Describe the participant expectations and actions to be taken by teams in this collaborative.
Summarize the needs assessment that are the basis for the Collaborative.
Describe the methods for development of the change package.
Describe the leading practices that identified the five strategies in the Collaborative Change Package.
Discuss the patient experiences that drive the need for improved patient safety efforts.
Describe how to use the improvement model to test changes.
Identify three change concepts that promote safe medication-use systems and optimal health outcomes.
Identify strategies to work as an effective team in meeting project goals.
Discuss how the use of the Baldrige Framework can improve all indicators of performance.
Describe the data collection component of the Monthly Senior Leader Report.
Describe methods to develop and test Change Package action items.
Sunmmarize three approavches to improving Clinical Pharmacy Services.
Identify the barriers they faced and how they overcame them.
Describe three methods to use data to drive improvement in patient safety and health outcomes.
Describe three ways to integrate providers and setting to produce safety and optimal health outcomes.
Summarize three approaches to engaging patients in your medication-use system.
Describe and test the use of the PDSA cycle to implement change.
Discuss the leading practices in Clinical Pharmacy Services.
Describe the role of the Knowledge Management System in meeting team and collaborative goals.
Identify two leading practices that can lead to a team's success.
Summarize two approaches to communicating with peers and staff.
Describe two methods to test effectiveness of clinical services as part of a healthcare team.
Describe two methods to form partnerships by aligning and leveraging resources.
Identify the two data methodologies to guide improvement in safe practice processes and results.
List two approaches to including clinical pharmacy services in a multi-professional team.
Create two methods to institutionalize safe medication practices and monitoring procedures.
Summarize two approaches to develop culturally appropriate provider competencies.
Identify two tools available for engaging patients and how to use them.
Describe two methods to make meeting and events more effective and productive.
Describe two methods to organize and manage your improvement outcomes.
Describe how implementation of the change package will have an impact on team success.
Summarize multiple on-going support opportunities for teams during collaborative and how to access them.
Summarize five actions the team will test during Action Period 1.
Identify leading practices that expand resources available to the team.
List two PDSAs team plans to complete to achieve their aims.
Create two strategies to organize state organizational support for teams in the collaborative.
Identify leading changes planned by teams during action period.
Desscribe two measures of our success during action period.
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
If you answered 'No' to any of the above questions, please explain:
List any perceived practice "gaps" (educational needs/topics) which you would like to see the focus of future trainings.
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training be improved to impact your competence or practice?
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