Energizing the Spirit of the Health Care Professional
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How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

What activities did you attend at the event?
By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
Rolfe Carawan was knowledgeable, interesting and stimulated thought.
Barbara Dossey was knowledgeable, interesting and stimulated thought.
Jones Loflin was knowledgeable, interesting and stimulated thought.
Diana Jordan was knowledgeable, interesting and stimulated thought.
Overall satisfaction of the 2009 LIHN Symposium.
Information was organized and valuable to my practice.
Information was organized and valuable to my practice.
Information was organized and valuable to my practice.
Information was organized and valuable to my practice
Information was clear and informative.
Audiovisuals were informative and helpful.
Audiovisuals were informative and helpful.
Audiovisuals were informative and helpful.
Audiovisuals were informative and helpful.
I would recommend the program/presenters to others.
Please rate the quality of Rolfe Carawan's presentation.
Please rate the quality of Barbara Dossey's, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN presentation.
Please rate the quality of Jones Loflin's presentation.
Please rate the quality of Diana Jordan's presentation.
The program met my expectations.
Please rate your ability to meet the following objective:
Discuss the kind of culture required to facilitate long term health of caregivers.
Link Florence Nightingale's legacy of healing, leadership, global action and her work as a nurse and citizen activist to 21st century nursing and healthcare.
Describe ways to take conscious control of your time and energy.
Identify tools on how to use 'your funny' to relieve stress, get along better with co-workers and be more productive.
To what extent did the objectives relate to the overall purpose?
To what extent have you achieved the objectives of this program?
To what extent were the teaching strategies appropriate?
Overall, the program was:
The program was fair, unbiased and free from commercial interests.
If you answered "No" to the above question, please explain.
Did you attend the 2008 LIHN Symposium.
 If you said yes, how did you find this year's symposium to last year's?
General Comments/Suggestions for future programs:
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