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MOD - Beyond Labels: Reducing Stigma Related to Maternal Health and Substance Use Disorder - September 6, 2023
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How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

How many credit hours did you complete?
By completing this form, you attest that you have attended the number of hours you have indicated above.
Was the educational content of value to you?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
If no, Tell us how...
Did you perceive any commercial bias or influence in the educational content?
If yes, what...
Did this program improve your Skill or Strategy in your role or contribution as a member of the healthcare team?
If no, why not?
Do you believe your participation in this activity will positively impact your healthcare team?
If yes, how?
If no, why not?
Tell us how well or poorly we met any of the educational objectives
Do you think what you learned will benefit you in your practice?
If yes, how...
Tell us what was good or bad about any part of the educational activity, content, speakers, materials, anything
What questions are you having in your practice that you would like to see addressed in an educational activity?
Have you attended a training about reducing stigma in maternity care before?
If yes, based on what you saw today was there anything in this Beyond Labels Stigma Reduction Toolkit Orientation that was different from previous trainings?
If yes, please provide details.
Did you learn anything new from the Beyond Labels Stigma Reduction Toolkit Orientation?
If yes, please provide detaiils.
Based on what you saw today, is the Beyond Labels Stigma Reduction Toolkit relevant to the needs of your organization?
Please explain:
Based on what you saw today, which component from the Beyond Labels Stigma Reduction Toolkit are you most excited to engage with?
Based on what you saw today, is there anything you would add to the Beyond Labels Stigma Reduction Toolkit?
If yes, please provide details.
The Beyond Labels Stigma Reduction Toolkit Orientation is specifically focused on labels related to maternal mental health and substance use disorder. Are there any additional topics you would be interested in a toolkit focused on to reduce stigma in maternal and infant health? (e.g. stigma around perinatal loss, preexisting health conditions, postpartum depression, birth defects, STIs, vaccines, etc).
If yes, please list topics:
What do you believe is needed to increase awareness of stigma at your organization?
May we contact you for further feedback to help us improve the orientation training, user guide, and Beyond Labels Stigma Reduction Toolkit through a survey and/or focus group?
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