Quality of facilities.
Explain how to apply the program with their patients
Explain how the CSP serves as a real alternative to the use of drugs with a very high treatment efficacy rate
List the need for an intervention that fills the treatment gap
Identify the dangers of medications other than the physical side effects
Explain how an effective intervention brings a child or adult into an entirely renewed direction and new ongoing sense of self
Explain to parents of children with behaviors defining ADD or ODD how to deal with them without the use of medication
Explain how to prepare parents of young children with strategies for reducing the probability of ADD behaviors emerging
Design materials and information that will assist parents to adopt a wellness approach to managing their child's behavior problems
Name behavioral methods and parent training modalities that are available as alternatives to drugs
Discuss the effectiveness of alternative treatment modalities such as nutrition, biofeedback, and brain train that can replace drug interventions
Describe the psychosocial effective modalities and dynamic interventions that can be effective non-drug approaches
Cite existing evidence of the relative merits/risks of breast- and bottlefeeding of infants
Match the supposed correlations between these practices and subsequent development of the child, especially as regards such risks as ADHD or autism
Identify what future research is needed to clarify these apparent correlations
List the appropriate and inappropriate use of diagnoses and medication in young populations
Summarize knowledge of adolescent psychological development
Describe the psychological ramifications of psychiatric interventions
State the specific concepts of compassionate confrontation psychotherapy (CCP)
Explain how to apply CCP principles
Identify special clinical concerns and challenges relating to CCP
Identify three main theories used in psychiatry in the past
Discuss why psychiatry fails to meet criteria for a science
Explain the theoretical basis for a cognitive resolution of the mind-body problem
Identify the key issues and categories in Other Health Impairments
Discuss the early intervention strategies for effective inclusion of students with Other Health Impairments
Outline behaviour and educational interventions at various stages in child development for students with Other Health Impairments
Explain the risks associated with maternal antidepressant use
Summarize alternatives to maternal antidepressant use
Discuss the cultural correlates associated with skyrocketing antidepressant use in maternal populations
Describe the widespread use of psychotropic medication in the particularly vulnerable client group of children and youth in the care of the state
Explain the Social Role Valorization (SRV)approach and its implication for child and youth residential care and compare it to the current model that heavily relies on medication
Describe some of the organizational change strategies that are associated with the above planned transformation
Identify the messages that symptoms carry from the unconscious
Utilize therapeutic methods, and tools that complement and enhance the experience of talk therapy in a medication-free environment
Name the transferential and countertransferential issues related to the client therapist relationship, the vulnerabilities of the individuals, the ethical and legal issues that arose in this particular case, and the various strategies and techniques used to resolve these issues during the treatment
Create a consultation outline
Cite proper steps to ensure saftey
Explain how to co-create a plan for drug withdrawal
Summarize the history ICSPP and its relevance to the anti-drugging of children
Explain the history of the psychiatric reform movement
Explain the problems with the way drugs are currently being tested and marketed in this country and abroad, including misrepresentation of data, selective publication of clinical trial results and misleading direct to consumer advertising
Discuss the role that the FDA plays in approving new drugs and monitoring the safety of already approved drugs and how the agency has not adequately enforced its own regulations pertaining to post-marketing safety, conflict of interest disclosure and direct to consumer advertising
Summarize what needs to be done to reform the system of drug testing and development in this country to better ensure the health and safety of American consumers
List the ways that researchers investigate the question of whether the disorders in question have a genetic basis
Discuss how to become better critical consumers of published research
Explain the concept of empathy as defined in nonviolent communication
Summarize the steps of expressive communication as outlined in NVC
Discuss the differences between "power with" and "power over" paradigms
List the serious nature of drugs, both illicit and legal, in our society and their impact on mental health patients
Explain the non-pharmaceutical, holistic treatment of mental ill health
Identify the numerous preventable root causes for mental ill health in our society
Explain the NET intervention
Compare existing treatment protocols with existing protocols plus the addition of a new biopsychosocial intervention
Discuss the option of adding this protocol to the existing multi-modal treatment programs
Explain the rights of children and youth not to be given psychiatric drugs appropriately
Identify when pediatric psychiatric prescriptions constitute Medicaid fraud
Name the primary, non-drug, preventive (and curative) strategies for patients at risk of mental ill health
Define three or more key aspects of autism
List three or more myths assoicated with autism
Describe techniques used with the child in this case study
Discuss how to treat some of our most difficult cases, teenagers, without any need for drugs or coercion
Outline the 'how to' steps of the Real Economy system for Teens (REST) Program
Describe a new paradigm apart from the DSM criteria
Assess what elements are missing or weak in a client's character, or the character of their children
Explain how clients can strengthen these virtues so that they can solve problems
List the objective medical test that shows underlying anxiety, insomnia and depression
Compare nutritional supplements that will increase or lower Interleukin-2 and Interleukin-6
Discuss the CYP enzymes used to metabolize medications and several nutritional supplements
Describe the losses associated with foster care
Discuss the impact of chronic loss on the development of healthy relationships
Explain the ways in which life in foster care interferes with diagnosis and treatment of foster youth
Define the benefits and drawbacks of antidepressant use in adolescent depression
List the benefits and drawbacks of psychotherapy strategies in the treatment of adolescent depression
Examine the implications of psychologists expanding their role in gaining prescription privileges
Describe the need for long-term relationships for foster youth
Describe the process of creating a Local Chapter of A Home Within
Discuss the role of volunteerism in building a community of foster care
Summarize a complex and highly developed family therapy model - Symbolic Experiential Family Therapy
Descibe the symptoms of pain and blocked growth in a way that can eliminate the need for psychotropic medication
Explain the basic philosophical beliefs and psychotherapeutic assumptions of the model
Explain the role of secure attachment for healthy emotional and brain development
Discuss the use of authoritative parenting during successive developmental stage
List the ways in which public policy can better support children's mental health
Discuss the value of the use of a harmless but effective skin-shock aversive stimulus as a supplementary treatment for behavior disorders that otherwise would require the use of psychotropic drugs
Discuss JRC's Primer of Psychotropic Drugs
Locate the most commonly reported side effects of psychotropic drugs that have been reported to the FDA's Medwatch program
Discuss the serious nature of drugs, both illicit and legal, in our society and their impact on mental health patients
Discuss the non-pharmaceutical, holistic treatment of mental ill health
Name several preventable root causes for mental ill health in our society
Explain the environmental interplay between the layers of relationships and individual contexts
Compare the impact of youth issues on adolescents - as individuals and groups
Discuss the role of teachers and relate society's perceptions and expectations to potential opportunities for professional development
Identify the starting point of when the path of psychiatric drugging of children in the US began with the diagnosis of ADHD and the myriad of mental disorders in children and adolescents that followed
Identify methods and KOLs used to gain acceptance among medical professionals and parents for the off-label prescribing of psychiatric drugs to children
Discuss the marketing campaigns funded by the pharmaceutical industry to capture the child and adolescent market for off-label use of psychiatric drugs
Explain what physical abnormality/disease is and is not
Identify why psychiatry is not on a par (parity) with all other medical specialties
Summarize the growing 'epidemic' of the non-disease PTSD in the military and with the morbidity and mortality of its psychophamacological treatment
Explain the DSM and the PDM definitions of paranoia
Give examples of reasons for treating an individual as unique in his own right
Justify reasons why labeling an individual can be very damaging
Summarize the psychiatric survivor movement
Demonstrate how experience in the mental health system may positively influence one's work as a therapist
Discuss issues/consequences of self-disclosure in psychotherapy
Summarize the attributes of free play in nature
Explain the benefits of children's experience in nature
List the methods of amerliorating the deficits
Describe the lack of evidence for efficacy of psychiatric drugs
Identify evidence for adverse effects from psychiatric drugs
Explain how to apply knowledge of better alternaties for children including family therapy and school consultations
Explain the social history of ECT stemming from a eugenic conception of mental illness
Discuss the reality behind ECT public relations campaign
Discuss the upcoming trial of ECT machinery by the FDA in relation to the historical evidence that the machinery has never been tested for safety
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