IDGA 8th Annual Battlefield Healthcare
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How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

What activities did you attend at the event?
By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
Please rate the following:
Overall quality of the meeting.
The program was relevant to my work.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Comfort of rooms.
How well did the educational sessions give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of generic names?
If you answered any of the above questions with a score of 'Fair,' 'Poor,' 'Disagree' or 'Strongly Disagree' please explain:

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Honorable Michael J. Kussman, MD, MS, MACP.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Stephen Hunt, MD, MPH.

Objective 1: Describe how to enhance operational effectiveness in remote and austere environments with new polytrauma applications.
The above objective has increased my professional knowledge.
The above objective will increase my professional competence.
The above objective will result in changes to performance in my professional practice.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Honorable Michael J. Kussman, MD, MS, MACP.

Please reate the expertise of the speakers - Dr. Stephanie L. Deaner.

Please rate the expertise of the speakers - Major General (Ret) Irene Trowell-Harris, RN, Ed.D.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Stephanie F. Sneed, MD.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - BG James K. Gilman, USA, MD.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - COL Francisco J. Rentas, USA,Ph D, MSC, SBB

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - LCDR Pamela L. Herbig, USN, NC.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Jon Mogford, PhD.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - COL Lee Cancio USA, MD, FACS, MC.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Maj Julio Lairet, USAF, DO, EMT-P, MC.

Please rate the expertise of the speakers - Maj Daron C. Praetzel, USAF.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Daniel J. Hersrud.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Lt Col Todd E. Rasmussen.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Lt Col Wilmer Tracey Jones III, USAF MD, MC.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Chaplain (MAJ) Philip Kochenburger, USA.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Chaplain (MAJ) Phillip Kochenburger, USA.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Laverne Hatcher.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Col (S) Michael S. Jaffee, USAF, MD, MC. FS.

Please rate the expertise of the speaker - SGM Chet Sechrest, USA.

Please rate the expertise of the speakers - LTC Kevin T. Galloway.

Please rate the expertise of the speakers - COL Robert Mitchell, USA.

Objective 2: Discuss front line procedures and pre-deployment training.
The above objective has increased my professional knowledge.
The above objective will increase my professional competence.
The above objective will result in changes to performance in my professional practice.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the teaching ability the speaker -  Stephen Hunt, MD, MPH.

Please reate the teaching ability of the speakers -  Dr. Stephanie L. Deaner.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers - Major General (Ret) Irene Trowell-Harris, RN, Ed.D.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Stephanie F. Sneed, MD.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - BG James K. Gilman, USA, MD.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - COL Francisco J. Rentas, USA,Ph D, MSC, SBB.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - LCDR Pamela L. Herbig, USN, NC.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Jon Mogford, PhD.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - COL Lee Cancio, USA, MD, FACS, MC.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Maj Julio Lairet, USAF, DO, EMT-P, MC.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers - Maj Daron C. Praetzel, USAF.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Daniel J. Hersrud.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Lt Col Todd E. Rasmussen

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Lt Col Wilmer Tracey Jones III, USAF MD, MC.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Chaplain (MAJ) Philip Kochenburger, USA.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Chaplain (MAJ) Phillip Kochenburger, USA.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Laverne Hatcher.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Col (S) Michael S. Jaffee, USAF, MD, MC. FS.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - SGM Chet Sechrest, USA.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers - LTC Kevin T. Galloway.

Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers - COL Robert Mitchell, USA.

Objective 3: Assess wound care and infection control advancements.
The above objective has increased my professional knowledge.
The above objective will increase my professeional competence.
The above objective will reesult in changes to performance in my professional practice.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to quesitons.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speakers' responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to quesitons.

Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to quesitons.

Objective 4: Discuss warfighter mental wellbeing and combat stress injury treatments.
The above objective has increased my professional knowledge.
The above objective will increase my professional competence.
The above objective will result in changes to performance in my professional practice.

Discuss how wounded warriors now are suffering from different mental and physicial injuries than those of previous generations.

Describe how we are changing health care for this new generation of veterans.

Differentiate the mental health conditions and assess the needs for mental health treatment.

Identify and develop instruments for collecting and tracking information necessary to analyze the effects of co-morbid mental and physician conditions.

Explain how the difference in mechanism of injury separates the blast TBI from skull trauma TBI.

Describe how these differences will affect the treatment and rehabilitation of OIF/OEF casualities and veterans.

Discuss the changes VA-wide and asess the impact these changes may have on the delivery of services to homeless women with children, rural and elderly and minority women veterans.

Discuss how to establish and continue relationships with state and county departments of veterans affairs.

Discuss what polytrauma covers " Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) " Hearing loss " Amputations " Fractures " Burns " Visual impairment.

Discuss the proper collection, processing, storage, distribution and transfusions of blood worldwide.

Define compassion fatigue.

Identify risk and protective factors.

Explain hemorrhagic shock.

Describe metabolic control and interdisciplinary effort.

Discuss advances in medical care on the battlefield since 9/11.

Describe the composition of CCATT.

Discuss seamless ICU level of care and transport of next level.

Describe wartime facial injuries with immediate and delayed reconstruction.

Discuss the reconstruction ladder of wound care.

Discuss mental awareness and how it can help give compassionate care.

Discuss the San Antonio Military Medical Center; integration, governance, programs.

Discuss historical perspectives and where we should go from here.

Discuss the update on vascular injury patterns and surgical innovations.

Discuss the futures' conceptual outlook and ongoing operations in a "perpetual combat environment."

Describe moral, physical and cognitive components of deploying to coming home.

Discuss components of loss and dealing with change.

Describe a model of enhanced, integrated, multidisciplinary treatment that addresses mental health conditions.
Discuss the San Antonio AMEDD Situation Report.

Define the role and how AW2 advocate for warriors in transition.

Describe how a warrior qualified for the AW2 Program.

Discuss Level I - V assessment and treatment of TBI.
Describe how to screen initiatives and evidence based guidelines.

Define roles and responsibilities.

Describe how to capture the best planning and training tools.

Discuss the dynamics of coming from the battlefield to stateside.

Identify the elements needed for a successful rehabilitation.

List the factors needed for a prosperous reintegration.

Describe current efforts in medical simulation.

Discuss life saving procedures in the field.

Dsicuss new diagnosis and rehabilitation techniques for polytrauma.
Please answer the following:
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
Do you believe this activity will result in your ability to improve your practice?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
Was the educational content free from commercial bias?
Was the mode of educational effective for learning?
If faculty spoke about off-label or investigational uses of a product, was that information disclosed to you?
If you answered 'No' to any of the above questions, please explain:
Were you solicited by sales personnel in an educational room while you attended this educational activity?
If you answered 'Yes' to the above question, please explain:
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If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
What did you learn during this activity that you intend to integrate into your practice?

List any perceived practice "gaps" (educational needs/topics) which you would like to see the focus of future trainings.

Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?

What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this activity?

How can this training be improved to impact your competence or practice?

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