NASPGHAN - Recognition and Management of Dietary Carbohydrate-Induced Diarrhea in Pediatric Patients Follow-Up Survey
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How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

By completing this form, you attest that you have attended the activity in its entirety.
I was able to use the strategies from the training to improve my professional performance.
My patient outcomes improved due to the implementation of the strategies I acquired at the training.

An example of information I was able to transfer to my practice from this training is:

I was unable to transfer information from this training to my practice due to the following barriers.

A 12-year-old patient Richard complains of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloating when he drinks soft drinks and eats most fruits. Which diagnostic evaluations should be performed to confirm this diagnosis?
What is the appropriate dose of calcium supplementation for Rebecca, a 7-year-old patient with confirmed lactase deficiency?

Sacrosidase is often a better treatment option than lyophilized baker's yeast because:

In a patient with confirmed CSID, at what age is it appropriate to attempt reintroduction of starches into the child's diet?

What is your profession?

Provide your comments and suggestions to further improve competence, performance and/or patient outcomes in future activities:
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