Quality of facilities.
Describe the training protocol utilized by the instructor for training for optimal meditation
Discuss the connection between heart rate and breathing coherence and calming of the EEG to provide the best physiological experience for meditation
Identify the best HRV and EEG protocols for the individual client
Demonstrate how to do a Stress/Recovery Profile
Describe how to take the data and make a report
Explain how to break the report down into clinically meaningful components using simple vocabulary
Identify the types of transient EEG events that are imortant in the development of a protocol
Explain the difference between the information in the EEG reportvs. the QEEG report
Coorelate the symptom based information collected with the objective inforation of the EEG and QEEG reports
Describe how to determine, using the physiological measures, when the client has reached the optimal state
Demonstrate the mechanics of hooking up and verifying signals from a group, not just an individual
Contrast the different physiology effects of tasks requiring co-operation and tasks requiring conflict-resolution
Utilize vocabulary to describe group physiology, based on Networking Science
List the beneficial effects of biofeedback techniques, guided imagery, or other supportive interventions affecting changes in positive behavior, changes in cognitions or changes in physical states
Describe the research data in basic psychoneuroimmunology
Identify the major components of the immune response to fight illness
Summarize theory supporting the choice and sequence of tasks for running a stress profile protocol
Describe useful sensor placements for running a stress profile
Identify skills for building rapport during a stress profile protocol
Name major kinds of effort through which increased public support of biofeedback can result
Describe the value of basic research in incrasing public support of biofeedback
Discuss why the biofeedback loop is considered a key tool in researching the relationship of consciousness to physiological activity
Practice techniques for teaching a stress profile to others
Describe psychological/ psycho-physiological factors and techniques involved in assessment and treatment of Fibromyalgia syndrome
Discuss the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to assessment, diagnosis and treatment of FM syndrome
Discuss the programatic, administrative and future prospects of such approach and program designs
Explain biochemistry underlying the placebo and nocebo responses
Explain how relaxation techniques facilitate chemical changes that can reduce pain
Utilize various biofeedback techniques to create more complete relaxation, to reduce chronic pain
Describe what they preceive they are doing in their application of neurofeedback therapy
Match the principles of operant conditioning to methodological issues in this field
Differentiate treatment based on the goal of neurocircuitry adjustments from efforts related to other possible outcomes
Differentiate Autism and Aspergers
Explain QEEG Subtypes/Patterns of Autism and Aspergers
Discuss Neurofeedback protocols (amplitude, coherence) for ASD patients
Explain how coherence is measured and impairments are targeted for treatment
Discuss how coherence training applies to disorders commonly treated at most Neurofeedback centers
Discuss the use of biofeedback as a treatment modality by itself and within the psychotherapy session
Discuss case histories demonstrating the usefulness of integrating biofeedback and psychotherapy
Discuss the factors that can enhance treatment outcomes
Discuss the most effective techniques to present biofeedback training to other professionals
Discuss the most common mistakes in trying to train those new to the field
Compare and contrast the elements of a good teaching format for students and already-established health care professionals
Describe the underlying physiology and principles involved in HRV biofeedback
Summarize the data supporting various applications
Judge the new technologies and devices becoming available to the public
Explain the difference between normal locomotion and less efficient locomotion
List details of the walking pattern that cause disease
Demonstrate "efficient walking"
Discuss the consequences of traumatic brain injuries at physical, emotional and cognitive level
Evaluate the brain dysfunction based on cognitive testing, and QEEG. Special attention will be given to the coherence parameter and the Z-scores
Measure the impact that Neurodynamic activation devices produce in time with their use on clients who experienced traumatic brain injuries
Review the assessment techniques of behavior rating scales, CPT tests & QEEG
Explain how to use assessment techniques to monitor the effects of Neurofeedback
Discuss how to use assessment techniques to select and change Neurofeedback protocol selection
Explain how to collect all the pertinent information from each case and evaluate the results of the objective measurements
Explain how to design a powerful but flexible training program to obtain best sustainable results
Measure progress of the Neurorehabilitation program and empower clients with life long skills of self-regulation
Compare migraine treatment results between Biofeedback, CES and a combination of Biofeedback and CES
List 4 FDA-approved applications of CES that are within the scope of a biofeedback practice
Discuss how CES increases long-term patient commitment to biofeedback treatment by speeding the effectiveness of biofeedback
Compare and contrast Biodynamic Therapy with Biofeedback in terms of goals, methods, and models
State the benefits of introducing Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy into your practice
List four main ways infants learn to self-regulate
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
My professional competence would be improved if I had training on:
My professional performance would be improved if I had training on:
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient outcomes?
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