Define the core clinical principles of the LENS approach so that the central elements, issue, approaches, and practices make sense to attendees.
Discuss how to start and stop LENSware, and manipulate the essential controls.
Explain how to conduct an initial evaluation.
Discuss the LENS basics principles and practices.
Discuss Sensitivity and the Reactivity/Suppression/Hardiness/ and Behavioral Suppression questionnaire.
Discuss components of LENS Applications as related to the above concepts in the Sensitivity questionnaire.
Discuss topographic maps.
Discuss EEG suppression through the use of the suppression maps, showing site sorts according to the coefficient of variation.
Explain the use of the Report Generator in relation to mapping, data management, and treatment planning.
List elements of the considerations of customizing the LENS applications for those of different degrees of sensitivity.
Describe different types of sensitivity as a biological and perceptual trait, rather than as the culturally familiar one of reactivity, and detail the consequences of different types of sensitivity as they interact with different components of the LENS approach.
Describe the incomplete resolution, energy as it pertains to anxiety and seizure spectrum problems. and the use of the trait of hardiness.
Define the International 10 - 20 system Electorde Placements System.
Explain how the practitioner uses the basic principles of learning theory during each treating session with a client.
Identify the common EEG findings in children who have a diagnosis of ADHD.
Define the core clinical principles of the LENS approach so that the central elements, issues, approaches, and practices make sense to the attendees.
Discuss how to conduct an initial evaluation.
Discuss sensitivity and the reactivity/suppression/ hardiness/and behavioral suppression questionnaire.
Discuss components of LENS applications as related to the above concepts in the Sensitivity questionnaire.
Discuss several aspects of EEG suppression and suppression mapping.
Define the term "Brodmann Areas" and describe their general location on the cortex.
List potential side effects of NFB and of BFB with an emphasis on over-breathing.
Define "z-score" and explain how z-scores are used in EEG assessment and training.
Explain the rationale for identifying electrocerebral abnormalities.
Identify the different types of commonly seen abnormalities.
Explain the link between ischemic migraine and paroxysmal discharges.
Discuss the importance of the integration of the primary reflexes and be able to teach some the movements to their clients in order to better integrate these reflexes.
Discuss the benefits of the integration of the primary reflexes for learning and attention span.
Discuss the sequence of the movements in order to be better prepared to teach them to their clients.
Describe biological markers of psychiatric and neurological conditions.
Explain the physiological meaning of different ERP waveforms such as MMN, P3a, P3b, P3 NOGO etc.
Describe independent components analysis as the method of artifact correction.
Discuss the potential for side effects and adverse reactions from neurofeedback.
List steps that practitioners can take for liability protection.
Discuss the important role the primary-reflexes rhythmic movements in the neurodevelopment of the CNS and the benefit in using these movements as part of a neurotherapy intervention in order to mature the brain.
List different QEEG subtypes patterns in those with Autism and Asperger and review new research on QEEG Guided and Mirror Neuron Neurofeedback effects with ASD on behavior, communication, socialization and brain imaging.
Discuss time-frequency domain analysis technique that is used in quantifying error processing in PTSD.
Discuss the research setup of simultaneous fMRI/EEG neurofeedbak.
Discuss brain mechanisms underlying the mental state of relaxation guided by EEG neurofeedback.
Explain how to improve EEG protocol based on new discoveries related to brain networks.
Discuss protocol and disorder specific EEG and behavioral outcomes extracted from a 30-session course of theta-beta neurofeedback for adult ADHD.
Describe the best way to assess if adult ADHD patients are able to learn to slef-regulate neurofeedback parameters and determine if mastery of this skill correlates with core symptoms changes.
Discuss biological markers (MRI, fMRI, PET, EEG, QEEG, ERP) markers of psychiatric and neurological conditions.
Discuss new studies of applying this new methodology for diagnosis and treatment of different psychiatric conditions.
Discuss the prospects of slow cortical potential neurofeedback in the treatment of adult ADHD.
Discuss the neural and behavioral effects of action video games experience.
Discuss the associations between pain and EEG bandwidth activity and the implications of this for providing neurofeedback pain treatment.
Discuss BCIA Certification.
Describe the NeuroSky MindWave headset, including its current availability for EEG games and its underlying EEG bandwidth platforms.
Explain the potential benefits, as well as limitations, of the current MindReflector systems.
Discuss responses and reactions during Beta testing with the four MindReflector protocols.
Discern the problems inherent in randomized controlled trials and blinding issues in researching operant conditioning and behavioral modalities.
Discuss common flaws in published research in the field and learn how to avoid them.
Disucss basic research methodology in neuromodulation such as rTMS and neurofeedback.
Discuss the symptoms and neurophysiological findings associated with autistic disorders.
List available treatments, especially alternative one's.
Describe how to start to integrate knowledge of symptoms and neurophysiology in the formation of neurofeedback protocols.
Discuss principles of effective learning regimens including arousal, reward and reward scheduling, feedback, and variety as well as the neuroscientific bases for this principles.
Discuss how these principles are effectively implemented in modern commercial video games.
Describe a framework for utilizing the knowledge in their own domain of interest.
Discuss instrumentation including: impedance versus resistance, differential amplifier, sampling rates, high and low pass filters.
List and discribe common artifacts including: eye movement, muscle tension, cardiac, cardioballistic, electrode movement.
Describe normal and abnormal waveforms.
Describe neurofeedback paradigms and their published clinical results.
Discuss QEEG results of neurofeedback therapy in clinical terms.
Discuss combined methodologies using selected cases of live z-score, amplitude, and sLORETA methods.
Explain the neurogenic theory of depression.
Describe the mechanism, efficacy, and side effects of first-generation antidepressants.
Discuss the behavioral alternatives of HRV biofeedback and neurofeedback for depression.
Describe how the default mode network and the posterior cingulate cortex's role in it.
Describe EEG correlates of physical, sexual, and.or emotional abuse.
Describe the relationship between a history of abuse and perpetrators of abuse.
Discuss the dynamics of addiction as a brain disease.
Discuss the role of neurofeedback as an adjunct therapy for successful addiction recovery.
Discuss the history or evolution of addiction treatment practices from the early treatment attempts to current State of the Science.
Explain the role the autonomic nervous system in regulating cardiovascular function.
Discuss the regulation of the sympathetic nervous system in patients with heart failure.
Describe the role of biofeedback in treating patients with heart failure.
Discuss the relation of slow cortical potential neurofeedback in the treatment of adult ADHD and unspecific/placebo effects.
Discuss spatial attention deficits in autism, and about assessment of spatial attention in the Posner cued attention test in a autism and typically developing individuals using event-related potential technique.
Discuss the evolutionary perspective of health and healing.
Discuss the damage of stress immobilization syndrome.
Discuss the important role of somatic/body factors affecting and being effected by neurofeedback.
Discuss the principles of functional neuroimaging methodology.
Identify key brain regions and circuits involved in emotional responses and stress response.
Discuss the application of functional brain imaging methods in study of psychiatric disorders.
Discuss helping students and mentoring.
Discuss updates on Autism.
List the primary symptoms observed in Asperger's Syndrome.
List differences between Autism and Asperger's.
List symptoms to the Neural Networks that are most likely to be involved.
Discuss ethical dilemmas that may arise in the clinical and research setting and gain resources to aid in formulating ethically sound decisions.
Describe a problem, determine whether there is an ethical issue or dilemma, Identify and rank key values and principles, gather and process information.
Discuss barriers to entry for peak performance populations.
Discuss background literature in neurofeedback and sports performance.
Discuss constructs neccessary for implementing neurofeedback in an athlete population.
Discuss normative EEG patterns of horizontal and vertical integration of brain networks.
Discuss symptoms changes to EEG patterns in trends screens.
Explain how to use trend screens to evaluate need for changing protocols.
Discuss the application and effectiveness of Z-score surface/LORETA 19-electrodes NFB in the treatment of neuro-psychiatric symptoms.
List reasons why initial NFB training over central midline structures, based on QEEG and LORETA assessment findings, is likely to produce improvement in some of the core symptoms of people with symptoms related affects such as anxiety, and to executive functions such as attention span and concentration.
Describe a neural pathway from the heart to the thalamus that may influence production of SMR.
Describe the most likely effect on cortical function of doing transcortical direct current stimulation with the anode placed over the left prefrontal cortex and the cathode over the right orbit.
Describe the current evidence regarding applicaiton of LORETA biofeedback to health behavior promotion.
Discuss the varying neurophysiological affects that Neurofeedback and HBOT may have on autistic symptoms and brain functioning.
Explain why slow cortical potentials feedback can reduce seizures.
Discuss design problems of long term follow-up study.
Discuss slow cortical potentials training protocol in a behavioral medicine setting.
Describe how continuous performance tasks (CPT) are conducted.
Describe how brain function is related to CPT performance.
Discuss glucocorticoids, EEG and LORETA current source density differences in depression.
Identify the relevance of neurofeedback training to sport performance applicaiton.
Identify basic elements or compounds which have been identified to affect CNS functioning and behavior.
Explain how neurotoxic agents can manifest their effects adversely in the course of a lifetime.
Discuss the manner that body burden levels of neurotoxic agents can influence qEEG findings and thwart Neurofeedback protocols.
Discuss the structural brain changes (grey matter and white matter) induced by neurofeedback training.
List the primary symptoms ovserved in Asperger's Syndrome.
List differnces between Autism and Asperger's.
List reasons why initial NFB training over central midline structures, based on QEEG and LORETA assessment findings, is likely to produce improvement in some of the core symptoms of people with Asperger's.
Discuss the sympoms and neurophysiological findings associated with major neurodevelopmental disorders.
Discuss available treatments for these childhood difficulties.
Explain how to integrate knowledge of symptoms and neurophysiology in the formation of neurofeedback protocols.
Explain how to use QEEG to help identify characteristics of ADD and Aspergers in athletes.
Discuss Neurofeedback & Biofeedback techniques to improve attention and performance in sports.
Discuss how other supplementary techniques combine with Neurofeedback & Biofeedback with athletes.
Explain how to use the LORETA analytic software to choose ROI's for training.
Discuss recent functional network research to develop neuro feedback treatment strategies.
Discuss the results of QEEG and LORETA analysis as a means to decide the kind of training, ZScore/sLORETA/traditional inhibit-enhance training, that would be most effective for the client.
Explain the time domain measures and the frequency domain measures of heart rate variability.
Describe the blood volume pulse and electrocardiogram methods for monitoring heart rate variability, to identify common sensor placements, to describe tracking tests. and to recognize common artifacts.
Describe how to design an HRV biofeedback training session.
Describe experiments using live emotional cues and simultaneous brain recordings showing emotional responses in the brain.
Discuss the principles of emotion responses in the brain based on published research Interpret live brain activity recordings showing motional responses in the brain.
Explain the current state of research on the use of real-time fMRI neurofeedback to attain volitional control over brain activity and associated mental functions.
Discuss cross-frequency modulation between frontal and parietal cortices in ADHD and normal controls.
Describe the current state of research on the application of Neurofeedback to stuttering.
Explain how Neurofeedback can potentially be used to improve the outcomes of traditional speech therapy.
Describe ways that heart rate variability biofeedback impacts physiological recovery from a cognitive stressor.
Identify the OchsLabs, Inc. Quality and Study Manager.
Describe two underlying physiological events that contribute to the LENS effects.
Describe on advantage and one disadvantage of the presence of EEG suppression.
Describe some neural regions, personality differences, and benefits associated with positive affects vs negative affects.
Discuss protocol and disorder specific EEG and behavioral outcomes extracted from pre/post continuous 20-channel recording of EC, EO, active listing task following a course of theta-beta neurofeedback for adult ADHD.
Discuss frontal deficits in autism and understand how rTMS and neurofeedback can be used to improve these deficient functions in children with autism.
Discuss neurological patterns in persons diagnosed with FASD.
Identify types of treatment options available for FASD.
Identify other interventions to improve functioning and support within families with FASD.
Discuss basic procedures to apply this protocol for the treatment of Speech Impediments and replicated in order to validate it.
Discuss special equipment and signal processing requirements for low frequency training.
Disucss the process of optimum frequency tuning.
Discuss whether infra-low frequency training is appropriate for the participants practice.
What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?
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