Quality of facilities.
Describe common issues after TBI.
Discuss defining TBI from other blast injuries.
List some of the treatments used to help patients with TBI.
Describe techniques used to identify compassion fatigue.
List coping mechanisms which lead to decreased symptomology.
Describe important diagnostic issues in TBI medicine and how it relates to the OEF/OIF conflicts.
Discuss treatements for TBI that are derived from current clinical practice guidelines and new research advances.
Add objective
Discuss how preventative methods aid in reintegration of wounded warriors into civilan life.
Discuss the lessons learned in joint combat medical operations.
List the potential challenges of medical command in future wars.
Discuss how to identify issues related with TBI.
Describe how TBI from blast injuries are a significantly different injury than that caused by actual trauma to the skull.
Describe the efforts towards consolidating pre-deployment training.
Discuss when and where to conduct pre-deployment training.
Describe the origins of phantom limb pain.
Discuss future directions for research in amputee care.
Discuss the AF's Distributed Human Patient Simulation Network and Simulation Centers of Excellence.
Describe how cutting-edge technology is being incorporated into all education, training and sustainment platforms.
Discuss accountability and tracking for wounded warriors.
Describe how to advance non-medical case management.
Describe the information flow from Theater to the Clinical Data Repository.
Discuss patient movement and on board medical capabilities initiatives.
List force structure issues facing Army Medevac operations.
Review the establishment of logistics and neurotrauma triage protocol in theater.
Summarize combat casualty care.
Add Objective.
List ways to better manage Military Triage.
Describe best practices for Damage Control Surgery.
Discuss scar-free tissue restoration.
List training techniques and tactics.
Explain how to control the metabolic state.
Define new vital signs and potential targets for obtaining more data from existing and future sensors.
Describe the systems approach to augmenting medic and provider capabilities on the battlefield.
Explain the proper collection, processing, storage, distribution and transfusions of blood.
Discuss host nation med capability effects.
Explain how best to retool the ground and airevac medics.
Discuss shifting trends in AW2 advocacy and support.
Describe the recovery coordination program.
Discuss the history, theory and application of the Battlefield Acupuncture Technique.
Discuss the AF/SG's alternative and complimentary pilot program.
Demonstrate the acupuncture technique which is internationally known for the rapid relief of pain.
Describe how to place the needles into areas of the Cingulate Gyrus, Thalamus, Omega 2, Point Zero and Shen Men in a succinct sequence.
Describe the newest techniques for treating complex combat injuries for our wounded warriors.
Discuss the departments' new initiatives towards community reintegration (an occupational therapy perspective).
Describe the physical, psychological, and social consequences of disfiguring traumatic injuries.
Explain the comprehensive nature of Project CARE with a focus on its multidisciplinary structure and the importance of ongoing care.
Describe the progression in wounded, ill and injured care.
Discuss what lies on the horizon for post combat and sustainment care.
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