Describe background and techniques for qualitative research that can help generate new hypotheses and research questions for the study of human behavior.
Apply skills and insights for effective grant writing among early career investigators.
Describe basic principles of user centered design in the creation of technology based behavioral interventions.
Identify theoretical rationale for interactive group-based orientation sessions prior to randomization.
Describe the prevalence of traumatic events, (including sexual assault, domestic violence, elder abuse, and child abuse) and the common physical, psychological, and social consequences associated with traumatic events.
Describe how interactions with the healthcare system personnel can be healing or harmful to trauma survivors.
Summarize how routine screening, trauma-informed care, and a “universal trauma precautions” approach can improve services and outcomes for survivors.
Identify critical ways in which HIV stigma undermines health outcomes among PLWHA, and blocks HIV prevention efforts among people at risk of contracting HIV.
Analyze challenges that may occur in culturally adapting an evidence-based intervention, including the potential conflict between maintaining fidelity to original intervention and adapting the intervention to meet the needs of the cultural group.
Describe the current role of the FDA in food labeling oversight and regulation.
Identify the ways in which intensive, purposeful mentoring can facilitate increased representation of underrepresented groups in heath disparities research and practice.
Examine the reasons for non-psychiatric clinicians’ reluctance to screen for distress.
Describe the new small changes theory and treatment methodology.
Define integrative medicine and describe the growth of this interdisciplinary field in the last 13 years.
Summarize the latest research findings in area of falls, frailty, and dementia.
Identify areas of potential collaboration between behavioral and integrative medicine, including the study of mechanisms by which interventions impact health and well-being.
Summarize the latest techniques for measuring fall risk and dementia using in clinic techniques and free living measures.
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient outcomes?
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What questions do you have from your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?
What patient/client problems or challenges do you feel you are not able to address appropriately or to your satisfaction?
What problems are your patients/clients communicating to you that need attention or follow up?
What additional features would you recommend adding to the poster sessions, if any?
A main goal of the annual meeting is to provide opportunities for networking. Do you have suggestions for how we could improve this aspect of the meeting?
Please suggest companies or organizations we may want to invite to exhibit at future annual meetings. (Please separate each with a comma ",")
Please suggest organizations that you would like to see SBM join with for future annual meetings. (Please separate each with a comma ",")
What cities would you most like to see as future SBM sites? (Please separate each with a comma ",")
Do you plan to attend next year's annual meeting in San Francisco, CA?
Please provide any and all suggestions for improving the annual meeting. We welcome your input!
How many SBM annual meetings have you attended?
How did you find out about this year's meeting? Check all that apply.
If you answered "Other" to the above question, please elaborate:
What other professional organizations do you belong to? check all that apply.
If you answered "Other" to the above question, please tell us what other association(s) you belong to:
What professional conferences or conventions will you attend in calendar year 2012 other than SBM? (Please separate each with a comma ",")
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