Define the role of psychological factors in the etiology of gastrointestinal diseases, the efficacy of therapies targeting the central nervous system in their treatment, and the impact of foodstuffs on psychology.
Discuss new advances in our understanding of how mindfulness affects functional brain mechanisms, and how these mechanisms in turn impact health
Describe new neuro-behavioral models of mindfulness, stress, and health.
Discuss the relationship between depression and health and how interventions may reduce depression in high-risk groups.
Describe the influence of racial discrimination on health-related processes and outcomes.
Describe the effects of family dysfunction, rejection, and positive affect on asthma outcomes, including immune mediators and obesity interactions of asthma.
Discuss recent findings on the contributions of depression, physical fitness, bariatric surgery, and telehealth interventions on weight management and health outcomes.
Discuss that Mind Wandering is not in itself a maladaptive process, but rather it fails to serve its function and turns into a risk factor for health only when it becomes rigid and inflexible, that is, when it takes the form of rumination and worry.
Explain how adverse experiences in childhood and adolescence contribute to long-term disease risk and describe the mechanisms that may be responsible for this relationship.
Define the direct, mediating and moderating role of sleep on health outcomes, and the role of social influence on sleep as an outcome.
Discuss evidence and mechanisms linking psychosocial and environmental factors to future cardiovascular disease risk and current CVD outcome.
Identify tools and interventions that may improve health outcomes across a variety of medical conditions.
Discuss a new multi-condition model of collaborative care by reviewing evidence on the adverse effect of comorbid depression in patients with diabetes.
Discuss the results of several large trials testing collaborative care approaches compared to usual primary care for improving depression outcomes and medical disease control.
Describe evidence linking maternal factors in the prenatal and perinatal periods to physical and psychological health outcomes in both the mother and the child.
Discuss new research on varied forms of sexual minority stress that contribute to heightened psychological and biological stress reactivity.
Discuss the implications of this work in informing future innovative research and intervention strategies.
Describe the association between emotion states and traits (e.g., emotional stress, depression, anxiety, Type D personality) and acute coronary events.
Describe the importance of social relationships in examining physical and psychological health outcome.
Discuss cutting edge research at the intersection of positive psychological factors, physiology and health, including the testing of interventions.
Discuss recent findings related to the potential programming effects of prenatal stress on child development.
Describe psychosocial correlates of immune function and describe interventions influencing immune function.
Describe neural mechanisms that may contribute to disease risk.
Discuss effects of stress hormones on cancer progression.
What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?
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