FOU - Moment of Change
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How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

What activities did you attend at the event?
By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
Please rate the following:
Overall quality of the conference.
The program was relevant to my work.
Content matched stated objectives.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Comfort of rooms.
Teaching methods were appropriate.

Session was well organized.

Session was well organized.

Session was well organized.

Session was well organized.

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Session was well organized.

Session was well organized.

Session was well organized.

Session was well organized.

Session was well organized.

Session was well organized.

Session was well organized.

Session was well organized.

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Pre-Registration Process
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Are you interested in receiving Intervention Certification?

The presenters were well prepared.

The presenters were well prepared.

The presenters were well prepared.

The presenters were well prepared.

The presenters were well prepared.

The presenters were well prepared.

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The presenters were well prepared.

The presenters were well prepared.

The presenters' teaching abilities were high.

The presenters' teaching abilities were high.

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Teaching methods were appropriate.

Teaching methods were appropriate.

Please rate how well the following objectives were met:
List the healing stages for children from addicted families.
State three important messages designed to deepen the healing process for kids.
Describe two strategies to help adults overcome their resistance to children participating in kids' programs.
Identify the diagnostic complications in the patient with addiction and chronic pain.
Identify non-opiate coping strategies for dealing with the pain patient.
Identify the safe guards necessary for those patients with addiction who must take pain medications.
Compare the BRI and BR-II levels of certification requirements with the Johnson Model.
List the specific educational requirements to maintain certification.
Assess for safety issues & utilize basic invitational techniques.
Identify the specific type of candidate for an intervention.
Identify the Stages of Change and how they apply to Intervention.
Discuss the underlying principles of family therapy, the competence of the natural support system, involving the family in Intervention.
Describe the underlying philosophy and principles of Transitional Family Therapy and the use of ARISE as a collaborative model for engaging substance abusers in treatment through their families and support systems.
Identify the ideology of sexual addiction.
Explain the treatment of sexual compulsivity.
Summarize the cycle of addiction as relates to sexual behaviors.
Explain the rapid changes that take place in the Addiction Industry.
Discuss the importance of the interventionist role, especially in the Chronic Disease Management Model.
List three alternative ways to motivate clients and staff.
Name three tools for practical integration of music and storytelling in facility settings.
Utilize three stress reducing techniques.
List the steps in starting a college program.
Describe what a typical college program client would look like.
Compare statistics of the success rates of college program clients vs that of those who just do 90 day treatment.
Discuss how federal legislation will lead to automation.
Describe the synergies between automation and care delivery.
Discuss how automation as a systemic change and not a computer.
Compare and contrast the three intervention models: Johnson, ARISE and Systemic.
Identify exactly which person is playing which role during an actual intervention.
Identify the spectrum of disordered eating.
Utilize therapeutic techniques that optimizes healthy recovery.
Explain the relevance of the results of ARISE and its implications for utilizing ARISE until Certified ARISE Interventionist criteria are met.
Explain how to adapt ARISE marketing materials for use in home community/agency.
Utilize the neurochemistry info in a systemic intervention.

Describe the history of women's treatment of alcoholism.

Describe critical issues that must be considered in evaluating the safety and treatment plan of the female client.

Develop strategies for creating balance and recovery.
Outline the development of neuroscience and patient motivation.
Explain how to assess for suicidiality.
Explain how to assess for homicidality and issues around duty to warn.
Write letters utilizing the Johnson Model Intervention.

Build an intervention with actual role play individuals from the session.

Discuss the AISCB Code of Ethics for Interventionists.
Outline the decision making process and issues when making a decision about what Intervention model to use.
Demonstrate a role play of an intervention from this session.
Summarize the history of Interventions.
Compare the basics of the Johnson Intervention Model and the Systemic Intervention Model.
Evaluate other types of Intervention strategies, ie, medical and legal.
Summarize the basic structure of the Systemic Model.
Define the basic concepts of poetry therapy.
Explain the general directives for how to write a Haiku poem.
Complete one Haiku poem.
Explain the difference between boundary violations and boundary crossings in the context of the therapeutic frame and underlying fiduciary relationship.
Name the various types of boundary violations, and the risk factors associated with a boundary violation.
Cite preventive strategies to help safeguard both professionals and the public they serve.
List examples of how adolescent females learn to act and manipulate parents, teachers, authority figures to negate consequences and structure.
List examples of how families, schools, countr systems and society treat females differently as compared to similar behaviors demonstrated by males.
Explain adolescent female behaviors and how they differ from adolescent males.
Explain diagnosis of female and appropriate treatment approaches and interventions.
Compare therapeutic programs and list the appropriate modalities each program must incorporate to successfully treat and maintain sobriety and a healthy lifestyle for these adolescent females.
Decide if the client’s family could conduct an intervention if they could not afford a professional interventionist.
List the differences in intervention by their drug of choice.
List the differences in intervention by in regards to age.
List several family intervention strategies and process.
Identify specific dynamics with in an addicted family system that indicate a need for a system-as-a-whole approach to intervention.
Summarize a generalized process of facilitating and/or co-facilitating a family system-as-a-whole intervention.
Describe the 3-Level ARISE protocol for coaching  Concerned Other members of family and support system who contact them concerned about a substance abuser.
Role play the telephone coaching protocol (Level I) using Concerned Others as collaborative link therapists and natural change agents for mobilizing the network until Certified ARISE Interventionist criteria are met.
Role play Level 2 and 3 protocols of ARISE until Certified ARISE Interventionist criteria are met.
Appropriately utilize genograms & pictograms.
Identify current trends and it's impact personally and professionally working with the adolescent population.
Identify risk factors and parental aspects that influence use with today's trends.
Compare an intervention process that is based on love and respect versus leverage or consequences.
Summarize the motivational intervention technique based on working steps and a systematic approach.
Discuss risk factors that must be disclosed to the family prior to intervening and understand demands by the public that are inherent in motivating intervention participants to attend and participate.
Identify which clients will best respond to the presented interventions.

Identify the role of the interventionist when working with the female populations and considerations to ensure the most positive outcome.

Compare the characteristics of the behaviors.
Explain how trauma plays a part in codependency.
Explain how to navigate through the criminal justice system where substance abuse is the core issue.
Describe best practices when working with prosecutors, defense lawyers and judges to achieve the best results for clients.
Summarize the etiology and neuroscience of compulsive sex on line.
Discuss the breadth of behaviors and assessments to be considered in clinical evaluation.

Explain how to assess and report child abuse.

Explain how to assess for safety issues.

Demonstrate appropriate reframing techniques.

Cite literature regarding Developmental Attachment Theories.

Discuss the impact of childhood attachment styles on adult relationships and intimacy issues.

Describe disordered attachment , intimacy patterns and addictive disorders within the family systems.

Define trauma and give examples of simple and complex trauma as well as signs and symptoms of and coping mechanisms used before resolution.

Describe the correlation between trauma and chronic relapse and multiple treatment episodes.

Define the correlation between coping mechanisms, such as eating disorders, compulsive sexual behaviors, substance abuse and trauma resolution and the process of recovery from these issues.

Explain how to take care of the professional.
Explain how to get Wall Street executives and CEOs into treatment for dual-diagnosis disorders.
Explain how to help your clients gain emotional discipline over volatile, stagnant, and/or stressful work or life experiences Help your clients handle droughts with optimism.
Explain how to help your clients turn setbacks into perceived challenges.
Summarize the historical perspectives of addiction treatment.
Compare past challenges of providing addiction treatment with today's.
Develop an addiction model which integrates various treatment approaches.
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One of the stages of healing for children of addicted familes is learning about addiction.
One of the differences between the BRI & BR-II levels of certification is the experience level, including number of interventions, time period, etc.
The Johnson & ARISE & Systemic models all include a family education component.
During an intervention using the Johnson model, the role of participant is played by students.
Under the Johnson model, someone during an intervention has to play the role of the client.
One of the similarities between the ARISE, Johnson and Systemic models is that they all work with the family system to get the addicted person into treatment.
One of the stages of change is pre-contemplation.
One of the protocols for coaching during the Level 3 ARISE includes debrief letters to remove anger, shame and blame and to include specific incidents(s)when drinking/drug use has had a negative impact.
One of the relevant results in the use of ARISE is that 55% of addicted individuals enter treatment at Level 1.
One way to assess for suicidality is to screen to determine if the person has recently given away personal items.
To assess for child abuse one factor involved is to determine whether there have been questionable emergency room visits with a child.
One of the AISCB Code of Ethics for Interventionists includes not taking kick-backs for referrals.
One basic structure of the Systemic model involves the Invitation.
One way to assess for safety issues is to review family history.
Genograms are helpful in explaining addiction in a family's legacy.
Neurochemistry involves telling about dopamine, a brain chemical.
Trauma plays a part in codependency due to the family members reaction.
One reframing technique involves softening the statement.
One way to take care of the professional includes spirituality.
One of the theories of poetry therapy includes cathartic release.
One of the roles of an interventionist using the Chronic Disease Management Model involves understanding that the intervention is not an end in itself. Success is predicated upon long term recovery, not beds filled.
Some of the criteria for sexual addiction treatment is loss of control, preoccupation and withdrawl.
Some of the practical tools for integration to maintain good emotional health are self care, a strong support system and incorporating a spiritual foundation.
Some of the characteristics used by the college program designed to treat dual diagnosis clients are goal setting, stress management, and increasing self esteem.
One of the basics of EHR's used to provide better care is the reduction of medical errors, largely result of legible orders that do not require transcription or human interpretation.
One of the characteristics of a family that could carry out an intervention without professional help includes the family being in crisis yet very well organized.
One dynamic in a family systems intervention technique includes intervention on co-despedency in the family.
One of the current trends for children is an increase in narcotic use.
One of the stages of motivational intervention includes the assessment procedure.
One of the most successful treatment protocols involves internalizing eating behaviors.
One of the clinical differences in assessing women is tolerance difference in women than men.
One of the tools to assist your patients in managing reactivity is revisioning.
One of the ways to advocate for patients to get alternative sentances includes outilining a treatment plan in lieu of jail.
One of the criteria for cybersex addiction includes relational disturbance.
One way to improve your ability to work with trauma includes developing an extremely detailed , trauma oriented, history of client from family/friends before the Intervention.
Bullish thinking involves teaching an individual to take control over self defeating thoughts that can cripple them emotionally and lead to unhealthy coping methods such as alcohol or substance abuse. This concept allows one to reframe these irrational thoughts by intervening with positive and evidential ones that may lead a person to take back control over stress and a feeling of helplessness.
You seek an interventionist to properly guide you on what to do, what to say, when to confront and how to address the issue of your family member or friend's addiction the right way.
Some characteristics of patients ready for an intervention using the Johnson model are behavioral changes in attitude, achievement, and attendance together with usage of chemicals.
Writing a letter using the Johnson model involves educating themselves as to what is the best content for the letter.
Are you likely to attend another Foundations conference next year? If yes, what locations and topics would you recommend?
What Intervention related materials would you like to see published?
Does Foundations Associates website (www.dualdiagnosis.org) meet your professional and personal needs? If not, what can we add to meet your needs?
Did the promotional information adequately describe the educational value of the conference?
Were your professional or personal expectations met during the conference?
How did you hear about the Conference? (Mark all that apply)
Please indicate your profession(s). Check all that apply.
What did you learn that you are likely to put into practice once you return to work?
How do you prefer to be notified of upcoming conferences?
Rank 1-4 the following reasons for attending the Conference according to importance. (4 being most important)
Networking with Peers
CE credits
Location of Conference
Mr question