Discuss the flaws in current payment models.
Identify the dimensions of high quality care.
Discuss the potential impact of the Medical Home.
Discuss integrating national norms on quality and cost metrics to shape business strategies and make superior decisions.
Discuss the value of standards in improving data quality.
Describe the link between shared decision making, information technology and improved health care quality.
Discuss how to overcome barriers to implementing a successful P4P program.
Discuss the current gaps in cardiovacular recognition.
Review the ACC's approach and recommendation to recognizing quality at the cardiovascular practice level.
Review the benefits of collaboration vs. competition and utilization of a peer-to-peer network to make progress.
Discuss the practical approaches to implementation.
Create and link a Balanced Scorecard framework to a health system's management practice.
Describe how to enhance a hospital's ability to track and monitor trend results and related initiatives in operation and functional areas, such as quality and finance.
Dsicuss the practical approaches to implementation.
Define a patient-centered medical home.
Describe the evidence examining the association between the medical home and changes in quality and cost.
List strategies to overcome challenges to widespread adoption of the medical home model.
Discuss options for paying the cost of EMR implementation.
Describe how Pay for Performance programs will integrate with professional society quality initiatives.
Discuss payment for secondary use of data for quality and research.
State the main areas of conflict between hospitals and health plans on pay for value.
Discuss strategies on how to approach hospitals and health plans so that they can collectively improve healthcare quality.
Cite strategies to prepare for medical home implementation.
Identify the critical compoments of the practice and care team transofmration.
Discuss specific strategies and tactics to encourage physician involvement in evidence-based care.
Describe the dynamics of collaborating with third party payers around quality and evidence-based care.
Identify potential roadblocks to successful strategies.
Describe how higher quality leads to improved outcomes and ultimately drives market share and the bottom line.
Identify key drivers that will enhance hospital quality improvement.
Describe key ingredients for success in creating a medical home.
Describe the TransforMed NDP as it relates to the creation of the medical home.
Identify potential barriers in creating a medical home.
Describe how member engagement improves quality of care.
Dsicuss P4P systems in place and their comparison to BTE.
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