Discuss the latest data regarding drug elution therapies
Discussing clinical Trial Findings and Demonstrating DCB Technology in an Actual Case
Describe the data regarding calcium's effect on DC
Discuss the proper treatment protocol for venous ulcers
Discuss the latest data regarding stent design & its effect on Restenosis/Patency
Describe the data regarding bioresorbable stents and its practical application
Discuss laser atherectomy for treatment of in-stent restenosis
Discuss appropriate treatment options for Thrombosis and Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
Explain treatment options for May Thurner Syndrom
Discuss the step-by-step process of and practical implications of treating Deep venous disease
Describe the use of new technologies to prevent amputation
Explain how to perform limb salvage procedures, step-by-step
Describe the complex approach to atherectomy procedures
Explain new and future technologies for IVC filter placement
Explain the practical concerns/complexities associated with venous stenting
Discuss co-morbid factors affecting chronic venous insufficiency
Describe unintentional embolization/thrombotic occlusions during complex cases
Differentiate post-procedure hyperfusion and AV Fistula Identification
Discuss live case of dealing with complex endovascular complications
Discuss the treatment of of aortic disease
Identify complications of EVAR for aortic disease
Discuss the endovascular techniques for the treament of complex aortic disease
Discuss & explain appropriate treatment options for thromboembolism
Explain how to treat PE after Acute DVT
Discuss the role of anticoagulation in DVT & PE
Discuss Endovascular complications and how to manage
Discuss EVAR abnormalities & special considerations for aortic disease
Explain the treament of complex aortic disease
Discuss anatomy and clinical markers of lymphedema
Explain how renal denervation works
Discuss the safety of renal denervation
Explain the results of clinical trials for renal denervation
Describe the utility of sclerotherapy and ablation in venous disease
Detail the dermatologic implications, pathophsyiology and A&P required for proper diagnosis; describing nontraditional treatment options
Discuss challenging combination techniques and cases
Discuss the design of clinical trials impact on CMS Coverage & carotid stenting practice
Discuss Coronary Artery Bypass Patients as a risk population
Discuss how to approach challenging cases in Carotid stenting
Describe the changes in Medicare Laws and physician reporting practices
Discuss "Obamacare's" Impact on endovascular procedures
Explain the implications of the Digital Age on Physician's Ability to Practice
Describe variations in Superficial Disease Treatment
Demonstrate how to combine multiple techniques for optimal treatment
Demonstrate phlebectomy procedure
Describe infrapopliteal techniques
Explain how to perform Limb Salvage-Live Case Presentation
Discuss how to educate the staff on CLi and how to deal with Embolization
Describe complicated procedures in Superficial Disease Treatment
Describe unique perspectives in SVD
Demonstrate the frustrations of long-term treatment protocols
Describe infrapopliteal intervention & wiring techniques
Discuss techniques in limb preservation
Describe the treatment protocol for complex cases
Describe the utility of sclerotherapy in hand veins and spider veins
Discuss the proper billing code options in treating superficial venous disease
Explain how to identify normal anatomy and physiology
Demonstrate how to locate superficial reflux physiology
Demonstrate how to locate deep venous physiology
Discuss the latest Trial data regarding drug elution therapies
Explain new and future technologies in crossing venous occlusions
Evaluate patients with lymphedema
Identify treatment options for lymphedema
Describe multidisciplinary approach to limb salvage and epidemiological impact
Discuss angiography techniques in limb preservation
Describe the treatment protocol for preventing amputations and using new devices
What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?
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