HRSA - Patient Safety & Clinical Pharmacy Services Collaborative, Learning Session 2
Mr pencil

How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

What activities did you attend at the event?
By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
Please rate the following:
Overall quality of the meeting.
The program was relevant to my work.
Content matched stated objectives.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Comfort of rooms.
How well did the educational sessions give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of general names?
If you rated any of the above questions with 'fair,' 'poor,' 'disagree,' or 'strongly disagree' please explain:
Please rate the expertise of the speakers - Dennis Wagner, Jimmy Mitchell, Denise Geolot, Rebecca Hines, Krista Pedley, Arthur Martinez, John Scanlon & Todd Sorensen.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Stephen Chen.

Please rate the expertise of the speakers - John Scanlon & Doug Krug

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Kyle Peters & Mark Loafman.

Please rate the expertise of the speakers - PSPC Faculty.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers- Krista Pedley.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers - Stephanie Kiser & Laurie Kane-Lewis
Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Santhi Masilamani

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Kyle Peters & Mark Loafman.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker- Robin Bidwell

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Marsha Henderson

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Josh Feldman.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker -Todd Sorensen

Please rate the expertise of the speaker -Fred Butler

Please rate the expertise of the speakers:
Please rate the expertise of the speakers- John Scanlon & Fred Butler
Please rate the expertise of the speakers- John Scanlon & Doug Krug
Please rate the expertise of the speakers- Zandra Glenn
Please rate the expertise of the speaker- Todd Sorenson
Please rate the expertise of the speaker- Josh Feldmann
Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Kyle Peters
Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Robin Bidwell
Please rate the expertise of the speaker- Todd Lemke
Please rate the expertise of the speaker- Steven Chen
Please rate the expertise of the speaker - George Oestereich
Please rate the expertise of the speaker- Sandra Leal
Please rate the expertise of the speaker- Santhi Masilamani
Please rate the expertise of the speaker- Laura Kane-Lewis
Please rate the expertise of the speaker- Fred Butler
Please rate the expertise of the speaker- Magda Barini-Garcia
Please rate the expertise of the speakers- Dennis Wagner & John Scanlon
Please rate the expertise of the speakers:
Please rate the expertise of the speakers- Jennifer Dingman, Robin Bidwell, Paul Gregerson & Alvin Bronstein
Please rate the expertise of the speaker- Krista Pedley
Please rate the expertise of the speakers- Dennis Wagner & Virginia McBride
Please rate the expertise of the speaker - George Oestereich

Please rate the expertise of the speakers - Dennis Wagner & Ahmed Calvo.

Please rate the expertise of the speakers- Krista Pedley.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers- John Scanlon & Doug Krug
Please rate the expertise of the speaker- Krista Pedley
Objective: Identify at least two examples of the best practice presented and explain how they can be used to generate improved patient safety in the populations served by the participants.
The above objective has increased my professional knowledge.
The above objective will increase my professional competence.
The above objective will result in performance changes in my professional practice.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers - Dennis Wagner, Jimmy Mitchell, Denise Geolot, Rebecca Hines, Krista Pedley, Art Martinez, John Scanlon & Todd Sorensen.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Stephen Chen.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Kyle Peters & Mark Loafman.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Kyle Peters & Mark Loafman.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Josh Feldman.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers - Dennis Wagner & Ahmed Calvo.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker:
Objective: Identify at least two examples of the best practice presented and explain how they can be used to generate improved clinical pharmacy services in the populations served by the participants.
The above objective has increased my professional knowledge.
The above objective will increase my professional competence.
The above objective will result in performance changes in my professional practice.
Please rate the speakers' responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speakers' responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Objective: Identify at least two examples of the best practice presented and explain how they can be used to generate improved health outcomes in the populations served by the participants.
The above objective has increased my professional knowledge.
The above objective will increase my professional competence.
The above objective will result in performance changes in my professional practice.
Describe the participant expectations and actions to be taken by teams in this collaborative.
Identify what their progress is to date in obtaining their patient safety goals.
Idenitfy other PSPC teams that will be able to help "move them along" to obtain patient safety and clinical pharmacy services goals.
Describe the importance of implementing an effective team specific action plan to address Collaborative Goals.
Share an integrated approach to how to integrate clinical pharmacy services into organizations that currently have them.
Learn to develop an integrated multi-professional care team that includes clinical pharmacy services.
Discuss and demonstrate examples of: "Leadership in Action" --- an essential driver of Collaborative success with the PSPC Faculty/PSPC Core Team Members.
Describe the importance of organizational leadership to Collaborative success, and learn how to achieve that support.
Describe the importance of measuring improvement in PSPC Goals and learn how to integrate measurement tools into your program.
To educate the key leaders on the objectives of and benefits of the Collaborative.
To get buy-in from the CEOs and senior leaders through education about the work of the PSPC
Get these folks positioned and eager to give time, FTE and other resources to their teams.
To enroll these leaders as champions for this work
Define adverse drug events.
Identify methods for using ADE reports to provide funding opportunities for health centers
Share an integrated approach to how to integrate clinical pharmacy services into organizations that does not currently have them.
Learn to build an integrated health care system across providers and settings that produces safety and optimal health outcomes.
Identify the various publications made available by the FDA Office of Women’s Health.
Discuss methods of utilizing the FDA publications within a clinical pharmacy services program.
Identify current research in cervical cancer that is likely to affect cervical cancer prevention programs in large health plans.
Identify three components for a successful medication adherence program.
Identify the roles a patient advisory counsel plays in a successful medication adherence program.
Define the necessary qualities found in a successful peer educator.
Identify the skills and training needed to implement an anticoagulation clinic.
Discuss the outcomes benefit of operating an anticoagulation clinic.
Identify resources needed to effectively manage an anticoagulation clinic.
Identify the factors that would have an impact on the financial sustainability of providing clinical pharmacy services.
Identify a tool that can be used to help health centers evaluate financial resources available to provide clinical pharmacy services.
Learn to use the National Results Sharing component of the Knowledge Gateway to track their improvements in Clinical Pharmacy Services, Health Outcomes and the reduction of Adverse Drug Events.
PSPC faculty will be enabled to use aggregates of these national improvement outcomes.
Describe the importance of organizational leadership to Collaborative success, and learn how to achieve that support.
Identify the appropriate outcomes measurements for your population of focus, and learning how to document them appropriately.
Identify the 10 components of clinical pharmacy services and how they can be provided to your patients.
Define Medication Access Services.
Identify core skills needed to provide Medication Access Services.
Identify several resources necessary to provided Disease State Management Services.
Define Patient Counseling Services.
Identify core skills needed to provide Patient Counseling Services.
Identify several resources necessary to provided Patient Counseling Services.
Define Preventive Care Program Services.
Identify core skills needed to provide Preventive Care Program Services.
Identify several resources necessary to provided Preventive Care Program Services.
Define Drug Information Services.
Identify core skills needed to provide Drug Information Services.
Identify several resources necessary to provided Drug Information Services.
Define Medication Reconciliation Services.
Identify core skills needed to provide Medication Reconciliation Services.
Identify several resources necessary to provided Medication Reconciliation Services.
Define Provider Education Services.
Identify core skills needed to provide Provider Education Services.
Identify several resources necessary to provide Provider Education Services.
Define Retrospective Drug Review Services.
Identify core skills needed to provide Retrospective Drug Review Services.
Identify several resources necessary to provided Retrospective Drug Review Services.
Define Medication Management Services.
Identify core skills needed to provide Medication Therapy Management Services.
Identify several resources necessary to provided Medication Therapy Management Services.
Define Disease Statement Management Services.
Identify core skills needed to provide Disease State Management Services.
Identify several resources necessary to provided Disease State Management Services.
Define Prospective Chart Review Services.
Identify core skills needed to provide Prospective Chart Review Services.
Identify several resources necessary to provided Prospective Chart Review Services.
Learn to use the National Results Sharing component of the Knowledge Gateway to track improvements in Clinical Pharmacy Services, Health Outcomes and the reduction of Adverse Drug Events.
PSPC faculty will be enabled to use aggregates of these national improvement outcomes.
Learn to use Storyboards, SLR , PSPC DVDs and PowerPoint slides to add team members and get help.
Learn to use storyboards, SLR, PSPC DVDs to get CEO and Senior Leaders to provide help to PSPC teams.
Learn how to "message" your work to pull in other teams to help with the PSPC work, PDSAs,& other tasks.
Describe team dynamics and continue planning and development of five ways to be in action between learning sessions & how to use the Collaborative communications platform to accelerate your success.
Describe the importance of an informed and engaged patient and learn two ways to achieve that goal.
Describe testing dynamics and when and how to implement system changes based on what your team is learning.
Discuss the importance of outcomes reporting and become familiar with outcomes reporting techniques.
Identify resources needed to implement an outcomes reporting program.
To equip the execs to be supportive and to have the basic knowledge they need to be participating with their teams and giving their ideas and resources.
Gain a sense of urgency around medication safety and pharmacy services.
Understand benefits to organizations from investing in this work and be equipped with the high level basics of how Clinical Pharmacy Services are defined.
To show vivid, compelling success stories and examples of how increased clinical pharmacy services has improved health outcomes and safety.
Identify their "category" of sophistication compared to the other PSPC teams.
Identify resources and tools that can be used to track and monitor ADE.
Describe the importance of measuring improvement in PSPC Goals and learn how to integrate measurement tools into your program.

Please rate how well the objective was met.

Please rate how well the objective was met.

Describe testing dynamics and when and how to implement system changes based on what your team is learning.
Identify early indicators for chemical exposures occurring at multiple sites throughout the country.
Identify emerging problems that may be associated with newly introduced pharmaceuticals.
Please rate how well the objective was met.
Please answer the following:
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
Do you believe this activity will result in your ability to improve your practice?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
Was the educational content free of commercial bias?
If faculty spoke about off-label or investigational use of a product, was that information disclosed to you?
Was the mode of education effective to learning?
If you answered 'No' to any of the above questions, please explain:
Were you solicited by sales personnel in an educational room while you attended this educational activity?
If you answered 'Yes' to the above question, please explain:
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If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
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If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
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If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
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If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
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If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
What did you learn during this activity that you intend to integrate into your practice?
Please rate how well the Objective was met.

List any perceived practice "gaps" (educational needs/topics) which you would like to see the focus of future trainings.

Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?

What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?

How can this training be improved to impact your competence or practice?

Additional comments:

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