Quality of facilities.
Describe the human and economic costs of COPD exacerbations.
Apply appropriate therapy for treatment of exacerbations.
List common comorbid conditions for the CKD patient.
Discuss methods of early identification and how to best manage these conditions top decrease risk factors and optimize outcomes for the CKD patient.
Formulate a diseae management plan to reduce health care utilization for COPD exacerbations.
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
My professional competence would be improved if I had training on:
My professional performance would be improved if I had training on:
My patient outcomes would be improved if I had training on:
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient outcomes?