Quality of facilities.
Explain what a collaborative approach to tracking obesity entails and why this model is necessary for success.
Describe how to achieve buy-in from public, private and competing stakeholders whose mission is to improve local populiation health.
Develop a plan and set the stage for a multi-stakeholder dialogue about prevention in your community.
Discuss whether or not the Obama Administration and Congress has sufficiently and urgently addressed the obesity epidemic.
List the new local, state and federal prevention and wellness initiatives that have taken root in the last year.
Describe our responsibility as a nation to alter the trajhectory of this chronic disease and its co-morbid complications.
Explain how evidence-based population health strategies are being employed to effectively battle obesity.
Identify strategies to eliminate duplicated efforts and avoid repetitive mistakes.
Define the role of grand funding in facilitating initiatives in a recovering economy.
Explain how to integrate multiple wellness offerings into one comprehensive program in order to achieve substantial cost-savings.
Compare the performance of traditional research programs to more progressive approaches that address real-world business demands.
Discuss how self-reporting data traps may skew the true ROI of your programs.
Utilize behavioral and biological solutions to effectively assist obesity treatments.
Assess the impact of behavioral habits and dietary contributors on weigth retention and quality of life.
Explain an individualized lifestyle approach to successfully treat overweight children and families.
Describe how to build a wellness culture founded on fitness and nutrition which appeals to old and new employees.
Discuss what to look for when choosing the best vendor for your weight management and wellness program.
Determine what outcomes to track and record for a successful ROI and program sustainabilty.
Cite factors to consider when developing targeted programs for addressing obesity and health issues in traditionally underserved communities.
Explain how engaging faith leaders can positively impact program adherence and success rates.
Describe how state, community, university and private partners get involved to help achieve their goals of improving health and reducing disparities.
Define the relationship between obesity and numerous cardiac and metabolic diseases.
Obtain a new Obesity Medicine physician credential with spearate board certification.
Mandate a strategic plan of advocacy for coverage and reimbursements to support this physician base.
Discuss 2010 HHS food and physical activity guildeines for a healthier nation.
Identify strategies for increasing health literacy now before nation-wide PHR mandates are a reality tomorrow.
Describe how to implement new preventative strategies in medical and community settings to comply with guidelines.
Discuss how the Transtheoretical model and its various 'stages of change' may be used to treat obesity.
Explore how dependent variables such as environment, culture, socioecomonic factors, or genetics can cause weight gain.
Identify the strategies that may be adopted to engage individuals.
Develop a community-wide collaboration involving all levels, from the city to the community leaders.
Utilize local programs and initiatives already in place to strengthen current successes.
Define a compass of metrics to track local and regional impact.
Describe how a state on a tight budget created the Lighten UP Louisiana prevention program.
Explore a grassroots approach on socioeconomic and racial fctors which impact obesity rates.
Explain how to engage minority youth through team sports and online fitness tracking programs.
Explain how to modify payment structures to incentivize timely treatments and referrals.
Cite the various monetary and non-monetary incentives available to plans, employers and providers.
Discuss the power of short-term goals and rewards as a motivational tool.
Discuss the implications of weight bias and stigma on quality of life.
Describe how certain predisposed genetics for obesity are magnified by poor lifestyle choices.
Explore the correlation of sleep disorders and obesity.
Analyze how job-specific employee health requirements impact safety and costs.
Discuss how the various treatment options impact the productivity and wellness of a patient.
Utilize population data to detect high-risk individuals and target diabetes interventions.
Determine which obesity procedures should be covered to reduce long-term health care costs.
Define the role pay-for-performance plays in the treatment of patients with diabetes and obesity.
Explore a systems-based approach to reimbursements for prevention and treatment of obesity.
Evaluate the impact of the Healthcare Initiative on quality outcomes and ROI.
Identify emerging practices for effective design and reimbursement models.
Discuss how environment and social networking impacts behavioral change.
Explain why stakeholders should focus on school prevention to ensure a healthy and capable future workforce.
Discuss why an inner-city environment increases the risl of obesity.
Explain how to develop creative models to build an effective community program on a limited budget.
Explain why innovative approaches must be tested to communicate both the evidence and business case for establishing the programs.
Analyze the outcomes of the 50K-household Ohio Family Health Survey, measuring the prevalence of co-morbid obesity conditions.
Discuss the Healthy Eating and Activity Together (HEAT) initiative which builds on health provder-family realtionships and Motivational Interviewing (MI) techniques.
Describe how the Massachusetts approach be be replicated and what lessons have been learned.
Discuss why it is important to recruit and retain primary care physicians to improve access and quality of care.
Assess the effectiveness of the model: What has been the real impact on the access, cost and quality of care.
Explain why industries which thrive on destabiliizing individual self conficence must be challenged.
Discuss why emotional reasons must be factored in when developing treatment guidelines.
Describe how to engage today's generation to improve the delivery and quality of care for tomorrow's generation.
Explain how our nutritional environment effects food choices.
Cite the mechanisms for creating current and science-based dietary guidelines.
Explain how to leverage beneficial partnerships between local growers, restaurants, schools and multiple other stakeholders.
List options available to work with farmers to introduce "fresh product" to beneficiares.
List the commonalities of successful community collaborative models.
Explain how value-based benefit design plays a role in these collaboratives.
Discuss why educational facilities must redeisng policies to instill healthy habits early.
Discuss how urban design and transportation policies can encourage increased physical activity.
Explain how to incorporate a permanent culture of prevention and wellness in a workplace environment.
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