APGNN - 2012 The Changing Face of Pediatric GI
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What activities did you attend at the event?
By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
Please rate the following objectives:
Understand how pediatric GI and nursing has evolved and is ever changing
Evaluate the therapies in multiple aspects of pediatric Gastroenterology such as gall bladder diseases, functional abdominal pain, liver disease and motility disease
Provide a intense workshop to develop a research project
Identify the roll pediatric GI nurses play in functional disease orders and educate nurses throughout the world

Expertise of presenter

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

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Do you have any speaker recommendations for next year’s course?
Do you have suggestions for future educational topics?

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

Expertise of presenter

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

Expertise of presenter

Please rate the following for speaker: Bethanne Reedy, PhD
Expertise of presenter
Effectiveness of teaching strategies
Effectiveness of teaching strategies
Expertise of presenter

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

Expertise of presenter

Expertise of presenter

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

Expertise of presenter

Expertise of presenter

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

Expertise of presenter

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

Expertise of presenter

Expertise of presenter

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

Expertise of presenter

Expertise of presenter

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

Expertise of presenter

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

Expertise of presenter

Expertise of presenter

Effectiveness of teaching strategies

How well did you achieve the objectives of this activity?
Identify significant milestones in nursing history
Describe the varying roles of nurses and dieticians in the feeding of infants and nurses over time
Recognize contributions of pediatric nurses to the care of babies, children and families since the late 1800’s
Identify at risk patients with gallbladder disease
Understands the pro/cons to available imaging modalities
Role of medical therapy and endoscopic diagnosis and treatment
When to refer to surgery
Identify patients who may benefit from low FODMAP diet
Describe the common characteristics of the FODMAP carbohydrates
Explain how FODMAP carbohydrates can contribute to IBS symptoms
List probiotic strains that are proven to be beneficial in IBS
Recognize common food sources of FODMAPs and identify appropriate substitutes to maintain a healthy diet
Review the potential therapies and outcomes for autoimmune diseases of the liver and bile ducts
Review the differences between AIH, PSC, and the overlap syndromes
Understand the autoimmune diseases of the liver and bile ducts
Understand the Bio-Psycho-Social model for chronic abdominal pain
Learn the difference between functional and organic causes of abdominal pain and be able to generate a differential diagnosis for each
Develop an approach to patients with chronic abdominal pain, the role of the primary health care provider and when subspecialty referral should be made
Identify opportunities to teach in the third world countries
Discuss differences in the Nursing care and standards
Experience the overall culture of the people that live in Kenya and Zanzibar
Identify differences in hospital settings
Identify an appropriate question or issue in pediatric gastroenterology that is of interest to the specific attendee and formulate a hypothesis to be tested
Formulate a specific plan to answer the hypothesis in terms of a research project
Verbalize resources related to funding options to assist with the project and develop a proposed budget based on the plan formulated
State the definition of the term “self hypnosis” and describe how it can be particularly useful in pediatric GI patients
Discuss the basic history of pediatric self hypnosis and recommendations for training in the field of hypnosis
Describe the basic steps of teaching self hypnosis to the patient and how it relates to the developmental level of the child
Describe feeding methods in premature infants
Discuss rationale for use of breast milk in premature
Compare the nutritional needs of premature infants vs. term infants
Verbalize resources related to funding options to assist with the project and develop a proposed budget based on the plan formulated
Formulate a specific plan to answer the hypothesis in terms of a research project
Identify an appropriate question or issue in pediatric gastroenterology that is of interest to the specific attendee and formulate a hypothesis to be tested
State the definition for severe obesity in US children and adolescents
Describe the co-morbidities and mortality risk in young adulthood in adolescents with severe obesity
State the adolescent bariatric surgery referral guidelines
Identify 3 reasons to refer a patient for colonic manometry
Identify 2 findings on colonic manometry
Identify 2 reasons unsedated manometry is preferred over sedated
Identify 1 reason when sedated manometry is preferred
Understand what comprises the gut microbiota and why it is important for human physiology
Describe techniques used to study the gut microbiota
Explain how manipulation of the gut microbiota can be useful to treat gastrointestinal disease
Describe the classic presentation of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
Identify key behavior on History that is likely to distinguish Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome from Cyclic Vomiting
Briefly describe the impact that a multi-disciplinary abdominal pain team can have on children with functional GI disorders (FGID)
Discuss the differential diagnoses and how this “zebra” was diagnosed
Describe the treatment options and decisions for this diagnosis
Define the Rome III diagnostic criteria for Adolescent Rumination Syndrome
Discuss the differential diagnosis of Rumination Syndrome
Discuss the pathophysiology of Chiari malformation
Describe Health Care in Bhutan
List major health problems of children in Bhutan
Describe how Bhutanese culture impacts health care

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

How well do the objectives above relate to the Purpose/Goals?

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