Quality of facilities.
Cite recent research on social factors that promote individual and collective coping after disaster
Discuss lessons learned related to disaster recovery that can be applied to future disaster response
Summarize the family and systemic based trauma literature and link this work to emerging and innovative approaches to working with families and communities exposed to mass trauma
Summarize the history, key research features and important findings relevant to family therapy of the implementation science research area
Evaluate fidelity of implementation with validity data from purveyor and community practitioners
List strategies being implemented in the state of Florida to improve implementation of evidence-based treatments with fidelity
Discuss solutions to catastrophes of the magnitude of Hurricnae Katrina
Identify the traps that are automatically set when such events occur
Explore humane and creative solutions when catastrophes occur
Discuss a transnational family processes and a model for conducting clinical interviews that involve complex rather than stereotyped family and cultural thinking
Evaluate the impact and relevance of transnational bonds to the presenting problem
Identify relational, community and cultural/sociopolitical stresses and develop treatment strategies that involve and integrate these contexts
Identify methods of engaging students in the study of family
Identify a mechanism for sharing syllabi and ideas about films, exercises and readings
Discuss the importance of differentiation process in resolving sexual problems
Explain how to draw out embarrassed clients regarding their sexual behavior
Explain how sex is an elicitation window
Discuss the inherent dilemmas in retaining a commitment to the collaborative, non-expert approaches implied by postmodern ideas while responding to the increasingly legalistic and modernist demands of practicing mental health
Compare personal and professional responses to these dilemmas and share ideas that have been useful in teaching and training
Analyze how this dilemma pervades our professional relationships with colleagues and informs the direction of our professional organizations
Describe a research-based framework for how families navigate to resources and negotiate those resources in a culturally meaningful way
Describe at least two examples of how resilience is a social construct with similarities and differences across cultures and contexts
Describe at least two community-based programs implemented by interest group members that support a culturally- and contextually-diverse conception of resilience
Compare and contrast responses to experiencing trauma and loss in personal and mass disasters
Discuss professional resiliency after disaster for missing persons, and other losses that resist closure
Expain how to help clients/patients find meaning and hope despite unresolved loss
Identify psychosocial themes and societal discourses that are experienced by families living with chronic illness
Discuss the value of media and creative projects in the voicing and witnessing of patients' stories
Communicate with their patients and families living with chronic medical illness
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Describe the therapeutic transformation of intractable loss
Identify beliefs that interfere with grief
Utilize tools for expressive writing in clinical practice
Describe how therapist characteristics influence the treatment process
Discuss attachment and affect regulation theories
Cite the limitations of trauma as an explanation of BPD
Describe the AFTA group's thinking in its attempt to work with a group of Houston people involved in long term recovery after hurricane Katrina
Describe the approach this group used to contact people in Houston
Identify issues related to some of the challenges in forming a collaborative working group with people in Houston
Explain the inherent dilemmas in retaining a commitment to the collaborative, non-expert approaches implied by postmodern ideas while responding to the increasingly legalistic and modernist demands of practicing mental health
Discuss Positive Psychology and some of its main research findings
Identify how loyalty conflicts underlie common fairness conflicts
Discuss the circumstances and stressors of poor, predominantly African American Hurricane Katrina survivors who were displaced, long-term to FEMA trailer parks and removed from their communities and families
Discuss the spiritual and community components of resilience, meaning-making, and a sense of well-being for displaced Katrina survivors, as well as for those who offer them services
Summarize the community work the presenters have done with Katrina survivors in the Baton Rouge, LA area, as well as about a new partnership between local service providers and the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, in Boston
Identify the impact of racial, sexual, gender and social marginalization on clients' descriptions of self/other and their view of relationship issues
Identify a training plan for supervisors whose clinicians work with at-risk families
Discuss a treatment module that includes diagnostic tools and treatment options when unacknowledged losses are present
State the steps involved in the review process of scholarly journals
List the criteria used to evaluate papers submitted to family journals
List the elements involved in organizing and writing a publishable paper
Cite supporting the effectiveness of postmodern/narrative/constructionist therapies
Identify research methods to evaluate their effectiveness congruent with their theoretical foundations
Create procedures for co-constructing outcomes that can be integrated into efficacy
Discuss innovative programs that integrate family therapy teaching in a medical setting
Identify best techniques for teaching residents to think systemically
Review recent theoretical contributions on the family training of residents
Identify several misunderstandings & distortions of BFST
Outline the history of Dr. Bowen and BFST
Identify several systemic applications for business, education, medicine, science, goverenment, law, societal issues, such as genocide, poverty, AIDS
Assess the contribution of film and social media in understanding how children and adolescents are utilizing technology
Discuss the use of film to explore technology as an intrinsic element of family life
Create criteria for what may constitute good practices in the use of film for family therapy training and therapy
Identify socio-political factors that can co-determine rules of communication in a range of relational contexts
Examine the role of White Privilege in their assumptions and interpersonal behaviors
Discuss how to create authentic dialogue across disparate experiences of power and privilege
Discuss a variety of ways mindfulness practices are being used in clinical and professional teaching settings
Explain how the therapist s own mindfulness practice can positively effect the quality of the therapeutic relationship and the creativity of the therapist
Describe what happens to social networks after disaster
List additional forces of destruction that are triggered by social disorganization
Discuss how to increase community participation through the process of empowerment
Identify key issues that hinder clinical progress when working with elderly family members after a disaster
Identify key providers to engage when providing clinical services to families with elderly family members
Identify the key components of the Person of the Therapist Training model developed by Dr. Harry Aponte
Discuss how to manage their own emotions when working with people who have experienced trauma
Describe how family therapists can bring both our personal as well as our professional resources to our work in responding to global traumatic events
Identify the different types of ambiguous loss
Apply the concepts of ambiguous loss to their clinical practice
Discuss how ambiguous loss affects their current clinical practice
Describe how Community Organizations are strained when disasters impact local communities
Discuss how to creatively manage available resources to keep providing services for those who are affected
Integrate social justice issues into the Community Organizations
Identify how widespread trauma affects substance abuse populations
Evaluate different treatments that can be utilized for substance abuse populations experiencing widespread trauma
Utilize community and family resources into treatment
Compare practice applications of research on the significance of spirituality for coping, well-being, and positive growth in response to adversity
Define and distinguish "religion" and "spirituality" and identify potential spiritual resources in personal faith, practices
Contrast multicultural and multi-faith perspectives on the changing landscape of religion and spirituality
Utilize reflecting practices that ensure that the impact of a problem as experienced by clients is understood and witnessed
Create themes in reflections and to develop multiple meanings and implications for these themes
Create with clients a narrative to present to the reflecting team
Discuss how to implement outcome-based evaluative practices to measure clinical readiness for MFT trainees
Describe a new approach to measure critical therapeutic skills and behaviors, and to give feedback around these skills through an individualized action plan for trainees
Describe the important ways in which they can contribute to training and supervision efforts for other health care providers
Discuss the co-parenting of individuals during the divorce process
Discuss the experience of fatherhood under conditions of terror-related stress
Discuss clinical implications to these findings
State the key importance of family belief systems in family bereavement
Identify the healing power of families' spiritual beliefs especially in the case of death of a child
State the challenges in studying life narratives within your community
Describe the systemic transformations that families must go through as children pass through adolescence
Describe therapeutic implications for practice with military families that are based on empirical findings
Outline the three step model of Core Focused Family Therapy
Discuss the role that gender and other student attributes play in the perceptions about interprofessional education and collaborative care
Describe the gendered power in the kitchen, food provision and feeding practices
Describe one approach to interprofessional education for students in health science programs
State the rationale for walk-in single session
Utilize methods for conducting effective walk-in single sessions
Explain how to apply the Systemic Therapy with different diverse populations of clients
Describe an effective method for work with multi-problem clients and families
Utilize a recursive use of four simple questions in therapy
Identify strengths within a family system and its community
Evaluate transgenerational conversations with AFTA
Explain how to facilitate transgenerational conversations with organizations
Describe how to bridge the needs of younger and senior members to ensure the vitality of an organization
Describe the complexity of grief and resilience in times of crises
Explain how to broaden the scope of interventions related to spirituality in clinical practice
Explain how to assist clients in identifying, marshalling and integrating their spiritual resources, both individually and systemically
Identify the dynamics and tension between attachment and passion in long-term intimate relationships
Integrate discussion of sexuality into couple therapy
Apply these ideas in both heterosexual and gay/lesbian couples and across different cultural contexts
List aspects of leadership
Discuss issues of early career development
Discuss skills involved in multiple leadership activities such as: publishing, teaching, training, supervising and managing
Delineate the specific linkages between structuralism and the structural approach to working with one particular family
Identify the specific kinds of data which the structural approach can generate, and what other types of data are not generated by this application
Evaluate whether successive realities as created in the process of structural analysis and change suggest newer possibilities for families and therapists, thereby creating a post-structural reality in the process as well
Describe the diversity of Jewish families
List personal and professional responses to the changing environment and culture forces that impact Jewish families
Explain how to adapt clinical skills and insight when working with families in which one or members are from the baby boom generation
Explain to deal with success and failure in the publishing process
Explain how issues of gender and power affect or do not affect the conduct and process of a session
Describe the social context of refugee resettlement and the adverse experiences, mental health risks, and negative outcomes to which refugee families are exposed
Identify the family and ecological protective resources that appear to help refugee youth and families in resettlement
Evaluate a family focused and community collaborative model that can inform services for promoting the mental health and psychosocial adjustment of families impacted by trauma and migration
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
How much did you learn as a result of this CE program?
My professional performance would be improved if I had training on:
How can this training be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient outcomes?
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