HCCA - 2nd Physician Advisor & UR Team Boot Camp
Mr pencil

How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

What activities did you attend at the event?
By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
Please rate the following:
The program was relevant to my work.
Content matched stated objectives.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Quality of facilities.
How well did the educational sessions give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of generic names?
If you rated any of the above questions with 'fair,' 'poor,' 'disagree,' or 'strongly disagree' please explain in detail (e.g. session title, speaker name, situation):
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Objective 1: Describe how different hospitals have structured their PA program, whether internal or external, and explain how different PAs have developed excellent working relationships with UR staff and with other doctors.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
Objective 2: Discuss how different hospitals have incorporated the PA into a strategic denials managemnt process and involved the PA in physician education based on tracking and trending denials data
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
Objective 3: Discuss when the clock starts for a "Two Midnight" determination and identify what documentation is needed for a decision to place a patient in observation or to admit a patient with a proper order to admit
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
Discuss the 2 midnight rule presumption criteria
Discuss the 2 midnight rule Benchmark criteria
Define the "5 Ws" to formulate and support criteira for the 2 midnight rule
Recognize the Pros and Cons for use of certification forms
Apply form to hospital documentation process and insure us
Develop an internal process for the 2 midnight presumption for patients in the emergency department
Discuss the 2 midnight rule as it relates to inpatient only surgeries/procedures
Utilize support documentation when advancing from emergency department to observation to inpatient level of care
Explore the challenges of the "2 Midnight Rule" in meeting medical necessity
Utilize case management and physician advisor in determining when inpatient status should occur
Review the 2 midnight rul
Apply use of a certification form to meet 2 midnight rule criteria
Discuss various options to develop internal process in meeting criteria for the two midnight rul
Discuss current climate of various audit group
Implement processes to assure compliance with various regulations
Define the purpose and objectives of the PA/UR Boot Camp
Apply use of a certification form to meet 2 midnight rule criteria
Discuss various options to develop internal process in meeting criteria for the two midnight rule
Define role of a physician advisor (PA
Justify the purpose of the program and it's benefits.
Defining the ideal physician adviso
Apply a best practice model in transitioning patients from the time of emergency room presentation to appropriate status (through-put
Describe how daily reviews of patient status will optimized patient flow and reduce inappropriate or untimely status changes
Discuss how a strong Physician Advisor and Utilization Review team can reduce denials post discharge
Review previous discussions of the day
Determine Inpatient vs. Observation vs. Outpatient status from several case studies using information from morning session
Develop appropriate documentation to support status.
Review information from morning session
Review the 2 MN rule
Discuss the results of probe and educate proces
Report Results of luncheon small group discussion of case studies available
Recognize the differences in decisions related to appropriate patient status
Review key medical information to support inpatient statu
Discuss the content needed to meet certification
Discuss how a form may be utilized to meet certification requirement
Review other methods to insure document requirements are met.
Describe how to monitor documentation changes to prevent denials
Review previous discussions of the da
Discuss the objectives of the morning session
Evaluate current level of understanding of content to be presented
Recognize the components of a clinical documentation improvement program
Utilize CDI in prevention of denials for claims
Recognize CDI responsibilities with development of ICD-10
Discuss methods to analyze denial
Develop an effective appeal team and proces
Discuss when to involve legal assistance
Develop an appeal based on medical necessity
Use supporting evidence in creating appeals
Discuss how to utilized data to determine risk for denial
Use strategies to prevent denials and win appeals
Review previous discussions of the da
Recite major points presented in moring session
Develop stratigies for applying information at "home
Please answer the following:
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
Was the mode of education effective for learning?
If you answered 'No' to any of the above questions, please explain:
Did you perceive any product/service/company/commercial bias in any educational session you attended or materials you received?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please detail the situation below (e.g. session title, speaker name):
Were you solicited by sales personnel in an educational room (other areas do not matter) while you attended this educational activity?
If you answered 'Yes' to the above question, please explain in detail (e.g. who, when, where):
How much did you learn as a result of this educational program?
What specifically did you learn during this activity that you intend to integrate into your practice?
What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?
What patient/client problems or patient/client challenges do you feel you are not able to address appropriately or to your satisfaction?
What problems are your patients/clients communicating to you that need attention or follow-up?
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How could this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?
Additional comments:
Mr question