Quality of facilities.
Describe the Tampa polytrauma inpatient and outpatient teams and programs.
Discuss current trends, tactics, techniques, and procedures of tactical rotorwing medical evacuation operations in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Define state of art of automated medical care.
Describe military medical center's polytrauma/inpatient rehabilitation
Describe FST operations in Afghanistan and Iraq
Discuss FST utilization of blood products.
Describe management of MASCAL situations.
Describe the medical situation in Iraq from 2007-2008
Describe some of the major strategic challenges in health services support facing the Navy and Marine Corps in the next 15 years based on the Commandant of the Marine Corps 2025 Vision and Chief of Naval Operations Vision for the Navy.
List some of the new advances and coming capabilities that will change the practice of military medicine in the field, at home and post deployment.
Identify requirements of leaders and leadership in both war and peacetime locations.
List protective factors and strategies
Define compassion fatigue
Explain what is meant by the Critical Care Technology Gap on the current battlefield.
Discuss New Vital Signs and the general approach to measuring these data on the battlefield
Discuss how to build resilience in Warriors and Families.
Discuss how to help themselves and others reintegrate after returning from deployment.
Discuss the importance on aesthetic recovery to the individual servicemember
Discuss the enrollment process and the importance of continual ongoing care
List what the duties and responsibilities at various levels are.
Discuss additional tools, techniques and procedures related to how we can improve medical training
Discuss wartime facial trauma and initial management.
Discuss facial burn management.
List changes VA-wide and assess the impact these changes may have on the delivery of services to homeless women with children, rural and elderly women veterans, and minority women veterans.
Discuss how to establish and continue relationships with federal, state, and community agencies.
Evaluate outreach efforts
Discuss the establishment of the Center for Minority Veterans (CMV) and Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans (ACMV).
Describe the mission of the CMV and target population.
Identify some of the challenges confronting minority Veterans.
Explain theories of how trauma injures the brain and discuss diagnostic criteria and brain imaging approaches for defining and grading traumatic brain injury.
Discuss the importance of early recognition, diagnosis, rehabilitation, and management of patients who have suffered traumatic brain injury.
Cite scientific evidence for the efficacy and safety of treatments for different symptoms associated with traumatic brain injury.
Describe how knowledge learned in this session can be applied to veteran's health care offered in diverse settings.
Discuss the proactive role of veterans self-directing their own health care.
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
My professional competence would be improved if I had training on:
My professional performance would be improved if I had training on:
My patient outcomes would be improved if I had training on:
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient outcomes?
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