/company/commercial bias in any educational session you attended or materials you received?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please detail the situation below (e.g. session title, speaker name):
Were you solicited by sales personnel in an educational room (other areas do not matter) while you attended this educational activity?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please explain in detail (e.g. who, when, where):
How much did you learn as a result of this education program?
What specifically did you learn during this activity that you intend to integrate into your practice?

What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?

What patient/client problems or patient/client challenges do you feel you are not able to address appropriately or to your satisfaction?
What problems are your patients/clients communicating to you that need attention or follow up?

Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?

What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?

How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?

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