Define the role of wellness and chronic care initiatives in 2009 health care reform.
Discuss the "true" implications to the US for having such a high population of obese people?
List steps the new administration can take to lead the charge in creating prevention programs.
Describe the impact of recent and potential legislation initiatives at both the state and federal level.
Identify strategies for changing our "environments" and creating optimal defaults for healthy weights.
Identify five developmental, evidence-based strategies for prevention of children overweight to be implemented in the primary care setting.
Describe a successful model for making prevention strategies a reality in primary care.
Describe how obesity impacts the bottom line of their business.
Discuss the stratification model of intervention from diet and exercise to surgery.
Demonstrate the need for the continuum of care (interventions), as one size does not fit all.
Examine Employers' views of wellness programs.
Identify the different means in promoting healthier living to employees.
Explain why it is vital that employers offer obesity prevention and wellness programs to their employees.
Anaylize employer sponsored health plans that offer Weight Management Programs.
Discuss the recent trends in obesity and diabetes in both children and adults.
Identify the fundamental, root causes of the obesity epidemic.
List the three main goals of the Healthy Youth for a Healthy Future initiative.
Describe children's eating behaviors are affected by health disaparities.
Discuss the US Department of Agriculture's challenge to corporate America.
Identify the four main places where the public makes food decisions.
Examine literature review results by intervention type: pharmacologic, surgical, behavioral and population.
Identify best practice programs to address obeseity/weight management in employer and health plan populations.
Assess the impact of programs addressing obesity and its associated co-morbidities.
Reivew sleep apnea and its relation to certain hormones.
Explain why sleep apnea is a contributing cause of obesity.
Discusds the downstream medical problems that result from untreated sleep apnea.
Discuss the bio-psycho-social drivers of eating important for the development of effective messaging and programs.
Identify the crucial decision points in the "Eating Cycle" that impact the way people manage their weight.
List three specific strategies to help patients develop a healthy relationship with food and activity.
Review eligibility criteria - understanding the nationally accepted guidelines and the appropriate approaches.
List strategies for educating employers on how to adopt these guidelines in their policies.
Demonstate how surgery can save on the cost of co-morbidites and improve employee productivity.
List strategies for positive intervention.
Discuss how health plans, community leaders and school systems are teaming together to promote healthier eating and living.
Explain how these program target children and adults.
Discuss why an integrated approach is necessary to fix this complex problem, since there is neither one cause, nor one solution.
Explain the need to engage multiple stakeholders as part of the solution.
Discuss how Kaiser Permanente's award-winning game, "The Incredible Adventures of the Amazing Food Detective" supports educators, family and the community.
Discuss using technology to engage young audiences in health education.
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
List any perceived practice "gaps" (educational needs/topics) which you would like to see the focus of future trainings.
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training be improved to impact your competence or practice?
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