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Describe the brain damaging effects of psychiatric drugs.
Discuss the evidence base for approaching behaviors most commonly identified as ADHD or ODD in a non-medical, non-pharmalogical model.
Evaluate the failure of the serontonin imbalance theory of depression to explain the rising rates of depression.
Outline the seven step family therapy model that allows parents to stop inappropriate behavior if they wish to do so.
Summarize principles of psychotherapy.
Analyze actual teacher-parent interaction patterns that are effective or ineffective in stopping inappropriate behavior.
Diagnose psychotic conditions in college students and identify etiological issues.
Evaluate relevant resources important to treatment strategies.
Discuss how to conduct treatment based on psychodynamic and developmental principles and employ strategies which flow from an understanding of the student's personal story and exogenous variables such as substance abuse.
Explain how the term "autism" came into being.
Summarize the history of and myths and purposefully "mystifications" surrounding autism.
List some of the possible man-made pollutants, such as thimerisol, aluminum, etc.. which may effect the rise in autism rates.
Discuss the importance of Arnold van Gennep's formulation of "the rites of passage" which has stood unchanged for 100 years.
Describe a model of depression that fits better the scientific data.
List solutions to depression that are not routinely part of mental health professionals' training.
Summarize the doctrine of informed consent, including what constitutes fully informed consent.
Identify the inherent weakness and destructive impact of the hegemony of biopsychiatry.
Summarize the philosophy and healing power of the 12 Step model of recovery.
Discuss the existence of and potential for intrapsychic healing and growth offered by the 12 Step program Emotions Anonymous.
Discuss alternative ways of conceptualizing relational injuries from an experiential constructivist perspective.
Summarize therapy process from an experiential constructivist perspective.
Identify the connections between Buber s work and experiential constructivist psychotherapy.
Explain biopsychosocial intervention (NET).
Compare medical protocols with medical protocols plus the addition of NET to a cohort of ADHD children.
Discuss the option of adding this protocol to the existing mutidisciplinary management programs for children with ADHD.
Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of buprenorphine for opioid dependence treatment.
Discuss the abuse potential of buprenorphine.
Critique the supposed efficacy of buprenorphine maintenance treatment for opioid abuse and dependence.
Discuss the pragmatic program elements that make up a community based treatment program and how these elements are used in relationship building.
Explain how building on a person's strengths can facilitate increases in self esteem and reduce symptomology, and how to provide these positive and theraputic experiences.
Name the necessary elements in creating a relationally suppotive community.
Discuss a new, non-biological, integrative model for conceptualizing the etiology of Panic Attacks and related disorders.
Articulate what factors predispose certain individuals, rather than others, to having repeated.
Describe several techniques for assisting clients with the self-reorganization necessary for the resolution of panic.
Discuss the current and relevant trends in mental health treatment and diagnosis.
Identify personal and professional paradigms utilized in treating clients with unhealthy lifestyles.
Compare various psychotropic medication and the imminent dangers that exist when administered to adults as well as children.
Identify the key issues of claim and counterclaim in the ADHD debate.
Explain the limitations of medical model intervention in relation to behaviour and educational performance of children.
Delineate a paradigm for the implementation of preventative and supportive interventions for children at risk.
Name the real causes of childhood disorders.
Discuss the concept that any child who is taught three essential values: love of reading, love of learning, and respect for authority willl never become ADHD.
Explain what can be done to change to improve the life of our most precious resource - our children.
Discuss the power of these principles and how easily they are set aside in favor of conventional, but inefficient and ineffective, educational approaches.
List the improvements made to the rites of passage since 1950.
Compare and contrast the underlying narratives of the rites of passage with those of the medical model.
List resources and concepts with which to apply these approaches to working with children with the identified behaviors.
Discuss an approach that they can offer to parents seeking a non-medical approach to ADHD and ODD.
Describe two significant changes in the FDA following PDUFA.
Compare evidenced-based practices with informed consent and explain how EBP is undermining informed consent.
List three examples of hidden corporate influence in so-called public interest campaigns or public initiatives.
Discuss the advantages of a facility like Novus over detoxing.
Describe medication spellbinding.
Describe the value of human services.
Analyze parent and teacher belief systems that allow children to continue to act inappropriately.
Explain how to apply principles of psychotherapy.
Evaluate psychotherapy.