Please rate the expertise of the speaker - Shirley Beckett Mikell.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers Philip McCabe and Elijah Nealy.
Please rate the following questions:
The program was relevant to my work.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker - Shirley Beckett Mikell.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers Philip McCabe and Elijah Nealy.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Corinne Gerwe.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers Gerard Schmidt and Cynthia Moreno Tuohy.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Stephanie Covington.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Larry Ashley.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Patrick DeChello.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Anne Balboni.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Tennie McCarty.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Jeff Wilbee.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Donna Corrente.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Ariel Johanna Cohen.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Cynthia Moreno Tuohy.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Paul Klontz.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Andrew Moynihan.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Sandra Felt.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Susan Campling.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Stephen Wyatt.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Marian Eberly.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Harris Stratyner.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker David Houke.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Mike Blackburn.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers Bill Puddicombe and Kevin McEneaney.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Mark Greenberg.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Tommie Ann Bower.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Jerry Moe.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers Luis Sanchez and Douglas Gibson.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Sam Todaro.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Robert Weiss .
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Robert Mooney.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Ray Daugherty.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers Paul Lemieux and Patrice Muchowski.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Josiah Rich.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Madelyn Bryson.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Jane Eigner Mintz.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers Lois Hollow and Kevin Keefe.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Stephen Sideroff.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Michael Miller.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Michael Fishman.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Mark Schwartz.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Robert Barkin.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers Marlene Warner and Jim Wuelfing .
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Randal Lyons.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers Donna White and Vanessa Sullivan.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Noni Eden.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Nancy Johnston.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers David Rosenker and John Lieberman.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Michael Botticelli.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Melissa Lee Warner.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers David Delapalme, Richard Henry, Nadya Mikdashi, Mark Publicker, Bill Puddicombe amd John Trolan.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker John Ishee.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Jack Kuo.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Arthur Trotzky.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Rokelle Lerner.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Karen Miotto.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Robert Ackerman.
Please rate the expertise of the speakers Stephen Ryzewicz and Steven Fischel .
Please rate the expertise of the speakers Michael Weiner, John McIlveen, Donald Mullaney, Naelys Diaz, E. Gail Horton and G. Ed Pigott.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Rosemary Wentworth.
Please rate the expertise of the speaker Lucy Marrero.
Teaching methods were appropriate.
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Corinne Gerwe.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers Gerard Schmidt and Cynthia Moreno Tuohy.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Stephanie Covington.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Larry Ashley.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Patrick DeChello.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Anne Balboni.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Tennie McCarty.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Jeff Wilbee.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Donna Corrente.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Ariel Johanna Cohen.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Cynthia Moreno Tuohy.
Pleaes rate the teaching ability of the speaker Paul Klontz.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Andrew Moynihan.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Sandra Felt.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Susan Campling.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Stephen Wyatt.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Marian Eberly.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Harris Stratyner.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker David Houke.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Mike Blackburn.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers Bill Puddicombe and Kevin McEneaney.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Mark Greenberg.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Tommie Ann Bower.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Jerry Moe.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers Luis Sanchez and Douglas Gibson.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Sam Todaro.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Robert Weiss .
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Robert Mooney.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Ray Daugherty.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers Paul Lemieux and Patrice Muchowski.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Josiah Rich.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Madelyn Bryson.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Jane Eigner Mintz.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers Lois Hollow and Kevin Keefe.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Stephen Sideroff.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Michael Miller.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Michael Fishman.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Mark Schwartz.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Robert Barkin.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers Marlene Warner and Jim Wuelfing.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Randal Lyons.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers Donna White and Vanessa Sullivan.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Noni Eden.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Nancy Johnston.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers David Rosenker and John Lieberman.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Michael Botticelli.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Melissa Lee Warner.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers David Delapalme, Richard Henry, Nadya Mikdashi, Mark Publicker, Bill Puddicombe amd John Trolan.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker John Ishee.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Jack Kuo.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Arthur Trotzky.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Rokelle Lerner.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Karen Miotto.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Robert Ackerman.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers Stephen Ryzewicz and Steven Fischel.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speakers Michael Weiner, John McIlveen, Donald Mullaney, Naelys Diaz, E. Gail Horton and G. Ed Pigott.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Rosemary Wentworth.
Please rate the teaching ability of the speaker Lucy Marrero.
Please rate the speakers responsiveness to questions:
Please rate the speaker's responsiveness to questions.
The program content matched the stated objectives.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Discuss medication-assisted treatment.
Identify the benefits of Employee Assistance Programs (EAP’s).
Discuss how systems can affect the work of people at service delivery level.
Identify the special needs of male clients/patients in the treatment and recovery of addiction.
List useful and effective outcome collection strategies to prepare for NOMS and the impact of pay for performance incentives.
List the healing stages for children challenged by family addiction.
Describe current approaches to assessment and monitoring physicians.
Review the steps necessary to establish an EAP (Employee Assistance Program or MAP (Member Assisted Program).
Identify and manage cases involving sexually addictive and cybersex addictive behavior patterns.
List three positive diagnostic criteria of an alcoholic.
Identify why it is important to differentiate dependence from alcoholism/addiction in clinical work.
Discuss the role an eating disorder plays in a clients life.
Discuss the impact of mental health and wellness on employee productivity.
Review the different models of Employee Assistance Programs.
Discuss the necessary steps to implement a EAP or MAP program.
Review structure, partnerships and outreach as they relate to the success of a program.
Discuss the pros and cons of different types of programs.
Demonstrate how the use of a unique combined therapy modality can help patients.
Discuss the necessary steps clients need in order to begin the healing process.
If you have additional comments regarding the session or speaker, please use the space below:
Comfort of the educational rooms.
What did you like about the conference?
What would make the conference better?
Do you believe this activity:
increased your professional knowledge?
will increase your professional competence?
will result in performance changes in your professional practice?
was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
will result in your ability to improve your practice?
List any perceived practice "gaps" which you would like to see the focus of future trainings.
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of the new information from this training?
Do you wish to receive information from CCSAD affiliates?
Additional comments: